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Everything posted by Longhorn94

  1. Getting Washington would make the sting of losing Wilson go away. Smith, Whittington, Houston, and Washington is probably better than last year's WR haul.
  2. hey, i waited three games into the season before making my completely unprofessional and biased call! seriously, kid is a stud. my favorite thing is he is probably the most competitive LT QB since Baker.
  3. I think Manafort details the Russian gameplan for Georgia and Ukraine. And then explains how he was put into place as Trump's campaign manager to execute that same gameplan in the US. Working with Cambridge Analytica, Russian hackers, micro-targeting crucial voters, lock her up there, etc... I think he lays bare how it all planned and how it worked to perfection. I think he also says something about how the Russians communicated to him that Trump was part of the team and would be good to go in much the same way as the "business" guys they ran in Georgia and Ukraine. That's my best guess and my hope... I also think the same info will come out about Brexit. And then I think Russia will be sanctioned back into the stone age.
  4. Ok, I am ready to say that Hudson Card is going to be a great QB at LT and will be unstoppable in Herman's offense. His arm has gotten a lot stronger, he is accurate with his throws, is making the right reads and is quick and elusive on his runs. He is 6'2+ and growing. Against Austin Bowie (the second or third best team in LT's district), Hudson Card threw for 350+ yards, 4 TD passes, 65 yards rushing, 1 TD rushing IN THE FIRST HALF. Here are some highlights:
  5. I am looking for 1 in lower section preferably East side and willing to pay $100.
  6. I think the debates will play out in a way that both sides claim victory. Cruz is a smart humanoid. He fares poorly when bullied. He probably has flashbacks to his schoolboy days of being bullied on the playground. Trump was the perfect foil for Cruz's national champion debate skills. Beto will be smart and compassionate and caring. He will come off like he always does and show well for himself. Cruz will show to be the fake human he is, full of one liners and mountains of i know whats best for you condescending tones. I dont expect the debates to move the needle one way or the other.
  7. exactly. if Mueller is able to prove that Russia did this and a new Congress and President are in place, the sanctions could be so severe it will force Putin from power. The only person that should be more concerned about Manafort flipping than Trump is Putin.
  8. the end game is Russia. Trump is just the next stop on the way.
  9. i cant wait for Trump to come down and campaign for Cruz. its going to be so much fun watching him campaign while his former campaign manager is rolling over on him again, and again, and then again. wonder who will be indicted and flipped next.
  10. just donated to Beto again. i blame willie nelson and his great catalog of music.
  11. holy crap...who hasnt Mueller flipped in Trump's circle? Manafort - check Gates - Check Cohen - Check Flynn - Check Trump Org CFO - Check National Enqurier - Check Am I missing someone? Stone - ? Sessions? Pence? Short of knowing the final result, this investigation has been more successful than I ever thought it would be. It's unbelievable Mueller's team has been able to flip all of the above. Whatever they didnt know before, they know now.
  12. Listening to Willie Nelson this morning in honor of his support of Beto.
  13. This isnt acceptable. Accepting it as part of the game and that both sides do it is HOW we got Trump. It wasnt like this before. It all changed with Newt and was made worse by Reid and then worse under the Turtle. We have to go back to a more civil time, where there are moral and ethical lines that neither side crosses, where there is civility and respect from and for both sides, where we value fellow Americans more than the fuckin Russians, where our politicians do their jobs even if that means losing an election, where we demand they do the right thing for us, our children, and our grandchildren. We can be better than this. We ARE better than this. You can be part of the solution or you can keep on with the BUT BOTH SIDES! and continue to be part of the problem. But most on this board, and most are former republicans, have had enough. No more. Fuck this shit. If you cant at the very least be a moral and ethical person then fuck you, you dont belong in office of public trust. FUCK BOTH SIDES bullshit. We are either going back to a more civil, ethical time or we are flying this bitch into the ground.
  14. so now its BUT DEMOCRATS! lets stay focused on the worst political party in our lifetimes: the current GOP and their rampant immoral behavior and conduct. for the sake of our country, i hope the current GOP (Trump's party) is put out of its misery sooner rather than later.
  15. A Brave New World. Pretty good so far and a little scary how much more realistic it is than 1984.
  16. i dont know if he "knows" any but he claims to have had sex with one at least twice.
  17. Ted Cruz IS tofu. Seriously, what the heck is tofu? No one knows. I think its science. It's unknowable. The same with Ted Cruz. He is about as definable and knowable as tofu. just a big old bland scientifically unknowable tofu born in Canada who sometimes visits Texas when his tofu ass is forced to do so.
  18. yeah me too. and to Brisket's point, of course Jesus wouldnt align himself either way. I was joking to make a point that if you truly follow Jesus's teachings its hard not to align with the causes more readily embraced by the Democrats.
  19. yeah well ok.... but... SHE.HAD.EMAILS! Did i do that right?
  20. That's ok. Jesus forgives them for their greed and has grace for them.
  21. Yes he does and then he wants you to give most of it to those less fortunate.
  22. I dont understand people that think this way. I was raised Baptist and am now a Lutheran. We attend church every Sunday with all of our kids and are active in our church leadership. Its clear to me as a Christian that Jesus would have no choice but to be a Democrat. He dedicated his whole life to serving the poor. To helping others less fortunate. He wasnt interested in material wealth or success. He wanted to help provide medical care to those who could not afford it. He traveled around the countryside giving speeches and educating the public. He literally lived and died for every single thing the Democrats stand for and are passionate about. Abortion? If you don't think Jesus would have led the way on improving sex education and adoption services so women wouldn't have to go through such an agonizing situation, then you don't know Jesus. Yeah, Jesus is/was a dirty liberal. To think otherwise would require one to deny every single message Jesus taught during his life.
  23. no, no, no, you dont understand. see she had EMAILS on a private server. see. that takes care of THAT! next.
  24. Nah. Beto is going to kick his lily white Canadian Cuban Ass!
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