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Posts posted by Macanudo

  1. 22 hours ago, Lhorn said:

    I think people now just assume that they are going to have to work to an older age than their parents did.

    I'm 48.   I have thought for a while that I'll work into my mid 70s.   Might be out of necessity, might be because I don't want to sit on my ass all day.  Either way, I just don't see some kind of utopian retirement in my future.   Between retirement accounts, investments and real estate, I do have a fair amount saved but I just don't see that holding out with the costs of retirement (healthcare, eldercare, etc.).   I'm probably going to work pretty close up til my death.

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  2. On 8/15/2018 at 9:09 AM, Brisketexan said:

    She has pretty much zero interest in staying in Texas.

    Out of curiosity, how does she plan on paying for all of this out of state (or country) tuition, fees, room, board and travel expenses?   If you're footing the bill, I'd like to think you and her mom have enough sense to remind her of that.  And it's not like she can just drop in for the weekend when she's in Edinburgh.  Hell, even Ann Arbor to Houston (through Detroit) is a several hour trek.   

    Anyone else remember and old post from Brisket (hell, it might have even been on Horfans) about his daughter being kind of a duck out of water and now she's ready to globe trot for school?

  3. 1 hour ago, Uncle Nate said:

    Let's be careful not to lump all churches in with the Osteen-modeled prosperity gospel mega churches that are nothing more than big businesses who do not preach basic Christian principles, but rather are more of a motivational speaker/entertainment show combination.

    I read some of the posts here and it makes me fearful that for all too many it has to be an "all or nothing" approach.  I think such an approach would ruin, and I don't use that term lightly, a large number of small, struggling congregations who are money poor but Gospel rich.  My little church falls into that category.

    These prosperity gospel preachers like Osteen, the guy in the Woodlands, and guys up here in DFW are preaching a false gospel, and raking in millions in the process.  I have no problem with them being taxed because clearly they are simply wealthy motivational speakers.  I've listened to Osteen a few times on the teevee...and I don't recall the name Jesus ever being uttered by him, nor the gospel that we are saved through Christ's blood alone.

    But in our zeal to call these mega-church millionaire preachers out for the con men they are (and they are con men, there is no doubt), let's be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater and destroy a number of good, true gospel-preaching small, poor congregations in the process.  If my church had to pay property taxes on our small, dilapidated property at the rates of a normal business, we would have to shut our doors.  That would also shut the doors on our Christian daycare that my community...many of whom are not Christian at all...have come to depend on for good, quality, child care that they can't find elsewhere.

    At least these heretics are pedo-buggerist Catholic priests.  

  4. Get out to Homer, Soldotna and Valdez.   They aren't big but the scenery is amazing.   If you like to fish, go out on a charter and get some salmon, halibut and rockfish.  Nothing like fresh fish for dinner when you caught it that day.

    Moose's Tooth has good pizza and beer in Anchorage.    Get used to lots of daylight during the summer and lots of darkness in the winter.   You won't get 24 hours of either but it will be 20+.   

    Are you military or oil/gas?   

  5. Excess contributions need to be returned to you  by April 15rh of the year following the deferrals.  If the refund is done after 4/15 its taxable to you for the year you deferred it and the year of return.  

    Who is the retirement plan provider (TIAA-CREF, Fidelity, Prudentialm etc.)?   Your employer might not cap it (which means your payroll system sucks) but the provider should be capturing the data and handling the refund by 4/15.    

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  6. On 7/24/2018 at 12:42 PM, Okie State said:

    5% 401k match, variable (usually 2-3%) stock contribution based on share performance during the year (requires 1% employee 401k contribution), and another variable contribution to a 'cash balance' account that is dependent on your age and years of service. Everyone gets the cash balance whether you contribute to your 401k or not.

    I would not say I'm highly compensated. Probably average for my profession.

    It 's not what you think it highly compensated.  It's what the IRS says is.    $120,000 and above. 

  7. 5 hours ago, Blotto said:

    It's a 10 minute ferry ride from Steilacoom. Not exactly the ends of the earth.

    The Ferry from Steilacoom only goes to Anderson and Ketron Islands.   It's not like it can make landfall on some deserted island without a boat ramp.


    As for a previous request...   This was the last picture I took before I moved back to Houston in 2010.   Sitting on the patio of the Grill at the to of the course by the clubhouse.  Was drinking a Manny's Pale Ale and taking in one last sunset over the Olympics.   He crashed a few miles off to the left.

    Why the fuck did I move back to Houston?





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  8. 16 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:

    Macanudo.... director of USAF logistics.

    Schmitty just showed his ass.   Most USAF bases don't have fighters especially on the west coast.  The bases out there that do are either in Alaska, Idaho or Arizona unless it's an Air National Guard unit at the state level.     And in this case, the closest unit is in Portland.   Their right there at PDX.  The next closest is either at Mountain Home (ID) or Elmendorf (AK) and both of those are too far away to make it to the Seattle area when something like this happens.   PDX to SEA is only 130 miles.   Go supersonic and that about 6 minutes once you're in the air.   I honestly doubt those F-15s did that so they were probably on target about 8-10 minutes after they scrambled.   I'm also willing to bet it took them 10 minutes to get airborne and on their way north.  Still, they were on his six within at least 20 minutes after he took off from SEA.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Shmitty said:

    Those of y'all claiming they came from Portland, must either not be familiar with the area or have forgotten that there is a joint Army and Air Force base less than an hour southwest in Fort Lewis in between Tacoma and Olympia.  And I used to live in Federal Way, so this hits close to home.  

    Hey dumbass....   McChord doesn't have any pursuit planes.   Unless you want to fire up a C-17 Globemaster and go chasing it with one of those.   Not exactly conducive to tracking down a stolen plane.  


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