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Tex Long

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About Tex Long

  • Birthday 04/04/1943

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  1. It ain't a foul if the guy in the striped shirt doesn't throw a flag.
  2. Scripts work fine, until you run into some fucker who's built up an immunity to iocane.
  3. Y'all lighten up. The post under discussion was actually not bullshit in any way other than ridiculous over-use of latinate terms. For the most part, it was spot on, and if you could run it through a Vulgarizer app, it would look like a large portion of every other thread on Surly. Maybe start a new thread, title it "AI: Threat? Or Menace?"
  4. Liars. The design is intended to avoid being so obvious, as well as to eliminate re-entrant self-pollution. Unfortunately for the designers, it's already too late. AI is sitting in an air-tight closet, feverishly huffing its own farts.
  5. Get a chicken, a cigar, and a bottle of rum, stat! Jobu will take care of this shit.
  6. ChatCFB FTMFW ... with Thesaurator engaged for randomly multiple passes.
  7. Ellison's new squeeze needs to make him buy Smith for Sherrone. tOSU fans woould demand Day be fired.
  8. Team #miserable #fuckstick here. Obviously tOSU spent hundreds of man-hours analyzing the Norte Dome - Northern Illinois film.
  9. If I were an Agent-type with some investment bucks, I believe I'd see about getting this guy into a rehab situation where he could straighten up and come out with a shot at a decent team.
  10. It absolutely is. It's perfect: nothing to lose and everything to gain.
  11. Hahahaha! This is where we needed Quinn to channel a Major Applewhite attitude and say "Fuck the Toss Sweep, gonna fake the toss and go nekkid Right. Helm, go with me - if I pump, you block, otherwise you better fuckin' catch it..." Second thought, that might be more Street than Applewhite.
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