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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Goredho

  1. 4 minutes ago, honolulu horn said:

    The biggest misstep Trump had with covid was surviving it. 

    Something we can all agree on!

    1 minute ago, Captainant said:

    Trump's anti-vaccine rhetoric turbo-charged the antivax movement, and we're now seeing the re-emergence of polio and measles. It's now political to be vaccinated or not. 

    Trump made it political. 


    I don't think he should be held criminally liable for COVID deaths (and maladministration is really hard to prosecute), but he shouldn't be fucking let off the hook as you're suggesting.

    How many people were harmed during Covid from injecting themselves with bleach as Trump suggested might be a treatment?  How many injected themselves with horse paste as was circulating online as a proper treatment?

    I know a ton of people that didn't vaccinate, didn't mask up and didn't social distance, and it had absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump.  And Donald Trump being wise, sensical and Presidential would not have gotten them to carry themselves otherwise.  They didn't vaccinate, mask up or social distance because they exceeded some critical threshold of stupidity and/or distrust of government that allowed them to fall victim of a digital grass roots movement promoting conspiracies, lies and misinformation online.

    One thing I think is under appreciated here is that it is not Trump leading these people astray.  He's their figurehead, but these people were already fucking astray.  And to the degree they've been led there, they've been led by their pastor, their family member, their friend, the community around them telling them, "Hey, you need to be aware this is going on" while passing them some bullshit meme, blog post, YouTube video or the content thereof.  It is at least as influential in their mental context as a steady diet of Fox News.

  2. I knew it was going to be a popular take.  I think there are a shit ton of people in this country that are a dangerous combination of A) stupid and B) irrationally distrustful of things like the federal government, science, medicine and education.  They were both consumers and purveyors of disinformation related to the pandemic and they are who made the pandemic what it was in this country.  They are who filled the covid death stat sheet for the US.  They were going to be stupid, distrustful and not follow guidelines and mandates regardless of who was elected in 2016.  Do you all honestly think Joe Dirt would have happily practiced social distancing, masked up when out and taken the vaccine like a good citizen if Hilary Clinton or Joe Biden was in the White House being all Presidential and shit?  Fuck no.

    Has the Republican party done a lot to ensure we have an unhealthy population of manipulatable idiots that are irrationally distrustful of societal institutions like government, science, health care and education?  Absolutely.  But Donald Trump wasn't involved with the Republican Party before 2015 or so and the post I responded to stated Donald Trump should be held criminally liable for covid deaths in the US.  I still completely disagree.  January 6th, yes.  Georgia vote manufacturing pressure, yes.  Covid deaths, no.

    • Rage+1 1
  3. 11 hours ago, BevoAbyss said:

    In a sane America, Trump should have been in jail by the end of 2021 for:

    1) His role in the insurrection


    2) His role in trying to overturn the Georgia election (it's recorded!)


    3) His role in enabling hundreds of thousands of Covid deaths. (Sure seems like involuntary manslaughter or criminal negligence, according to various definitions of the concepts).

    And yet, here we are, three years later and a Democrat Attorney General is twiddling his thumbs... in the face of a fascist takeover by an insurrectionist who enabled hundreds of thousands of deaths.

    No need to hurry....nothing at stake.

    I agree 100% with #1 and #2.  I disagree about #3.  Trump's public displays of leadership during covid were about what you could expect from a reality TV star running a superpower during a no-shit global crisis, but covid was going to come to the US and kill a million plus no matter who was in the white house.  And for all of his public fumbling, Trump largely allowed "the deep state" to do what they had planned for this scenario.  Even if he just kind of left a lot of the actual response to the states, lockdowns and mask mandates happened, and a vaccine got developed and deployed in a pretty astonishing feat of governmental and industrial cooperation.  A lot of lives were saved as a result of those efforts directed primarily by federal technocrats like Fauci and other public health officials below the federal level.  Neither Trump or Biden had much to do with it.

    The movement against vaccines and public health measures to deal with covid didn't come from the oval office and seemed largely grass roots to me.  If anyone is to blame for that, its probably social media companies and their algorithms to amplify content among clusters of the population regardless of its veracity and nation states unfriendly to the US that would have seen it as another great opportunity to sow discord amongst our citizens using their varied means.

    • Like 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, Rimbo said:


    You sell a bunch of shares you don't have (short selling), planning on buying them later (covering). If everyone's shorting a stock at once, the sells drive the stock down; they then all might end up covering at once, making it go up slightly, also known as the Dead Cat Bounce.


