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Everything posted by BigBenBamboozle

  1. What does a realistic WR class look like now?? This is a question for the "WRs in Texas are a dime a dozen" crew.
  2. I’m a nihilist, and I think some of y’all are mean. Lighten up, Francis.
  3. I've always found Real Ken Tremendous a bit derivative, personally, dogged by a certain brand of self-aware irreverence.
  4. Holy shit. Are either or both interested??
  5. Seeing so many aggys taking their future victory this season over arky Chad for granted:
  6. Or it's a general "state of the program" tweet?
  7. They’ll make us urn this recruitment.
  8. What a bitter pill that will be when in two years, when the Oline is fixed and we have playoff depth all over the field, our DL could be subpar.
  9. Comparing the journalistic integrity of 24fucking7 sports to The NY Times?? boldstrategycotton.gif
  10. Comparing Bama to our coordinating turnover is fucking regarded. Moreso than Watson, it would be huge to keep Nelson in the fold.
  11. We all routinely drive an hour and a half after a night on 6th St, right? Those dipshits. Love Herman pimping our fair city.
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