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Everything posted by Zepol87

  1. Christmas Day vs Ravens will be a Super Bowl preview
  2. Gf wants a juicer but has limited counter space any decent recs for a compactish one?? What she spends at the damn juice place a month we could have a pretty badass one
  3. Turned the game on and went to drop a deuce and come back to this? wtf
  4. Helping uncles from Mexico do roofing in the summer was hell but it was better than spending it at the family lumber yard or watermelon farm in Munday. That shit sucked
  5. Landed at 750 made it to Montebello by 840. Tonight wasn’t bad at LAX
  6. Zepol87

    Surly wallet check

    Also want did everyone say billfold when j was little? Wtf
  7. Zepol87

    Surly wallet check

    Bifold that got on Amazon about a decade ago. Need to replace it
  8. Yea OKC needs the Thunder now, and yea that arena sucks.
  9. lol wow what an ending
  10. Yea this is bullshit. I’m pretty pissed but not at Ohtani not wanting to speak English on camera who the fuck cares about that?
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