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Everything posted by fellside

  1. If two more teams leave the Big 12, are we out of all responsibility to pay the buyout regardless of whether or not the Big 12 replaces the four with other schools?
  2. MASH Gone With the Wind The Exorcist The Good the Bad and the Ugly The Elephant Man
  3. So based on one website I looked at that's the Yankees 15, 16, 22, and 23rd best prospects. We couldn't get a top 5 prospect for Gallo?
  4. Lol. From Max Olson. Actual quote from Bowlsby. Bowlsby: "I’m not prepared to share the evidence, but I can tell you it’s irrefutable."
  5. I had a friend who played men's volleyball for Fort Worth Country Day. Guess it's a thing.
  6. I'm kind of mortified that anyone here has an opinion of me. I must post less.
  7. It would be kind of entertaining to see a hodgepodge Big 12 get a top 4 playoff spot in the new format over the PAC 12. As embarrassing as the Big 12 has been, that conference is more of a joke. And forging a scheduling agreement with the Big Ten nonconference will only serve to hurt the PAC's chances.
  8. I agree with his politics (I think) and he annoys me.
  9. We have more real tradition with OU, Arkansas and A&M than we do with the 8 remaining teams in the Big 12. But yeah... Oxford sounds nicer than Lubbock.
  10. I completely forgot about those horrible uniforms. It looks like a uniform designed by a dude who wears Fox racing or Monster Energy shirts listening to Puddle of Mud in between meth hits.
  11. I take this as good news. None of the talk of 20 team conferences or conference mergers interest me. The move to the SEC works to make more money, win more recruits and have a more appealing home schedule. It doesn't work if it's one step in being in a conference so big, it loses all value.
  12. It kind of amazes me how Texas went through the worst 11 year stretch ever and Tech managed to go 2-9 in that period.
  13. I think the most likely pods for competitive balance are.... West: Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas Central: Texas A&M, LSU, Ole Miss, Mississippi State North: Alabama, Auburn, Tennessee, Vanderbilt East: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Kentucky Assuming each school plays their own pod plus a home/home with 2 schools from each pod, the schedule every four years would look something like this. If they help A&M out by not putting them in the same pod with us, make Arkansas the Thanksgiving game. 1: Noncon 2: Noncon 3: Missouri 4: Ole Miss 5: Oklahoma 6: Tennessee 7: Florida 8: Noncon 9: LSU 10: Auburn 11: South Carolina 12: Arkansas 1: Noncon 2: Noncon 3: Missouri 4: Mississippi State 5: Oklahoma 6: Vanderbilt 7: Georgia 8: Noncon 9: Texas A&M 10: Alabama 11: Kentucky 12: Arkansas
  14. Almost finished. Not gonna lie, I would have quit a quarter of the way through if I didn't read how stereotypical it was to quit a quarter of the way through. I'm glad I stick with it because it gets better as it goes and (as others have stated) some parts are definitely leaving an imprint and sticking in my mind. Any chance Wes Anderson was influenced by this when he wrote The Royal Tennenbaums? I see some parallels.
  15. I'm ignorant on Carr. What makes him elite despite the 38% shooting?
  16. He Who Remains used the TVA to prevent the other Kangs from attacking all the other universes. He pruned any event that led to other Kangs. Now that he's dead, the other Kangs will come about and will wage war on other timelines.
  17. Oh "a lot of these kids are old enough to remember". Very interesting. Guess we should go after the seniors who aren't old enough to remember.
  18. This was the worst MCU movie in my opinion. Florence Pugh did all she could but everything else was a disaster. Every joke was performed like they were pausing for a laugh track and no one in the theater ever laughed. Also Ray Winstone's Russian accent might have been worse than Dick Van Dykes British accent in Mary Poppins. At one point I thought he was doing Brooklyn then I thought he was doing cockney.
  19. This is hard and I don't enjoy it. Star Wars The Pianist The Great Escape The Princess Bride There Will be Blood A Few Good Men The Shawshank Redemption The Sting The Nice Guys The Godfather (1 and 2)
  20. https://youtu.be/oS-syXeK5Tk When she yells "German" and they start to shoot at him, my stomach drops every time. He's been through so much and the thought of it ending like that just kills me.
  21. Given this logic, there would be a decent number of NFL players who quit after their first contract. Most guys good enough to make it that far want to keep playing. Barry Sanders and Calvin Johnson are anomalies for calling it quits at 30.
  22. Wouldn't be mad with Danny Ainge. Definitely better at drafting and making aggressive moves. Not great at wooing players but neither are we.
  23. I'm slightly suspicious. Donnie Nelson just came out and said Luka needs to do a better job getting KP involved and now we hear that everything is someone else's fault in the front office. I'm betting Donnie is a prominent source in that attack piece. He needs someone else to take the fall. I'm okay with that, but I want a new GM. Notice that the article stops to clarify that Donnie was responsible for the KP trade. That reads like Donnie telling a reporter he's still the one who makes the moves but this new guy has too much power. Donnie knows KP needs to workout for him to keep his job.
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