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Posts posted by wd40

  1. made it back up to RPR, today.  only place I knew'd have perfect traction, despite the moisture yesterday.  they're building another jump line, bigger than Patron, from the looks of it.  maybe some day, but I don't even do Patron (because rolling jump lines is a waste of time) so it'd be a lonnnng way off.

    anyway, this is mostly Vulture.  I don't think it gets a lot of traffic, except for races.  it's just not what the kids are into, these days, but I love it.  tried some off the bike shots to show how how steep it is.  failed, as usual.  but it's funny to see yourself in 3rd person.  see all kinds of moves you're not even aware you're making.


    btw, this was also a test run of some riding pants I just bought:  100% Airmatic.  worked great.  zero binding, full freedom of movement.  they even fit over my kneepads.  much better than Peter Pan pants.  great for really cold days.  size chart was difficult to figure out, but I ended up just ordering a size up from what I think it said I should get, worked out perfectly.

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  2. was gonna put these in the Shank thread, but they're kinda snooty over there.

    homemade chimichanga, with a sauce I picked up at Der Market in Red River, over Christmas.  filled with pintos and some HEB roto chicken, cubed seasoned and reheated in a skillet with some cilantro and onion, then mixed with jack cheese and a little crema.  as close as I could get to Chuy's version.  sour cream because this is the first sauce I've ever bought in NM that I found to actually be hot.


    this was from that rainy weekend of Thanksgiving.  wife's uncle lives in Lafayette and gave us a bunch of boudin.  we hung out, talking food and cooking the whole time.  with nothing better to do when I got home, I cooked up a some of red beans, collard greens (with the remaining ham hocks) and a batch of jambalaya.

    gave half the jambalaya to a neighbor, half the collards to my dad, but still had too much food, so I lived on variations of this for a week:  RB&J


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  3. the way I approach it is to run the highest pressure I can get away with.  it's just faster, and holds up better on drops and high-speed corners, as mentioned above.  nowadays, for me, that's about 30lbs.  if it's a sort of wet day, or extra-dry and dusty I'll let out some air until I'm hooking up for the particular trail.  

    funny you mention gauges and squeezing:  my old floor pump's dial went out of cal, a while back.  I would squeeze to double check it.  turns out my my hand sort of had a mind of its own and wasn't applying consistent pressure, over time.  it was like, "yup!  feels good!".  turns out I had trended downward around 10psi without even realizing it.  was wondering why the bike felt so sloppy.  comes in handy for The Stranger, I suppose.

    • Haha 1
  4. 13 hours ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    Not a family bitch, but like clockwork, it's time for an appliance to shit the bed.

    The dishwasher (Bosch, about 10 years old) decided to die today. I just ordered a replacement unit after spending a grand total of 10 minutes researching it and hoping like fuck it will be installed before NYE but realizing it will probably be February.

    My bigger concern is that the dishwasher that shit the bed 10 years ago was the canary in the coal mine. Within 12 months we also replaced 3 other appliances. I'd give @Brisketexan left nut for an avocado colored appliance set like I grew up with that would run for 30 fucking years.

    not to derail, and I can't speak for Bosch (ze Germanz make everyzing komplicatit), but dishwashers are really not that hard to work on. mostly just uncomfortable.  or call Todd at AMS to see if it's really kapoot.  dude can fix anything, and for a reasonable price.

    but to your point, you need to realize that a dishwasher nowadays is just a sterilizer.  with low water pressure mandates, it ain't scrubbing shit, so you'll extend it's life if you minimize the debris you ask it to grind/filter.

  5. 2 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Oh it absolutely is. I showered and got dressed after that post so that the bathroom would be open for her whenever she wants (I still hear the vacuum at this time).  So it’s my fault for not helping clean. 

    had I volunteered to clean, she would demand that I shower first for reasons, then say I didn’t give her enough time in the bathroom to shower and get ready. Also I wouldn’t have cleaned correctly, thereby actually costing her even more time than if she had just done it all herself. 

    I miss Wyoming and being a thousand miles away from any family. 

    to be fair, we've seen how you cook bacon, so...

    • Haha 1
  6. On 12/21/2021 at 1:33 PM, Al_4_ISU said:

    In-laws Thanksgiving gathering got interesting.  At one point my wife's entire family was yelling at each other over stupid shit, so I went out to the living room to watch football.  The yelling continued.  Finally I went into the kitchen, blew my lid and went off on them for them being so damn upset about truly meaningless shit (they were screaming at each other over how the turkey fryer should be set among other things) and not being able to show some gratitude for good they have it.  It seemed to have the desired effect, and the day recovered.  BIL actually thanked me for it.  We have Xmas there all day Friday, and FIL seems to be in better spirits recently.  I plan to take him mountain biking in the morning and bar hop on the way back to their house, so either he'll be in a great mood and everything will go smooth, or it will be a repeat of Thanksgiving.


    • Haha 2
  7. looped into the kitchen for a wine refill and noticed no one had done the dishes after the steak dinner I cooked.  figured the least I could do to help out was clean the plate I brought the meat in from the grill on.


    back to work.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    You're in Germany, the proper response is to take a crap on both of their chests.

    this is actually a more reasonable suggestion than you might think, considering he TWICE hung around for her to take a dump to then kiss her goodbye, on the last page of this thread.  it was framed as a complaint, but I'll bet there were some yada-yada-yas in there.  and now they're in Germany.  OOMPAH!

  9. 'tis indeed the season for night riding.

    keep your head up and be careful of fallen trees lurking in the dark, kids.  the shadows can play tricks on you.



    9 stitches.  can recommend Care Now by between Target and the ATT Store at 360/183.



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  10. On 9/22/2021 at 10:07 PM, Sam Lin said:

    Pull forward parking strikes again.


    On 9/22/2021 at 12:55 PM, Steel Shank said:

    With my man NMAS on this one, kids.


    On 9/22/2021 at 11:50 AM, nnm said:

    The only configuration for which your point makes sense is the herring-bone style lot, where the spaces are angled in favor of the vehicles’ direction of travel. In that situation, it absolutely makes sense to go nose-in because of the flow of traffic. However, backing out of that space is just as dangerous as backing out of any other configuration.

    Backing out is inherently more dangerous, particularly for serious injury and fatality incidents. Many, many industry groups have studied this and universally agree.  Here’s one: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1369847819308812 

    In all other configurations, backing in is many times safer, and no less time consuming. The guy backing in doesn’t hold you up as much as Karen five-point backing out her Excursion, and is a much faster exit. Yet you focus your derision on the safer driver.


    On 9/22/2021 at 11:30 AM, Felix said:

    I bet I can back in faster than you can park forward.


  11. been wanting to watch Star Trek II again, so picked up the dvd, this week.  decided to watch it with the fam tonight, none of whom have more than a vague familiarity with the original tv series.  fine.

    opening credits are rolling, naming all the major cast members, wife laughing at "DEEforest" Kelley.  oh, boy.  gonna be one of those nights.  whatever.

    Chekov and Terrell are captured on the Botany Bay.  "Khan" starts taking off his mask and whatnot.

    wife:  is that Rod Stewart?

    me:  ...

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