    Trading Places' ending is downright educational. Winthorpe and Valentine give the Dukes a fake crop report, making the brothers think there was a shortage of oranges, so the Dukes start buying a lot of shares, expecting the value of OJ to increase greatly once the report is made public. A bunch of traders see this, and try to get in on it, driving the price up. Then Winthorpe and Valentine start short-selling once it gets high enough -- they don't have any of these shares, yet, they just grab a ton of money on shares they promise to buy in the future, suddenly driving the price down a little bit, alerting the Dukes that something is wrong.

    Then the actual report gets read, and everyone realizes they're holding overpriced OJ shares, and start selling it off, driving the price down like crazy. Once it gets to a fraction of its starting price, Winthorpe and Valentine cover, buying back at a fraction of the price all the shares they'd sold. In the end, W&V pocket a shit-ton of money and own most of the OJ market, and the Duke brothers' assets get seized to cover their losses.


  5. One of the greatest in one of my favorite bands, and it is still kind of mind blowing he probably wasn't even the best guitarist in his own band.

    Gonna be playing In Memory of Dickie Betts on the guitar tonight.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 11 hours ago, RPM said:

    This was solid gold.


    The government winds up... delivers the pitch... Trump swings... and misses!  That brings the count to two and three...

    ...million five hundred sixty eight thousand four hundred ninety three.

  7. 1 hour ago, sheeeit said:

    I can not stop laughing.  I saw a tiktok about this and just assumed it was a joke or some instance where Biden just slurred his words a little bit and they guessed about what he said.  Now, quite high, I decided to check it out.  Holy shit.  The POTUS, figuratively the most powerful person in the world, just said, with a straight face, that he believes his uncle was a pilot eaten by Aboriginal cannibals when his plane went down during WW2.  Its impossible but it isnt.

    Even if we give him him the most gigantic benefit of the doubt in human history that this was some family story passed down through the years and so he just repeated it, it is still unbelievable.  How do you ever say that to the press?  Ubder any circumstances?   A 10 year old can google it and see that his uncle was not the pilot and that the plane went down over the ocean.  There was an actual fucking survivor that told the story.  It is impossible that Biden did not know the true story at one time.  He is ful blown senile.  No person in any way still cognizant would ever say or do that.  I kind of feel bad for him and Jill must be one tough woman. 

    I guess maybe I am really high because if I am presented a situation where the only options for POTUS next year are Biden, Tump or RFK, I actually think RFK might be the best option.  And he is a terrible option.

    This POTUS election should make us change the rules of the game going forward regarding politics.  The system is great but the current rules allowed it to be gamed.  There is no other rational explanation.  We have some of the very best and brightest and capable people in the world in the US.  Hundreds of thousands of them.  But our POTUS will be one of 3 of the worst choices we could make.  That is only possible in a rigged game.

    He drives you crazy

    OOOH!  OOOH!


    • Haha 4
  8. 22 hours ago, Hate said:

    Now what if he is right about 15 Federal agencies not speaking up about what they knew…if these allegations are true?

    If they are true, produce the evidence.  Currently, the only thing presented in this thread is a political op-ed piece stating this as fact.  I think it mentioned documents proving all this?  I would love to read them.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  9. 1 minute ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Always seemed like you need a functioning brain to play the position. Guess not. Must be more of a savant thing. 

    I think quarterback intelligence boils down to the ability to quickly proceed through a decision tree under duress, which isn't the same thing as general intelligence.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. 13 hours ago, dcbc said:

    At a certain point, long ago, I started buying the American-made Fenders and Gibsons because I could always resell them and not take much of a hit, particularly if I bought them used.  Spending more out of the gate tended to yield more when I grew tired of it and wanted to sell.  The problem eventually became that I liked what I bought and didn't want to sell it. 


    My only recent experience buying a guitar made in China was a beautiful, Gold-Top Casino.  What a looker.  But that damned thing sounded like I was playing a cigar box.  The only time it sounded good was when I ran it through my cranked Victoria Bassman. But everything sounds good through a cranked bassman.  I think the lesson for me was, as with most things, try it before you buy it.  But I've gotten luckier far more often with American-made Fenders and Gibsons buying sight-unseen.  YMMV.

    Always best to play before you buy if you can.  I live 2 hours from the nearest gear store, so I tend to try to buy used at a used price, have it shipped to me, treat my ownership as an extended demo, and if I ultimately don’t like it, I sell for roughly the same used price and the shipping costs and reverb cut are my rental/demo fees.  That holds true for all brands, but it might take longer to resell something that doesn’t have Fender or Gibson on the headstock.

