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Posts posted by wd40

  1. the smoked brussel sprouts thing turned out pretty good.   I was working all day, so not a lot of time to mess with it.  just grabbed a random recipe off the web and approximated it (called for bacon so how bad could it be?).

    rib ldaf, but was not at all.



    • Like 1
  2. On 5/14/2018 at 10:48 AM, Ldogg53 said:

    Say what?  Something wrong with you?  I get a good 2-3 shits daily.  Sometimes 4.  

    what are you?  a caulk gun?

    • Haha 1
  3. 22 hours ago, Call said:
    Terri is pissed
    Riverwalk park

    I am beyond anger hopefully the man that was at the park this morning around 11 with his furry little dog or someone that might know him will read this. First of all I took My two three-year-old grandson’s To fish for a little bit on the new pier when lo and behold here comes this man with his furry little dog Lets him out of his vehicle to run freely as he goes onto the pier where we were trying to fish proceeds to take out his two fishing poles get them all set up get them all casted in the water never once even after hearing us holler at his dog continuously which is not the dogs fault at all. he never once turned around to attend to our call his dog so as the dog does he’s jumping on the boys wanted to play Good thing we like animals and they’re not allergic to them needless to say it keeps hiking it’s leg After it’s pissed On my grandsons it pissed in our drinks🤮 and on our bucket and Our things Still didn’t turn around acknowledge that we are mad and hollering now just kept fishing So of course we had to load up try and clean our things and come back home🤬🤬The dog even followed us all the way to our car trying to get in our car after it pissed on my tires as well I should have loaded up the dog and taken it to a more respectful owner is what I should’ve did but all I can say is he’s a very lucky man if that would have been my husband or my son he would’ve saw what a good oh Texas ass whipping was OK I’m through venting I just thought we had a leash law around here so will go back again and try this again tomorrow hopefully this ignorant person isn’t there because he won’t push this grandma around again🤬

    7h ago · Riverwalk in Genera

    she spoke and drank rapidly

    a glass of water

  4. 21 hours ago, T’Boo Ted Marshall said:

    I’m about to by the wife a new car and this is my fear.
    She’s dinged and scratched the crap out of her current ride.

    same boat.  but we gotta do something soon, so when we hand down my car to the oldest, we don't end up with two car payments.

    but my wife should join NASCAR.  can only execute left turns, apparently.  when she took out the stop sign at 183 and Barrington, I said, "yeah that signs in a weird spot.  gets run over a few times a year."

    when she tried to take out a big bright yellow steel and concrete post in the UPS customer counter parking lot, I said, "maybe we should just weld a 1/4" steel skid plate on the passenger side."  she said [tone].

    changed jobs.  now she parks in a big parking garage everyday.   now she has a big white scuff on the right front corner.  I said nothing.

  5. 18 hours ago, Saint Austin said:

    I'll definitely side with the wife next time and refuse the kid's request at a return trip.

    waaaiiiiiiiiiiit a minute.   you led the charge to Chuckie's?


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  6. On 5/7/2018 at 2:42 PM, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    I don't mind that there's a hobby subforum, but what's up with the new deal for the book, nerds, and video games bit? Used to be I could see what the latest post in those subsubforums was. Now I gotta click another link just to see if there is anything new that I care about?

    this.  if we have to have this level of balkanization, I DEMAND we grt the Bernard forum back.  those cunts are now invading lulz pic threads.

  7. as I find myself more and more in direct contact with different managers and executives over the years, I find that my confidence in and respect for them as leaders and decision makers continues to erode.

    but there have been a few good ones I've worked with.  it's just a shame to seem them get sucked into the bullshit games so many of the others play. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Viper said:

    The former Reddit CEO suggests tech companies start trying to hunt out the incels in their companies and "doing something about" them.


    While I'm not for these groups, I'm not sure how practical (or legal) it will be to start asking employees (or prospective employees) about their sex lives, or lack thereof. 

    former CEO Ellen K. Pao?  did she go out with a bang?

  9. 17 hours ago, PvilleStang said:

    Well, I did just leave the title at Dickhead Neighbors, figured this could easily turn into the Meta Thread for dickhead neighbors.

    see?  I didn't think you wanted a serious answer.  you should have gone with Beta Neighbor Meta Thread, to be more accurate.

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