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Everything posted by fellside

  1. I feel welcome now that the cold pizza crowd is out. While we're on it, cold leftover steak quesadillas are pretty dang good too.
  2. fellside


    I met Patterson at a TCU coaches clinic a few years ago. He made a joke about wishing he could just focus on X's and O's and wouldn't that be the dream to just coach defense. It was in the context of dealing with recruiting and all that comes with running a program. I'd imagine he's quite happy right now. Even being a DC somewhere would require him to go kiss up to 17 year old kids and their parents. Patterson is a pretty awkward dude. I'm sure he sees never having to do a home visit the way a college graduate sees never having to take a final exam again.
  3. Hutson gave up 2 sacks already. Jones already gave up a sack and looked rough on a few other pass plays. I'm actually less worried about Banks against Bama than I am the right side of the line. Banks looked solid although there were some run plays he looked a little lost and didn't touch anyone. The positives from game 1 (playmaking TE for the first time in forever, Overshown looking his best, Sorrell providing a rush, Banks, DBs looking pretty good) far outweigh the negatives. But the Angilau injury and Cam Williams not being ready to replace Jones are going to be huge against Bama.
  4. So now they get Ewers, Banks, and either Campbell or Hutson to see with the 1s today. Not an Anwar fan, but now that he's pointing out the same thing weeks later, I don't know how we can jump down his throat for it.
  5. The extra episode was fantastic. I was wondering how they would do the third book since it's just a collection of disparate fables, and doing a bonus episode is a smart way to do a couple of them. Also it seemed like the most frame-for-frame copy of the comics other than episode 6.
  6. The show is pretty damn faithful to the comics. Some scenes are word for word. Episode 6 in particular was one of the best adaptations I've seen. Sorry you don't like black people man.
  7. Halfway through the season. Really hoping this gets renewed because I'm enjoying seeing it come to life, and the best Sandman stories are in the later volumes.
  8. The original graphic novel had a transgender character. It also portrayed Desire as genderless. In one volume, Dream manifests as a black man who falls in love with a woman in ancient times. Characters appearances change all the time in the comics depending on the time period and location. The person who wrote the graphic novel was also one of the show runners. Also, one character was changed to a female because Netflix didn't have the rights to John Constantine. There is nothing at all to be angry about.
  9. I meant those specific players. And Chaisson and Okudah might be firsts but I don't think they're very good at football.
  10. I know a couple of them were 1st round picks, but what a terrible group of recruits.
  11. A lot of talk about the girl being hateable but that dude working on donuts while everyone else is freaking out working their ass off? After being told explicitly to work on prep? Way worse imo. But to be fair that character is a lot less realistic and lacks anything resembling self awareness.
  12. Cowboys apparently have two alternate white helmets. I guess the modern one will be worn with the color rush jersey with the blue shoulders.
  13. I did the Bonnells curbside meal for the first time yesterday and I don't regret it. I figured it wouldn't be up to par with his normal stuff because it's cheaper but everything tasted incredible.
  14. Just got back from a trip there. I went to London, Liverpool, and Edinburg in 11 days. London was fun but probably my least favorite of the three. Everything was cool but I honestly felt like after the 4th day I was kind of done with it. Keep in mind it was historically hot so that might affect my opinion. Liverpool was surprisingly really cool and a fun city to grab a drink in. The people there are just super nice and as soon as they hear your accent, they want to talk. My affection for The Beatles and Liverpool FC probably make me like it more than some. Edinburg is great and we should have spent more time there. Every single person I met in the way up told me I should go to Glasgow and insisted Glasgow was more fun. Just relaying that.
  15. Leaving Edinburg right now. Heading to London where it's about to be 101 degrees somehow. Namaste Katmando had really good poppadoms and dumplings. Didn't get to spend much time there because I spent Saturday at the Open. Would love to go back soon.
  16. I got brunch there a few months ago and everything was cold. They have some grilled cheese of the month thing though and apparently that's been good.
  17. Turned my phone off all day yesterday cuz I'm at the lake cabin in Maine. Thought I'd check Surly real quick before bed and ended up scrolling through news of 5 commits for about 8 pages of this thread. Obviously I know what I have to do. Phone will be off again all day today.
  18. It seems like Brunson really wants to be the guy controlling the offense. Kevin O'Connor mentioned Brunson slipped said something to that effect to him earlier this season and his dad basically came out and said it. On the one hand I get it. Who wouldn't want to be the man? On the other hand it gives me big Devin Harris vibes. Have fun for a season but your game isn't multifaceted and the league will figure you out real quick if a team is depending on you too much.
  19. Detroit went from fewest assets in the NBA to Cade, Ivey and Duren in 12 months. Pretty good.
  20. Love this trade. 18 and 10 guy. 39% from 3. And we gave up nothing.
  21. Went there last week. They played exclusively early 2000's emo punk, had decent beers, pretty bad wings, and bad service. Fort Brewery, Hopfusion better spots for a group hangout.
  22. Fuzzys for sure uses feta on tacos.
  23. Feta cheese smells (and I can only assume tastes) like cat vomit and all these Texas bbq and Mexican joints putting it on beans and tacos to seem impressive should just stop already.
  24. Hurtado's in Arlington. Really solid. Ribs and sausage better than the brisket. Buddy said there's one opening in Pilot Point today. There was basically no line and they were good at taking orders and getting food out fast.
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