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Posts posted by wd40

  1. 21 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    No, I mean, I’m pretty sure he was talking about the fact that we have a housing shortage in Austin, and the shortest inventory on record, not homelessness. 

     As a result, houses in-town are averaging 30-50 offers and selling for an average of nearly $50k over asking price. 

    Austin has doubled in size every 15-20 years for the last century and a half. What’s happening now is on trend. Our land use regs, which were created in 1984, effectively prohibit meeting the scale of demand. So, we now have a housing shortage. 


    I'm not here to tell you the model isn't fucked up.  just not in the way you think it is.

    oh well.  back to the unsolvable homeless problem.


  2. 56 minutes ago, Superhero said:

    Follow up conversation from earlier:

    "Okay, I think WE just need about a dozen sandwiches, and this and that and this and that."

    "And by WE, you actually mean ME right?"

    "Yeah, the bakery gets really crowded, and you wake up earlier than me."

    "I'll go if you let me do you tonight."  (I'm such a romantic)

    "Nope, I'll just wake up early tomorrow."  (Didn't have sex, FML)


    In the morning, this was the monologue around the house:

    "Should I call them to order first?"
    "Do they have an online menu?"
    "The line is going to be long, so I should order first right?"
    "What if they're too busy to pick up the phone?"
    "If I order first, and they're too busy, then I'll have to wait for them to fill the order right?"

    This went on for 30 minutes. I told her to just go and check it out.

    She came back in 25 minutes with the sandwiches.

    as long as you got a quick jerk in while she was gone, call it a win and move on.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Bozo_Casanova said:


    I think he was mostly talking about the housing shortage tho, and he is absolutely right.


    how about the city stipulate that if ol' Elon wants to move here, he gets to house and feed...2k homeless on his factory campus.  any overage picked up around town he can put on busses to SF or Seattle where they think the homeless are wonderful.  Apple, too, and any other corporate giants who want to come here and further destroy everything that made Austin a great place to live, a while back.  fuck Corporate Welfare.  real hard.

    also, Prop B fine print reads to me like it's still ok to camp, pan-handle, harass, process stolen bikes, etc. under 183 at Oak Knoll, Braker, Lamar, and down around Ben White.  It doesn't say 'within the city limit'.  it specifically says Downtown and UT.   looks like it only protects the same expensively-greasy-haired, bespectacled, bad-at-math motherfuckers that created this city-wide mess in the first place.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 50 minutes ago, EE2B said:

    My wife started buying paper products and putting them in our guest house last year when the shortages started. At some point she decided that we needed to store some food over there. A couple weeks ago she brought the bags of food into the kitchen to sort them out.

    Any guesses on how much was expired after one year? If you said all but 1 box of spaghetti you would be absolutely correct. She threw away two plastic bags of shit that was expired that she had stored away because “we might need it”.

    you know who lives in the guest house, right?





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  5. 8 hours ago, KuЯdt said:

    meant to ask about Deception again...did the original trail include most of what is now Double Down?  I don't remember it being quite that difficult whenever I rode it a few years ago.  I had to walk quite a few spots on DD.

    pretty sure, yeah.  as we always understood it, Deception was everything on that side of the paved path between the barn you used to ride through, not far from Mulligan, and the jeep road which had a drop-in on the far side of it to get to the Rim Loop/Dave's Ditch area.

    there is one minor reroute that I don't understand; but if anything, it made the way between the two points it connects a lot easier.

    the stretch between where the trail map is posted and that flattish intersection with the end of PicnicX where it comes out from under the footbridge has always been the toughest.  I think erosion has made some of the step-ups bigger, for sure.  I don't ride it often, but I do always remember several of the rock gardens when they begin their punishment. 

    on the brakes:   I was a little slow to move.  Jenson is my go-to, but they've been dry every time I checked, as was Amazon.

    think I'm gonna hit RPR, this weekend.

  6. nice work, KuRdt.  

    a buddy and I were out there today and wondered the same thing w/r to Deception.  I guess that's what it's about:  being deceptive.  not sure why they split it at what I think once was Swag Rock and where the map is posted now into 1/4 Notch and Double Down.  

    did you hit all those new lines on Snail with the ladder drops and whatnot?  or in the far opposite direction to Candyland and Gnargasm?  I rarely go over that way unless I'm just dying for mileage.  the feature itself is far scarier looking than it actually is.

    btw, I ended up ordering some spare pads from a bike shop in Canada.  Dunbar.  should be here next week.  iirc, the had 8 on the shelf when I ordered.  no one else I could find had 2 wheels worth.  prettymuch the same price as anywhere else.

  7. 15 hours ago, Michael Knight said:

    If he was white no one would have stopped him before he killed someone

    buncha article-not-readin' mother fuckers in here.  Instacart guy never saw him before raising the alarm.  to Dahobbs point, Instacart guy was probably also smart in leaving the AR since he is black, himself.

    I suppose you could call it a victory for equality that the guy made it to the bathroom with all that gear, in the first place.

  8. 8 hours ago, Lobo said:

    Because they rarely hit anybody on a percentage basis. 