    I really think quality control is something that varies on a brand by brand (maybe even factory by factory?) basis.  I agree there’s a good standard of quality from USA Fender and Gibson.  I’ve also seen really good QC from PRS SE line, Eastman and Reverend which are made overseas but set up and inspected in the US before they go to retailers.  Reverend in particular is probably my favorite ~$1000 new “value brand”.  Absolutely on par with US made Fender and Gibson in terms of quality, playability, tone.  I’d have no qualms buying any of those other brands sight unseen.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. On 4/14/2024 at 10:04 AM, Brisketexan said:

    I’ll say it again: Elon is an actual fucking idiot. He’s not smart. He is stupid as hell.

    I think he had a combination of vision and tolerable sociopathy that made him a successful CEO for quite awhile.  I don't know what happened, but something has robbed him of that vision, and all he has left is an increasingly intolerable sociopathy.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. On 4/1/2024 at 8:13 AM, Celery Man said:

    I'm actually a little curious about some of the.... "not just cheap" guitars being built in China. Not really for me because I'm a corksniffing asshole who is as much a collector as a player (and so I'm almost not even interested in owning a Collings much less some offshore brand with no historical provenance), but I keep seeing Eastman, Recording King, Blueridge, etc guitars pop up and I think that they are supposed to offer high quality instruments out of China. I don't really know much (and for example, I only *think* that some of the Recording King models are maybe of a higher grade than their cheaper stuff?), but i'm curious and I know that the Eastman guitars have a pretty solid rep. I have some shoes that follow the model - these aren't cheap, they are quality craftsmanship and materials and marketed as such, but made in China so not as expensive as the American brand. Maybe doing luxury manufacturing with good QC out of China is a new trend generally.

    Missed this one.  I've owned an Eastman slope-shoulder Gibson J45 knockoff and a 335 knock off.  Both were great for just under a grand each at the time.  I've played some J45s and owned a couple of 335s and I'd say they were roughly on par with a Gibson standard equivalent.  They are made with a similar level of care and quality of component.  They don't hold value like a Gibson, but if you buy used, someone else has already taken that hit for you.  I ultimately sold them, but it was not because they sucked.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. Its been awhile, but a 1970 Martin 00-18 came across my radar.  That's my birth year, so I took it as sort of a cosmological sign that I was meant to have the guitar.  Its not mint or anything, pretty much player grade with some wear and bracing fixes.  I am getting the bridge reaffixed (it showed signs of starting to lift), but should be able to pick it up next week.


    Here's a video the owner sent me.



    • Hook 'Em 4
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  14. Yeah, I kind of expected Wolfgang to just be EVH's kid riding his dad's name to some notoriety/cash, but he's a hell of a multi-instrumentalist and a pretty damn good song writer with his own thing going on.   I mean, he'll pay homage to his dad and drop some killer guitar work that sounds a lot like his old man, but that's not his only or main thing.  I'm glad he's out there making his music and creating his own shadow.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  15. On 4/11/2024 at 11:04 AM, Hard Times said:

    Fake Dump trying to kiss ass. Everyone knows he's really thinking, damn, get me outta this place. Of course that's the only place he can afford to eat.


    Dark Brandon needs to spoof this.  Make a social media video of Biden at a "Trump Rally" getting hugged and lauded by white trash in full MAGA regalia.  Have the camera catch him slipping one of them $100 at the end.

  16. 49 minutes ago, GenXer said:

    In the primaries a few weeks ago, I had two lengthy discussions with the republican primary candidate, Steve Kinard, about what Colorado is doing. He was not aware of it but was pretty enthusiastic about the idea. I sold him on the idea. I wouldn’t be surprised if he included it in his platform.

    I sincerely hope he was sold as you say and that there is enough support from others in the Texas state government to make it happen.

  17. 3 hours ago, GenXer said:

    Meanwhile the bill introduced 3 years ago that would allow people to purchase prescription drugs online from Canada gathers dust. GQP should embrace this bill because competition.

    I was quoted $5000 to fill one of my two insulin prescriptions a couple weeks ago because my insurance company wouldn’t cover it. But why would they? For profit healthcare is best.


    You should move to Colorado.  Seriously.


     https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb21-1307#:~:text=Current law establishes a %24100,prescriptions the person may have.


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