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Tex Long

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Everything posted by Tex Long

  1. No shit, my first thought was "Holy shit, somebody's making plastic-coated claymores!"
  2. There's a reason for the phrase "shitty end of the stick"...
  3. Of course taping is going to limit mobility. I think that's the point, right. Tape has no compressional strength to speak of, but it has plenty in tension, and adhering it to the structure provides at least some protection from it being pulled apart. I'm surprised that protection is not significant. From your understanding, it seems that taping ankles is a waste of time and money. Someone should let the schools know, and put a stop to it.
  4. Sounds like something a scumbag lawyer would say.
  5. Not a doctor - well, not of medicine - but I am an engineer. I'm having problem differentiating biomechanics from mechanics in general. Unless athletic tape has changed drastically in adhesive and shear strength since days of yore, it seems unlikely that the effectiveness of taping would have little effect. Of course, we were taped directly on the skin, rather than over socks and even shoes, so that likely factors in. At least, we gained an appreciation for pains encountered by the girls when shaving legs - as far as up as the tape would be going up. This. This seems to be true.
  6. Tex Long

    Getting old sucks

    Life just isn't fair. When my wife bought a Magic Wand vibrator, the family said she was just a sexy kitten wanting to have a little bit of naughty fun. But they called me a fucking pervert when I bought a 240 Volt FuckMaster Pro 5000 latex doll with inflatable DDD cups, 6 speed self-lubricating pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection tray, together with optional built in realistic orgasmic moaning and screaming Bluetooth surround sound system. I probably should have posted this in Lame Jokes, but I think it's technically more Limp than Lame.
  7. Assuming Byrne is responsible for De Boer... he def needs some other topic of conversation making noise. He's prolly just getting ahead of spring practice.
  8. Sasquatch won't hurt you if you don't get too close, or if you follow them into the caves. They're actually only about four feet tall and wearing the furry suit to scare you off. They don't like to be photographed, though, so definitely don't use a flash.
  9. Tex Long

    Getting old sucks

    I had a camera and various electronics shoved down the gullet about 20 years back. According to the quacks, you aren't napping, you're mostly semi-awake and cooperating, but memory storage is turned off. The waking up part is the drugs wearing off and you start remembering the last few minutes. I think that was the gist of it, but my memory is hazy on that...
  10. Slide? Nah, m8, chuck. Ya chuck in 'er dumpah.
  11. Roger that. It's at least 1,000,000 to 1 - at least, I'd guess. I'd buy a $10 ticket if Vegas posted that, but if they post anything at all it'll be a lot less and not worth tossing a penny at.
  12. Sure, why not?
  13. One of a huge number of reasons I don't give even an imaginary fuck about NBA.
  14. Tell me you're at least a little weak on analogy without telling me you're at least a little weak on analogy. Until he announces he's not going, it's still possible. But unless SMU offers him, say, triple or more salary - say 8 to 10 megabucks - he ain't going. Shit, he's making around 3 at Texas, which is (probably) more than Lashlee makes, already. If SMU were to go there, and throw in the giant pot of gold it'll take to buy the coaches and the players needed, he'd be crazy to turn it down. I don't think it's gonna happen. In fact, I'm pretty goddamn sure it's not... but the probability, while vanishingly small, is non-zero.
  15. I'm married to a porn star.
  16. Tex Long

    Getting old sucks

    1, x, x, x
  17. I took care of that shit in a different way. It's 75 miles from my house to the closest traffic light. Most of the time when I drive that, I see fewer than double digits of cars, and almost never see a cop.
  18. I liked The Dismal Shore better.
  19. Not gonna bash SMU - or Texas - here, or push 'em up. This part of the thread has been about whether CDC will/would take SMU's AD job. Is it even possible? I think so. Is it probable? Without elaborating for those of you who regularly demonstrate serious innumeracy, I'll give that a yes. How probable is it? Not fucking very. If Vegas put out a line on it, it would have to be so fucking big that some of us would put a Franklin or ten on it, just in case, but Lefty and Fingers would visit CDC and Hartzell to make sure it didn't happen, with perhaps stage 4 certainty. If I were in CDC's shoes, I might consider that while my bank account was plenty big enough already, the opportunity to lead a school wirh SMU's generational lack of prominence in the Big 3 Sports to pinnacles un-thought of for fifty years, while pushing my family's financial status to independence for great-great-grandchildren, is acceptable. I might consider it. But it would certainly - to 9 or 10 decimal places - take a whole lot more dollars than even Jimbo would consider... So, nah. But thanks for playing.
  20. I'd like to believe the reference to the East Reich was intentional...
  21. I should've added the simple "Nope" as one of my occasional answers... unfortunately, I am such a positive-minded guy that I only described the reluctantly affirmative responses. Alhtough, to your question, my immediate response would probably be "With you? Nah, but I'll take pics if you pay for the film..."
  22. You left out "money-grubbing" and "who hire lawyers with the same attitudes".
  23. "You wanna...?" or "Would you like to...?" Really it's not so much the question as it is the response to my answer. On some occasions, that's "yes" or "sure, why not?" Most of the time, though, I go with "Do I want to? No. Will I? Yes." If the original question came from a person of the male persuasion, it's all good, and away we go. But with the female, for some reason that triggers a discussion about why not? Pointing out that I said yes invariably fails to close the discussion. Fuck me. It's pretty trivial - but damn, it can be annoying.
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