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Everything posted by Longhorn94

  1. Maybe, but Im not sure how I could be an idiot for sharing what Wilson has said both privately and publicly.
  2. Given our offense's performance over the last few years, I wouldn't say Wilson's comments make him an idiot. I disagree with him but I understand where he is coming from.
  3. I dont think Mehringer or Beck is a problem for Wilson. It is my understanding it has more to do with his lack of belief in the offense as a whole and whether the offense will be good enough to showcase / develop his skills for an NFL career.
  4. i kinda like the show but really wish more would actually happen. and would it be that hard to actually have a character that i like or cheer for? camille is a depressed, alcoholic, cutter. her little sister is the devil. their mom is the anti-christ. the step-dad is a cuckold. the kc cop is eh. the sheriff is an idiot. the rest of the people in the town all voted for trump, i am 100% sure. i mean there is nothing compelling about the show. it is filmed in flashbacks, current, flashforwards, dreams, shaky cam and every other possible way to make it hard to follow. and yet, i keep watching. i think i will blame it on my wife... and the hope Amy Adams gets to actually look like Amy Adams.
  5. it was a good first episode. i am in. but damn, how can LT and UT be better run than an NFL franchise? I wouldnt let Hue Jackson be the head coach of an LT youth football team. i was surprised Baker came off as a half-way decent human being.
  6. wait so tax cuts DON'T pay for themselves? huh...
  7. I wouldn't say "always wrong" but certainly more than my fair share...
  8. i have good news and bad news. Good news: Wilson is not interested in Aggy. Bad news: Wilson is still solid to OSU unless Urbs is fired. In Texas news, yes, Mehringer told Wilson he was better than all of our current receivers right now and would be a starter at Z or X from day 1. It did not have the intended effect on Wilson or his parents. Good thing for Texas that Coach Naivar is Wilson's lead recruiter and has a great relationship with Wilson and his parents. I believe in Naivar. But think we need a little help from OSU along the way and beating USC would probably open the right eyes and ears.
  9. I am currently sitting at a resort in Newport Beach enjoying a nice glass of Pinot Noir. I get back in town on Saturday and have dinner plans with people close to Wilson's recruitment. I should have an update shortly thereafter. I can tell you that Texas is the only school Wilson continues to listen to despite his public outbursts. Obviously odds are still heavily in favor of him attending OSU regardless of Urban's challenges but the only school with a chance is Texas.
  10. You sir are FAKE NEWS! Everyone knows that MS-13 is the biggest threat to the American way of life! You must be one of those ANGRY Democrats who support MS-13's efforts to bring more crime, more rape, more abortions, more fake news, more voter fraud, more brown people coming in through open borders destroying our white way of life and generally but also specifically you and MS-13 are against every part of the American (and Russian) way of life!!!!!
  11. wow... nothing to see here.... move along, move along.
  12. my god.... you can hear how timid and afraid he is to answer that question. he never once called russia out or blamed russia. he blamed the US directly multiple times. the best he could do with regard to russia was to "both sides" it! unbelievable...
  13. that mofo is gonna win...
  14. Strozk destroyed Gowdy and in doing so, destroyed the entire preposterous idea that the investigation is tainted.
  15. i donate to Beto's campaign and volunteer as well.
  16. I dont disagree. Wilson is fast enough but not a speed burner even at the high school level. He isnt even the fastest kid on LT's team. He is more of a polished receiver than an athletic freak. His hands, body control, route running and timing are all elite. And that is what makes him great now. His speed is good. His size is good. If he can continue in college to get separation through route running and his understanding of concepts and coverages and then use his timing and hands to bring it down, he will continue to shine and excel. But like everyone else, it will get tougher for Wilson as the DBs covering him become elite athletes who are faster and taller. Houston on the other hand is a Wilson starter kit with more natural athletic tools but has a long way to go to be as polished and finished. And because of those tools, he projects to the college game better than Wilson imho. Given their current status, Wilson is easily than safer bet. He has the higher floor. But Houston has the higher ceiling and hopefully our coaches can develop that raw talent into something special.
  17. Finished Siddhartha. Really, really great book. Lots of inspiration and definitely affected the way I look at life. Now, I am reading All Quiet on the Western Front.
  18. Garrett ran a PR of 11.38 in the 100m during his soph season. Houston ran a 10.7 during his soph season. I saw Garrett with a PR 4.61 in the 40, down from 4.76 from 2017. Houston is considerably faster than Wilson. Whether Houston becomes a better receiver or not is still up in the air. Wilson is really, really polished. But there is no doubt Houston has the higher upside and the better physical tools moving forward.
  19. while i think Garrett Wilson is a better high school receiver, I think Houston will be better at the college level. They are very similar in size and the way they play the position but Houston is .5 seconds faster in the 100m than Wilson. Garrett is more polished at this point while Houston is more raw. I think Wilson is a high floor with a slightly higher ceiling player while Houston has a lower floor and higher ceiling.
  20. this sounds vaguely familiar but i cant quite place it...
  21. Siddhartha pretty interesting book on man's search for meaning.
  22. he is different but the same, but different.... but the same.
  23. i dont know about yall but, call me crazy, i know this will surprise most of you, but Card looks pretty good to me!
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