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Posts posted by wd40

  1. 15 hours ago, NAVY said:

    Was watching UT KY volleyball. Wife is cheering at all the wrong shit. 

    Despite watching me play volleyball every weekend every summer every year since we started dating, she just can’t get it right. 

    Guess who gets busted for manspaining how women’s volleyball works? 


  2. 57 minutes ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

    I don’t know what it is but I nearly half the shorts (like running or exercise shorts) I try on feel weird.  The legs are too short and ride up, and the front is too puffy  I end up with a giant pants tent when I sit and looks like I have a fupa when I stand.  

    wear them backwards.  you're welcome.

    my TTTMMS:

    -motherfuckers who do all their shopping on Amazon

  3. 19 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    12-year-olds dude.

    Isn't Porcupine or the Enchilada the one with that brutal exposure that I'm recalling is on the side of a dome?

    You are a far braver man than i.

    I think your thinking of The White Line in Sedona?


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  4. Thanks, OP for this thread and inspiring to try something new, and Anastasis for the link with a ton of info.  

    couldn't find any of the pre-made mixes, but in reading the ingredients listed in the link, I decided some Chachere's and sugar would be close enough for a first pass.  then I decided messing with crab was too much work, so I picked up a tuna steak at heb, marinated it in diluted liquid smoke per one of the options, seasoned it and seared it, and gave it another light dusting before slicigg it and throwing it over a ceasar salad.  made for a damn good lunch, today.


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  5. FUCKYEAH, boys!  great stuff.

    couldn't keep the smile off my face on that Fruita run.  jumping gaps?  blind?  what balls.

    nice rain run at RPR, K.  messes with your head for sure, but the traction is almost better without the dust on the slabs.  the only downside is that sand sticks to your drive train in the wet and just grinds it down.

  6. RPR is pretty unique.  not a lot of public parks with granite domes with mtb trails.  like, none -- at least in central Texas.  the jump lines are all isolated to one corner of the park.  there's miles of XC single track there, for all skill levels.  

    10 bucks day use fee is pretty freakin reasonable, considering the amount of trail, plus all the new circus stuff.  they were build a second progressive drop zone when we were there.  the biggest drop in the older one is maybe 3ft.  on the new one, the big one launches you through the upper branches of a large mesquite tree.

    but yeah, lots of dirt singletrack, jeep roads, and trails up high on the pink moonscape that are super fun.  

    my biggest gripe about the place is the signage.  there's lots of it, yet it's all kind of meaningless unless you were the guy who put them up and just need a refresher to get your bearings.  Trailforks app has a decent map (better than the one they hand out at rpr), but cell coverage is spotty.

    just know that if the signs says "Trail", it's a jeep road (except for the original "Flow Trail").  if it says "Loop", it's singletrack.  great place to get lost.  we got all fucked up and went on a (frowned upon) night ride during a camp out, one time.  and we still made it back.  so don't be discouraged.

    highly recommend tubeless tires with fresh Stan's.  no shortage of cactus and mesquite out there.  also recommend an early start, especially in the summer, and doubly so if you venture up on the Inner Loop, Decision Point (4star views!) or anywhere you would be on those slabs of granite/afternoon frying pans for any length of time.

    and watch out for cowshit.

    check their calendar.  for example, I think there's a race, this weekend.  a buddy was out there preriding with his son's team, on sunday when we were there.

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  7. 7 hours ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    That looks incredibly fun. Except for the drop at about 2:45. I could see myself eating shit there for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    Is this a private park near Austin? Lots of work sculpting those jump lines. Some of those table tops are purty big.

    that drop used to rollable. I guess when they started doing a lot of enduro stuff, they had to make it tougher.  on that same run (Super D) there's a huck (about 5') with a nasty landing zone full of sharp babyheads, followed immediately by another one, about 3'.  we took the B line around it, yesterday.  lot's videos out there of less than perfect attempts at it.  there's nowhere to fall that won't really, really hurt, up there.

    anyway, lunchtime ride-to-the-ride up and down St Ed's today.  lots of de-web stops.  when I took my shirt off when I got home, I had 4 inchworms on my chest, and at least 4 more still in the shirt fabric.  can't wait til this shit is over.  scares off all the wool.   anyway, stopped to say hi to some perch.  I guess someone took the bass that lived under the big rock.


    colors in the pic are off.  kinda yellow and washed out over the water.  fapple

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  8. with the 10% max increase year over year and the commensurate increase in the level of government services to my address, I should be in the quarterly blowjob bracket, next year.  can't wait.

    meanwhile, protesting taxes is one of my wife's main hobbies, which works out well, since I hate dealing with all that stuff and would probably just let the county, etc. gouge me out of pure laziness.

