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Posts posted by Goredho

  1. 8 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    It's not just schools.  Most businesses I have dealt with over the last 4 years are completely out of fucks to give.  Honestly, I would say its gotten somewhat better over the last 6 months, or maybe I am just adjusting.


    Yeah, I see a lot more general workplace apathy from the onset of covid on.  Great resignation, quiet quitting, etc...

  2. 10 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Except right now we're not doing much to help Ukraine, thanks to our congress. 

    Vote accordingly and help others weigh their political options.

  3. 3 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Lol we're not doing shit in Russia. They fuck with our elections, they fuck with us on soccial media and sew discord, and we sit back and let it happen. 

    As long as we are helping the Ukraine, we are doing shit to harm Putin and Russia.  We've got a good old fashioned proxy war going on, and I love it.  Reason #1238918123 to vote for Biden/not vote for Trump.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 2 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    At an early age, I absorbed and followed the Pareto Principle.  The 80/20 rule.  It explained so much to me that was all around me.  

    But I follow a different path nowadays.  Thirds.  About 1/3 of the adult population votes for Donald Trump.  About 1/3 of the adult population sits out elections.  And of the 74 million voters for Trump, we see that about 1/3 are just straight R-ballot clickers/Chamber of Commerce/country club Republicans.  Call 'em whatever you want, but they've always voted this way and they will continue to vote that way.  I know y'all think they're idiots, but most of 'em are decent folks who just pull that lever no matter what since Goldwater.  1/3 of his voters came out of the woodwork, that's how he won.  They finally felt validated and got a seat at the big kid's table of political engagement.  They'll fade back into obscurity after he's defeated and/or dies (despite a few mass shootings).  It's the middle 1/3 that puzzles me.  The folks that are civically engaged and vote, know what Trump is up to and all about, and still vote for him anyway.  That's the 1/3rd you have to worry about.  Most of them are fairly educated and people of faith, so how do they come to terms with their adoration of this man?  That's the thing we still don't understand after a decade.  Mike Johnson and Donald Trump and their ilk, they get 1/3rd straight ticket voters.  No point in over-analyzing it, just always gonna happen.  They get 1/3rd racist morons that feel their twisted value set is just kosher.  Was bound to happen as things change, and most of them will go away.  But that middle 1/3rd, what is their rationale?  They're not the morons you think they are, they had to justify in their heads.  And it was more than just owning the Libs.  And the fact that we simply do not understand, despite the research, how they came to these electoral conclusions worries me more than who they voted for.  What else are they capable/incapable of?  What happens next?  

    From a voter perspective, I think Trump has some people that always will vote R like you describe, but I think he's also galvanized a loose confederation of people unhappy with the way things are or the way they are going.  These voters are the citizens of rural areas clinging to a dying way of life.  The small business owner who is struggling to make it against the Walmarts and Amazons.  The Christian who views any abortion as murder.  The dumbfuck fan of wrasslin' who never voted before 2016 until he was labeled a deplorable.  The conservative parent appalled when their kid comes home from school one day and says I'm gay.  And yeah, the wealthy who want their tax cuts above all else as wells as the hardcore racists who want to see white power preserved, white nationalists who want to see immigrants shot, incels who think women exist to serve their man, etc...

    He has managed to get all those disparate and seemingly incompatible people to act together politically.  But they are not natural allies.  They are allies of desperation united behind a fucking moron awful human being.  I won't call him a moron, because he undeniably has a gift for spearheading a populist movement that should not be underestimated.

    I think the biggest failing of Trump's opposition to date is that they have not found a way to drive wedges between those disparate groups of unnatural allies.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  5. On 3/19/2024 at 7:32 PM, NaTeWHO said:

    You guys sent me down a rabbit hole and this is where I ended up. I'm sure it's been posted, don't care.


    So much better than fucking kpop

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 7 hours ago, Daddy Fat Sax said:

    What is your preferred economic system for a society? Almost every single one of your posts has an anti-Capitalist flavor. 

    Your post is off topic and bereft of entertainment value or insight.

    The only remarkable thing about it is that you have managed to craft something that is a more catastrophic failure than the Boeing 737 max.


    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  7. We should offer DJT a sweet Pablo Escobar prison deal.  He "surrenders" to authorities for a prison term, but he gets to design the prison with all the amenities he wants at the government's expense.  Provide him with an Aggy engineer to formalize his plans.

    This will ensure that he dies when the prison inevitably collapses on top of him.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Bevo said:

    Microplastics in arteries linked to increase in heart disease risk

    Microplastics and nanoplastics are everywhere – even in the fatty deposits called plaque that can build up in the arteries and cause cardiovascular disease and strokes. Researchers have found that in people with evidence of microplastics in the plaques, or atheromas, in their carotid arteries, the risk of heart attack, stroke or death was four-and-a-half times higher than in those whose plaque didn’t contain plastic.

