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Brian Fantana

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Posts posted by Brian Fantana

  1. 12 minutes ago, Mike "Wags" Wagner said:

    Hogg going after McCain, but he's a kid. Geeze, you gullible fucking imbeciles, letting this piece of shit lead you on gun control.

    You're such a fucking pussy faggot.

    • Like 2
  2. 15 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    That's the point.  It won't work.  At all.  So now what?

    You're a fucking moron.

    6 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Actually, it didn't.  Not at all.  Less than a 6th of the guns were turned in.  There was no constitutional precedent, they have a total population less than LA, and they are a FUCKING island.  Pretty easy to secure your borders while you are hundreds of miles out in the ocean.

    You're a fucking moron.

    • “While 13 gun massacres (the killing of 4 or more people at one time) occurred in Australia in the 18 years before the NFA, resulting in more than one hundred deaths, in the 14 following years (and up to the present), there were no gun massacres.”
    • “In the seven years before the NFA (1989-1995), the average annual firearm suicide death rate per 100,000 was 2.6 (with a yearly range of 2.2 to 2.9); in the seven years after the buyback was fully implemented (1998-2004), the average annual firearm suicide rate was 1.1 (yearly range 0.8 to 1.4).”
    • “In the seven years before the NFA, the average annual firearm homicide rate per 100,000 was .43 (range .27 to .60) while for the seven years post NFA, the average annual firearm homicide rate was .25 (range .16 to .33).”
    • “[T]he drop in firearm deaths was largest among the type of firearms most affected by the buyback.”

    I bolded the important one for you. Weird that they haven't had a single mass shooting since they enacted the NFA. Weird.

  3. 5 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Ah, the see something say something strategy.  Compelling.  Works so well now.  Kids taking months to apparently plan out attacks certainly will be caught in this web as they stroll to the arcade with it strapped to their back.

    That's the only way to enforce a ban on anything you moron. No one is going to go door to door and search everyone's shit if a ban is put in place, and you damn well know it.

  4. 1 minute ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Why 10mm?  I'd go for something MUCH smaller.  You need something big if you need to drop somebody cold who is shooting at you, particularly if they may be behind a wall, a windshield, a car door or something.  If I'm popping kids at 15 feet who can't shoot back I'll guess a .22LR would be easy and accurate.  I know I'm waaaay more accurate with a .22 than a 10mm.

    The point is: I think the ban of an "assault rifle" (whatever that is) is a ban of the weapon used by some nut.  It isn't a ban of the weapon that would be used by a Navy Seal trying to shoot up a school.  The nut will just find another weapon.  You aren't taking away killing power.  You're taking fire decals off a hot rod.



    Have you ever fired one? It's a real easy gun to shoot.

    I'm not interested in addressing any more of your false equivalencies so quit trying.

  5. 3 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Then explain for this is enforceable....

    Uh, easy. Just like now, if you're caught with a banned weapon, it gets confiscated and you probably get arrested. If you try to shoot or otherwise harm the officer(s) attempting to confiscate your weapon and/or arrest you, then your potential consequences increase dramatically. Seems pretty simple.

  6. Just now, BabaYaga said:
    For law abiding citizens, sure.  That are already following the litany of existing gun laws.  But for those intent on breaking existing laws, how is this a deterrent?  Access?  It's not practical as it's not enforceable.  Nor do the prior statistics provide conclusive evidence they would even be effective?

    Well gee whiz golly we better not make any new laws about anything because people might break 'em.

  7. 1 minute ago, TahoeHorn said:

    I'll buy the theory.  I don't understand the practice.

    What do you do about the existing inventory?  We're talking about tens of millions of rifles.

    How do you specify the magazine?  Do you have a spec which makes it extremely difficult to use a larger magazine?  How would that work?

    Is what you're banning more deadly than a machine pistol (semi-auto version)?


    It's another topic, and I don't have expertise, but if I were going to shoot up a school an AR-style rifle would not be my weapon of choice.  I'd use a small caliber machine pistol.  I could aim it like a rifle and be accurate at short range.   It'd be much more easy to handle than a rifle.  My accuracy with a true pistol or a large caliber gun sucks.  I'll bet I could rock and roll with a machine pistol with a stock with a small caliber.

    I'd probably use a Vector.


    I had the pleasure of shooting one of these at the range a couple years ago when the Gen 2 models were first released. Always been a fan.

  8. Just now, Anastasis said:

    I haven't read that article, but were they able to work in anything about Jesus' landing pad on Temple Mount?  That's usually the best part. 

    You should glance at it. It's great. A website called "American Thinker" posts a tepid article that contains a bunch of well known information that looks like it was copied and pasted out of various textbooks and draws no conclusions of its own. It's pretty much a perfect microcosm of what the rest of the world probably thinks when they hear the phrase "American Thinker".

  9. Anyone that needs to fire off 10 rounds at a fucking hog needs to put the fucking gun down and go look for a cure for their Parkinson's. I grew up hunting game with bolt-action rifles, and it's my opinion that if you need to hunt with a semi-automatic rifle, you're a fucking pussy. How bah dah?