  9. nice work, Mom!  I just don't venture down that way anymore (I avoid the main trail as much as possible, these days), so it's been many years; but I remember when I finally discovered that line.  the mental approach has kind of stuck with me:  "Earl up the Middle" goes through my head when I see stuff like that.  square up for best traction, and keep pedaling. 

  10. the last of an heb roto chicken, reheated in the skillet.  the last of some sour cream, turned into a half-assed tziki sauce with some dill and whatnot.  chili garlic paste because I don't have any pepper relish.  actual pita bread, for some reason.  sorta tryna grow my eyebrows together.


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  11. the der was actually the root cause.  the spring had gone soft, so the chain had a ton of slack and jumped off going over the chunk.  I think I mentioned a buddy and I cleaned out Jenson of their 10sp X-9's on closeout years ago, so had one in my garage to swap it out, along with a new chain.

    the drop I was talking about is the second-to-last one, just above the cedar stick thing at the end.  kind of a sketchy, blind approach, and a very narrow take-off spot (at least to me).

  12. I would agree w/r to changing POV.  I get a lot more positive responses, esp from non-riders, on vids where I take the camera off for a 3rd person.  the chesty actually makes a decent tripod.  and you can use the strap to hold it in a tree.  it's just kind of a hassle.  setting it up, hiking back to a starting point where you can get your speed back up to normal, then hiking back to get it.  I very rarely do any of that messing around on a group ride.

    a follow drone would kick ass, esp on wide open terrain like what you have, but they are crazy expensive (or were, last I checked).  

    that wide-open terrain is a disadvantage to convey speed with a pov camera.  the tight, twisty stuff around here helps increase apparent speed.  the frame of reference just can't change as fast if it's far away.

    don't think I shared this one.  a God's run, that turned into a shitshow.  but I did at least finally hit a 3-footer below the Skeletor drop.  got all the bugs worked out, went back and did the creek gap jump, the next day.


    anyway, I know you were going faster on that straight line decent.  I think most riders know that, plus the risk of snagging a pedal or washing out at that speed.  still a rush to watch.  don't sweat it.  as KuRdt said, keep at it.

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  13. 11 hours ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    Nope, haven't shot anything from Death Valley prior to this. It's fun in both directions, although descending sight lines are short so I don't bomb down it very often.

    Haven't posted very many videos for a few reasons. For one, I worry they're not very entertaining. Low production value (single camera), shitty editing skills, and mediocre riding leaves me wondering if anyone would want to watch it, especially compared to what's available on YouTube.

    Also, it was taking forever to upload them with my old ISP. For example, I made a 10-minute-plus video descending the north side of Over The Top last year. It took more than a day to upload at 1440p/60 frames because I was throttled at ~400 Kb/s. But I switched to fiber back in September and now have 940 Mb/s both directions ... so maybe prepare to be inundated with lots of boring shit???

    (Case in point, yesterday's video was finished uploading before I could complete the title and information prompts on YouTube.)

    On that note, I'd appreciate any criticisms, suggestions, or other feedback y'all might have. What would you like to see?

    back in the day on my old XP desktop I held onto til Windows 8 or something, video processing and upload took hours.  so yeah, I feel ya, on that.

    I think for what you were trying to communicate, you made good choices.   speeding it up like that, with that music and some interesting text remarks mixed in in creative ways, it all fit really well together.  I also liked the way you ended it, sucking wind after the music.

    I would just say, from general comments my friends have made is that most people don't have the attention span for anything longer than 3-5 minutes.  so if you're committed to a particular song like that one, you might look for segues in the music to fade it out or cut it off to shorten it up.  again, speaking in the general case.  

    the other thing to realize is that anyone that hasn't ridden those trails (and even some that have) may not appreciate the more subtle features and sections you like.  you rode it.  you know what it feels like, so the video is much more visceral for you.  for most others, especially those who don't ride, it's just a line of dirt moving around on the screen.  not sure what you can do with that, except lower your expectations of others' responses.  I make my videos for me.  sometimes people who were on that ride may get some of the inside jokes, but usually not.  I just don't worry about it, anymore.

    lastly, I would have liked to have seen some of the downhills and bobsled runs at only 1x speed, being a mtb nerd.  but that would have thrown off timing to the song and you would have to make cuts elsewhere.  

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