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Brian Fantana

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Posts posted by Brian Fantana

  1. Also, while I'm thinking about it, I find it odd that all of the shit BabaYaga insisted all people that want stricter gun control are all about (i.e. repeal of the 2nd amendment) all seem to have the lowest number of votes in this poll. I highlighted them for your convenience.

    I thought this place was run by a massive liberal cabal, why aren't there 20+ votes for "Repeal the 2nd Amendment" ?


  2. Image result for laughing gif

    9 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Ever heard of the Kentucky Rifle?  Did you know, that during the revolutionary war the rifle was so instrumental in terrorizing British officers who were targeted with a range far exceeding the British "Brown Bess" rifles they tried to lobby the international community to have it banned as an "unfair" instrument of war?  

    This has zero bearing on the conversation, and I'm not even sure why you're bringing it up, unless you're such a simpleton that you believe this same situation could actually arise in today's America. If so, please elaborate and show your work.

    9 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    And why don't you ask the millions of Vietnamese how a low-tech infantry does against a modern army?  Or the Afgani's?  How's that working out for us so far?  Hundreds of millions of weapons.  Trillions of rounds of ammunition.  Millions of retired, gun-owning and highly trained soldiers among those you condescend as "bible-clinging gun nuts".  This is beyond absurd.  

    That's a staggeringly stupid and ridiculously simplistic analysis of why the Vietnam War turned out the way it did. Reading that drivel actually makes me sad for you. The Afghan (just reminding you of the proper spelling) War is completely unwinnable and will not end as a result of any military victory. If you think the situations we ran into in those countries are in any way applicable to the US mainland, I'm not sure what to say to you other than "good luck" because you'll need it if that day comes where you can pretend to be a badass and make mince meat out of the poor saps coming to "take yerr gerrrns".

  3. Just now, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    Give an inch, see what happens. First off, the second amendment is to protect against a tyrannical government. So giving them a list of who and how many guns isn't in the interest of the amendment.

    Second, it isn't a stretch to see what they will do. They will chip away at the right of self defense until it's gone. They have demonized Christians to the point where I could easily see it eventually coming to - Do you believe in God? Wait you are hearing voices in your head? No guns for you.

    Yeah, when everyone was carrying muskets and riding horses. Good luck going up against the modern US military.

  4. 9 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Yeah.  Despite a hundred years worth of examples of a direct link from registration to confiscation....we'll just take your word for it.  

    I'll give it to you that perhaps having every gun on file is a bit extreme, but let me ask you this question:

    What about licensing? i.e. following the Swedish model.

  5. Nobody's advocating mass disarmament or mass confiscation so you can fuck right off (again) with that strawman garbage.

    Edit: Actually I'm just going to ignore you because I'm not going to play a part in letting you derail another thread with your hand-wringing alarmist bullshit.

    • Fuck You 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, bernorange said:

    That kind of rhetoric is not constructive to honest discussion.  It's also very ignorant of history, including very recent history.


    Were anyone's guns actually confiscated? No. The Honolulu PD misinterpreted the law, intentionally or not, and were rightly called out on it.

    12 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    If you are afraid of that you are a student of history and know that every mass gun confiscation was precipitated by a national gun registry.

    Yeah, I'm not buying it. As a gun owner, I have no issue with the government knowing what guns I own.

  7. 1 minute ago, BabaYaga said:

    The right fears a gun registry.  Understand this concern, and work from there.  The right also supports the ATF.  So when discussions of "gun research" and "modernization" of the databases are discussed, laser-like specifics need to be on the table.  Regarding research, we talking about education strategies, gun storage, or we talking about restrictions on purchases?

    As for databases/tracking - we talking about tracking occurrences & statistics, or tracking the firearms themselves?  There is a real fear of ATF overreach.  

    Track the guns and who they're owned by. If you're afraid of that you're a fucking nut and too fucking bad.

    The right does not support the ATF. The ATF is funded like Oklahoma public schools. It's a joke. They do their jobs with all their limbs bound.

    • Fuck You 1
  8. 1 minute ago, BabaYaga said:

    If the point of this exercise is to flush out various options to further reduce already declining homicide and gun-related crimes, then this absolutely needs to be a part of the discussion.  The point being we are unable to effectively fund and enforce the laws we have currently - so reconcile this with layering new laws on top of the ones we already have trouble managing?

    I actually agree with this, but it also probably falls under the scope of "Increase funding for / modernize BATF"

  9. 1 minute ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Theres already a de facto gun registration list.  The ATF database is digitized but not searchable. It requires a negligible amount of work to index them. The camel's nose is in the tent if someone wants to round up your guns. Might as well allow that info to be useful now since its already usable enough to achieve your biggest fear if big gov't ever wants to do it. 

    The ATF is stuck in the stone age thanks to the NRA lobby. There's no way they're getting more money, ever.

  10. 1 hour ago, longhornmatt said:

    6’5 guys who can jump out of the gym aren’t a rarity at the NBA level.  Usually it makes sense to take the money and start your pro career once you’re draftable, but Smith probably should wait until he develops more of an offensive game.  I doubt he is a first round lock, and even if he does get drafted this year he would probably just pigeonhole himself into some Andre Roberson type role that he may never shake.

    I'm biased but if he stays, doesn't get hurt, and develops a good offensive game he's a lottery pick. As it stands, his offensive game is nonexistent aside from dunks off basket cuts and putbacks, and decent spot up 3 point shooting. He really needs to develop some weapons to make it in the NBA, otherwise he gets chewed up and spit out because 6'5" guys with personal trampolines are a dime a dozen, as you said.

  11. 15 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    I wonder if the Smokey's of the world realize how transparent their motives are to us actual Jews.

    White/American people want to kill Jews = "both sides"

    Brown/foreign people want to kill Jews = "OMG they must be stopped!"

    You can't pick and choose when to care about antisemitism, and expect us to take you seriously.  

    Friendly reminder that smokey was banned multiple times in the shag for overtly racist posts before retooling his approach to more subtle swam-style dog whistling and gaslighting. 

  12. 51 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    What hunter doesn't have a closet full of those?  How many are there?  50MM?  80MM?

    What the fuck? I've hunted since I was 9 years old and have literally not once ever used a semi-automatic rifle to do so.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    It's delusion that there is not a significant number on the left on board with this rhetoric. They are getting bolder in revealing their intention, day by day. 

    Cough up some links

  14. 12 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    You know your argument sucks when you have to keep repeating the same strawman over and over. Who here is saying we should repeal the 2nd?

    I'll quote myself again so maybe you can try to have a normal conversation here without strawmanning this bullshit every other post.

  15. 2 hours ago, BabaYaga said:

    Old?  Everyone that knows anything about firearms understands that you will not end mass shootings with gun control short of banning the amendment outright and mass gun confiscation.  So step peddling this silly, disingenuous bullshit. 

    This how it works?

    If only we had an example to follow of a large country that implemented gun control 22 years ago and hasn't had a mass shooting since.

    You don't have to repeal the fucking amendment to do that so you can go ahead and fuck off with that scare tactic already. 

  16. 3 hours ago, BabaYaga said:

    Then prove it.  Whitman killed more than a dozen people with a deer rifle and his parents with a knife.  



    You watch too many movies. Whitman had a bunch of guns up there, not just a bolt-action hunting rifle like is often portrayed in media accounts.

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