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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand last won the day on June 30 2018

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  1. Again. The Steele Dossier is as relevant to the multiple convictions and guilty pleas obtained by the Mueller Investigation as Juanita Broaddrick contradicting her public statements to law enforcement is to Clinton's impeachment (or, for that matter, some alleged shady land deal in Arkansas).
  2. Hannibal Lector. He led The A-Team. Murdoch. Should have been in Soul Asylum. Mr. T. Loved tea so much.
  3. No, "we" all did not condemn political violence and it was pointed out here. Only one of the two major parties' presidential candidates at the time, Joe Biden, condemned it. Multiple times. Donald Trump hasn't and likely never will being that is a major attraction for his Rambo fantasy-having base.
  4. Great Replacement dude in GOP War Room: "Well, just replace the Fuck Joe Biden merch with Fuck Kamala Harris merch. ... Shit!"
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