    Went looking for a source, found this:

    • In a three-year study, having microplastics and nanoplastics in artery-clogging plaque put a person at nearly five times higher risk for having a stroke or heart attack.
    • Experts say the mounting evidence showing an association between microplastics and poor health outcomes does not show causation, but the findings are alarming enough to warrant much more research.
    • Virtually every person on Earth has been exposed to plastic. It’s becoming clear that tiny fragments of this plastic are becoming part of the human body.

    https://www.health.com/microplastics-clogged-arteries-heart-attack-stroke-8619660#:~:text=After adjusting for factors that,within the three-year timeframe.

    But there may be a bright side.  Maybe it will finally eliminate the stigma of sex with...


    • Haha 2
  9. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    There aren’t. There are plenty…just not nearly enough.

    Maybe.  If what happened with the Republican party happens with the church, you will be 100% correct.  He comes in, is his asshole self and drives decent people to say "fuck it, I'm out."  They leave the institution.  What's left are people that applaud when he shits on the dais and like that, he's now in control of the institution.  Sure, it may be weakened, but it still influential and holds some power.  More importantly, since he controls it, it is no longer an institution that could oppose him.  Do that with enough institutions, and...  you know the rest.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 10 hours ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

    Forgot to add there's a whole industry of 3rd party accessories for Teslas. You can modify/customize almost anything, no other EV comes close. 


    9 hours ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    You can modify the huge strapon with MAGA stickers elon is fucking you with


    7 hours ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

    I have no idea why you guys are so tough on Elon, he's just asking questions trying to get to the truth.  

    You are totally a butt pirate.

    • Haha 3
  11. 47 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    “Pro wrestling culture” is spot-on and I’ve been saying the same thing since 2015.

    Trump was essentially cutting extended wrestling promos at his rallies. And his rank and file acolytes received it like wrestling fans. I remember one article in which a CNN cameraman reported that the crowd jeered him throughout a rally but, afterward, several attendees approached him to say what a great job he was doing. It was like they thought the Trump’s whole attack on the media was just a WWE storyline and each side was just playing a role. I’ve seen the same exact behavior from fans at a live wrestling show. Which might explain why Trumpers are unbothered when confronted with evidence that Trump doesn’t truly believe what he says. That’s not jarring to them because they instinctively believe he’s just playing a role. 

    The problem occurs when and if fiction starts morphing into reality. That Trump might not believe, for example, that the media is the enemy of the people will be cold comfort if his crowd internalizes the fictional narrative and persecutes the media on his behalf. 

    Yeah, I've had similar thoughts.  That Trump is basically a political "Stone Cold" Steve Austin with a kayfabe sticking it to "the man" schtick, and it resonates with people that feel (rightly, wrongly, its sorta immaterial) that they have been fucked over by "the man" as well.  Trump cleverly manages to lump in anyone who threatens him into the collective "man" that is holding all his aggrieved followers down.


  12. 20 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I think there might be a thread somewhere, but I can't find it.  I saw the trailer for "Civil War" last night when I went to see Ghostbusters.  Um, how supremely irresponsible is this?  Do they not understand how many dipshits this is going to further radicalize?  Unless there is some obvious plot dynamic wherein the right wing morons that start this "civil war" are mercilessly slaughtered, I'm not sure how hollywood thought this was a good idea.

    It’s just good old free market capitalism at work.  Capitalists are really only responsible for consolidating and increasing capital.  It only seems irresponsible if you care about things other than money. 

  13. On 3/23/2024 at 6:06 PM, Francisco 2.0 said:








    1.  MAGA types hate Rona McDaniel.  She isn't viewed as one of them.

    2.  As the Venn diagram of "Republican", "Conservative" and "MAGA" condense to a single circle, "RINOs" like Rona are going to be hard up, especially if they are blacklisted everywhere outside of that.  Probably deserved, leopards eating faces, etc.... but...

    3. If someone formerly enabled Trump and MAGA but now feels compelled to work against them, it is in my family's best interests for them to find a place to do that.  I have no idea if that is what Rona was going to do, but we are in an immediate existential crisis for the country as we have known it.  If she's willing to help prevent a complete Trump takeover and establishment of a MAGA federal government, then I don't care what she did two, four, six years ago.  I want her help to keep Trump out of the White House now.

    4.  A whole lot of people benefit from citizen outrage our country's internal strife, and they are not all part of the MAGA movement.  Media across the political spectrum has a particularly strong profit motive in promoting war vs peace.

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