  10. It's not even good information. It's just "lmao gotcha Palestine was never a country" when everyone already knows that, coupled with Bible (or Torah) thumping bullshit about land endowed by their creator.

    Please, please, get smarter. For your own sake.

  11. Do you think that's some sort of revelation? I guess that's not surprising. Anyone that went to school and left it with a basic understanding of world geography knows that.

  12. 4 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    All modern firearms are derivations of military weapons.  All of them.  So specifically, which derivation are you referring to?

    Nope, that's not how this works. If you present literally any good faith argument I will respond. I'm not interested in playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon here.

  13. 2 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:
    What is consistent - each and every target was a "soft" gun-free zone, where the assailant knew he had free range on an unprotected prey.  You say you want to protect your kids RIGHT NOW.  Then actually protect them.  Do you think there will ever be an attempted shooting at that MD school ever again?  be honest....

    Greatest dog whistle ever.

  14. 31 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    The military rifles perform differently from the civilian rifles.  The military rifles have select fire and/or full-auto; the civilian rifles do not.  The military rifles are illegal. 

    The civilian rifles that look like military rifles work like other civilian rifles.  It's like taking a PT Cruiser, putting a fire decal and a number on it and calling it a race car.  It isn't.  It's still a PT Cruiser and it works the same as the one without the number painted on the side.

    No fucking shit Tahoe, go look up what the word derivation means. The PT Cruiser comparison is, of course, another false equivalency. A PT Cruiser is to a race car as a BB gun is to an M4A1. Removing the automatic fire option does not turn an M4A1 into a BB gun.

  15. Just now, BabaYaga said:

    Every gun, knife, bow, and spear ever made could be considered a "certain derivative of military weapons".  

    There are direct, civilian derivations of military arms literally available on Academy.com.

    You know what he's talking about, don't be an intellectually dishonest twerp.

  16. 11 minutes ago, bernorange said:

    Your intellectually honest argument is that "your kid's right to life" supercedes every law abiding citizens right to self defense.  I don't think you really thought this through.  Would it be intellectually honest to extend that criteria to everything that kills kids at annually at a higher rate than AR-15s? Utterly silly response is correct.

    Given that it is literally the first unalienable right defined in the declaration of independance, I would say that a child's right to life actually does supercede your need to own an AR-15.

  17. Just now, ndawg said:

    But don't ever talk about the risks associated with thrusting an intelligent, well intentioned but extremely unseasoned youth into a position of authority, solely because they possess a huge amount of social capital? Is that right? Just vote against them, but never discuss it?

    Come on, a concern troll is deliberately using fake concern in order to move the goalposts or distract from issues. I'm not attempting to distract from anything, just stating my worry that this could go very south for them in the years ahead. I realize now I didn't exactly think through my original comment -- I've got no problem stating unequivocally that this does not impact how I perceive gun legislation one iota, nor do I intend to throw a wet blanket on what they're doing *today*.

    Who is doing this? They're just fucking talking. No one is putting them in any position of authority. Are you fucking insane?

  18. 2 minutes ago, SDG said:

    Well. Technically they are very close to the same caliber (you can fire 22 through a 223 barrow.). 

    Btw 223 is not a NATO round.

    if you’re gonna argue gun control technicalities are important or you run the risk of enacting stupid laws that don’t make a difference.  

    This is exactly what I'm talking about btw. I (and everyone fucking else on the planet) know they're close to the same caliber. I also understand the NATO round is a derivation and not exactly the same. Thanks for literally making my point for me.

  19. 1 minute ago, ndawg said:

    Yeah, I agree with their message. I guess I should clarify what I'm thinking: I don't think they should be anointed as leaders of the political movements that their message is advancing. I worry that they will be.

    This is nothing but a (probably inadvertent) concern troll.

    If the people we have elected won't do what the people want, others must take their place. That's how democracy works. The American people favor stricter gun control by majority, and our elected officials have chosen to stay on the NRA gravy train instead. If you don't want one of these kids eventually taking office, vote against him in 20xx.

  20. I lost interest in having this retarded argument after some dork on a Tech board tried to argue with me that .22 caliber and .223 caliber NATO rounds were the same. Gun nuts have zero interest in good faith arguments. They will browbeat you with technicalities until they're blue in the face.

  21. Meh. These kids are survivors of a preventable atrocity. They want to speak out about it. They want change. There's nothing wrong with that, regardless of what the Wags of the world say, and there's really nothing wrong with helping facilitate their message if that's what they desire.

    I doubt they care that much about negative conservative attention at this point. Any real conservative would applaud the constitutional freedoms these kids are exercising. Hogg has already received a lifetime's worth of negative attention from conservatives. He responded to Laura Ingraham in the best way possible, by attacking her bottom line and making her squeal. As far as I can tell, the only thing "conservatives" have on him is a college rejection letter from one school, the fact that he cusses like a sailor (who fucking cares, snowflakes?), and he's publicly saying things that they don't want to hear. Frankly, it's hilarious. They can't do anything to stop him, and viciously attacking him for it does nothing but make him more visible. Keep it up.

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