    I like my chances a lot More with a guy leaning out a moving car window with a pistol and little training than an AR-15 wielding sociopath who methodically walks  the aisles of a grocer who hits somebody with every single round he fires.  

    must be a shitload of drive-bys going on, if hit rate is the only criteria that moves the needle, here.  meanwhile, there's an interesting ongoing debate (elsewhere) about what constitutes a mass shooting/murder event.

    but whatever.  

    you're right (again), of course.  let's limit the discussion to the radicalized or Just Plain Nuts, since what we also like to do is get on our high horse about legislating cures for shit like insanity.

    but, eh.  nobody cares, because nobody died.  for all we know, he was just tooling up to head out back and blow up some milk jugs and cans, and where else was he going to get those but at a grocery store?  a perfectly reasonable explanation.

  9. 16 hours ago, Brothahorn said:

    Good times. We would drive into Houston on Friday, hangout/party. Then leave for Galveston early Saturday morning. Wish I could remember the year, but it was back when I drank E&J. We left Houston at 9. I don't think we made it to Galveston until maybe 5 or later. That was okay though. 45S was one big ass party. Traffic at a standstill for so long, folks just started partying in the road. You could leave your vehicle go off for 30 minutes come back and the line might had moved 10-15ft. It was wild. Cops finally just gave up and let shit go as long as it was nothing dangerous or extremely stupid. They were getting lap dances, taking pics/videos like everyone else. By the time we actually go to the beach, that shit seemed tame.



  10. 12 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    why does every power strip, every electronic device, have a goddamn led light that has to be lit up? My bedroom looks like fucking christmas. Even the fucking ceiling fan has a little red light that never turns off.


    my wife's extra laptop power supply she leaves at home has a bright white lit ring around the jack.  stays lit even after unplugging it from the wall.  have to tuck the jack end in a drawer on her desk when I crash on the futon in the office.

  11. 6 hours ago, gernblansten said:

    Better than an argument that once occurred at my house.

    Her: You do not like blow jobs, I've never seen you get one!

    Me: That's because you won't give me one and since we're married you're my only option. The closest I've ever gotten to not liking blow jobs was decades ago when I got a really toothy one that bruised my junk from my high school girlfriend and it was still glorious.  Last year you were having drinks with your friend and you called and asked if I wanted anything on your way home.  I said "yes, a blow job when you get home" and you said "okay".  I got pissed at you because you came home and didn't give me a blow job!

    Me: I assure you, I like getting head, it feels good.

    Her: No, it doesn't.

    Me: What?!?!?!?  Think about what you're doing -- you're arguing with *ME*, a guy with a dick, about whether *I* like it to get sucked by a woman! Have you lost your fucking mind?  Why would you be arguing about this?  Every guy in the world likes getting head and you'll find that out someday when we get divorced. 

    Narrator: They got divorced a year later.

    you married Big Brother?

  12. 20 hours ago, KuЯdt said:

    I haven't tried that site, but it doesn't look like they have the hanger I need anyway.  I've got XT 4 piston brakes.  I entered my email addy in at a couple sites like worldwide and jenson to let me know when they are back in stock.  And I have received a couple notifications, but by the time I see it and check they are out of stock again.  I think mine should last a good while longer, but always like to have spares on hand.

    Good idea on the FR512 spot which I believe is at RHR?  Haven't been out there in a long time.   Maybe I'll check that out too.

    we need the same pads, then.  my brakes are SLX, which is the same as the XT but without the mysterious Free Stroke adjustment screw.

    I only rode RHR one time, years ago, before the fires out there.  always kinda had the 24hr race there on my bucket list, but have never gotten around to it.  my understanding is the fr512 area is accessible from outside RHR.

  13. 2 hours ago, KuЯdt said:

    It's pretty difficult to get a lot of things right now.  I've been trying to get a spare derailleur hanger and brake pads for a couple months now.  Can't find shit.

    I also saw that a lot of bike manufacturers are raising their prices, some up to 10%.

    On an unrelated note, Spider is open all next week.  Tickets are cheaper too at $31, so I think I'll head out there weds or thurs.

    you tried these guys, yet?


    what kinda pads you looking for?  if you're down to the pins, I have some Shimano 2-piston style with the fins that have some life left.

    Thanks for the reminder to stock up on pads for my current brakes, though.

    I'm gonna be out of town, all next week.  but I think I need to check out Fr512 in Smithville and learn me some jumping skills.  more reps to be had there a whole lot cheaper than Spider.

  14. 3 hours ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

    The other day I took a spill.  Besides getting scratches to hell bent my brake lever beyond repair.  It’s amazing how difficult it is to purchase just a brake lever, ended up getting an entirely new brake - caliper set.  Weird thing is I’ve had dozens of crashes worse than this. I normally leave my levers a little loose to prevent this.  Not sure wtf happened.  Anyways $70 lesson learned


    I know, it sucks!  

    similar thing happened to me (video on previous page).  found a level on eBay in Taiwan.  put it on last sunday for a South ride.  squirted a fist-sized rock on a steep descent and got sent into a cedar sapling on the left, which promptly squeezed that brake lever for me and sent me OTB.  it was right above the lip of about a 2ft drop, so I had a long time to think about how much it was gonna hurt while I swung through that high arc.  bruised shoulder, bruised ribs.  fortunately, after I got my wind back, the pain didn't get serious until I got to the truck.  we cut it short, but we still got almost 900ft of climbing in 5.5miles.   but sleeping's for shit.  hurts to do anything but blink.  double-fuck sneezing or coughing (never realized how bad I am at swallowing my spit).

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