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Everything posted by Majorcholas

  1. If a dipshit AD comes after us for surly and we have to migrate again....I vote for longpenishorns.com
  2. If it’s not boom, I would rather just keep ash.
  3. Sometimes there are just dudes who you know are warriors. I’d go to war with Sam and I’ve never met the guy personally. Horns up and thanks for being a stud.
  4. Some things never change....it’s fun to watch Mack give aggy the business.
  5. This thread feels like a funeral. Goodbye old friend. We had a good run. Thanks for the memories.
  6. Thank so much for digging these up. Strictly x and o wise, these really aren’t much different than what we have been doing. Most people are running the same stuff when it comes down to it. Ive wished we ran morenci mesh the last few years with the slots we’ve had though. How fast you can get your guys to make the right reads and adjustments is the name of the game. Can you have the right pre snap reads/choices in, etc. I think sark’s track record in being able to deliver the above is his biggest strength. If given top level athletes they obviously can score. It’s the same reason chokelahoma usually looks so much more explosive. Because they have a system and it all fits together.
  7. So we can’t do the eyes but we can put this out there. Okay. 👌
  8. Nice. Well if it turns out to be true you will enjoy free rep daily from me in celebration. 😂
  9. As much as I wish this was true, this is the kinda shit we laugh at Texags for.
  10. Tell me malzahn wouldn’t have been a better fit for our roster if we were just hiring anybody.
  11. I meant the collection of alcoholic’s unruly antics would be prime party material. Im regarded.
  12. Sounds like a night crew wet dream.
  13. Last year right? Different OC’s. I just don’t remember it being a staple this year and I could give you a handful of concepts we seem to run over and over and double post was not one of them. It just seams weird to see Casey come out and that be the go to concept.
  14. Something that really has me thinking since last night is the first throw Thompson made coming out of half. It was a double post concept. I cannot remember us throwing that once all year. Not only was it the first play Casey threw, but they came back to it later for another td. so either we have run that play and Sam never threw it, (Checkdown, run, etc as we can’t see what’s happening on the other side) or Sam can’t execute that throw/read so it was never brought to the game plan. it just seems weird that your first pass play would be something that the starter never ran/executed.
  15. This postgame sports center has reminded why I haven’t watched this shit in years. Brutal
  16. Trim that shit off then you don’t waste developing bark on something you get rid of.
  17. Toms biggest achievement may be signing bijan when he wins a heisman next year after getting more than 7 carries and gets one of those fugly statues.
  18. Again....Kansas would have beat Colorado.
  19. Hate to break it to you but that’s a losing battle. 😂
  20. Kansas would beat Colorado. Buy or sell?
  21. What urban could do with Thompson, bijan, Jake Smith, and Whittington is “borderline erotic”. (Still eff that fat bastard)
  22. There must be something behind the scenes because smith is easily our most dynamic wr. Struggling to stay healthy this year is my guess. Or Herman is really that bad. Either way...
  23. How can you tell? Not a Herman defender but we looks like we are running the same exact formations and concepts we have all year.
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