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Brian Fantana

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Posts posted by Brian Fantana

  1. 40 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    you know exactly the implication of that post. the implication is a dog whistle to like-minded folks to try and reinforce the false narrative that this hogg kid is a professional actor who travels around to crises, despite zero evidence.

    Yeah I know, I just wanted to see him try to dance around it.

  2. 14 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Some of you are having trouble with the question.  Do you allow the walkout or not?  What are your criteria for sanctioning a school walkout?

    No you do not allow/sanction it, and the reason is pretty simple:

    Abortion, while a real issue that many people care about, does not affect their daily student life. They should be protesting the issue on their own time. The issue of school shootings directly affects them as students. Staging a school walkout over school shootings is entirely appropriate, over abortion not so much.

    That being said, if half your student body walks out over anything you probably just sit back and let it slide. It doesn't really make sense to try and punish half your students for protesting if it actually comes to that (which I doubt).

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  3. 12 hours ago, RayDog said:

    Two thoughts.

    When I girl decides she wants to get fucked there is no law that will stop her from achieving her goal.

    Prohibition does not work at any age.

    Roy Moore? That you? 

  4. 20 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Wow. Super shady.  I’d been proud of Rick for not being an embarrassment up there. I guess it was just because he’d been successfully hiding it.  

    Uh you're proud of Rick Perry? Have you had your head under a rock the last decade or so? The man is a complete dipshit sellout and always has been.

  5. 1 hour ago, Hoosier Longhorn said:

    A "high school student" with a verified Twitter account......Yeah that just happens without a little head scratching 

    I'm curious as to what smoothbrained conclusion you're suggesting. And you might want to brush up on Twitter policies.

  6. I actually kind of feel sorry for Assange. He has obviously been used as a tool by multiple powers. It looked great when he was whistleblowing Iraq, but later on it became crystal clear that he is actually not that smart and was/is being heavily manipulated by his sources. 

  7. 53 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    I see, I just think competition is the solution to protect customers rather than government regulations. The big companies pushing it seems to me they have lobbied to get things in there that will stop them from having competition. 

    To me it's fucked that there is only one provider where I live for fast internet. Do the satellite based 5G through the government and give it away for free, fuck the cable companies.

    Satellite based internet service is trash, stop advocating for it.

    True, millimeter wave 5G wireless technology, which is going to start deploying soon (possibly even this year) is eventually going to change/eradicate coverage problems permanently.

  8. Just now, Incredulity said:


    Old enough to fight in a war, old enough to vote, drink, drive, fuck,..........

    This. It's a simple point but it's one I agree with. 21 is a weird milestone to impose. It should be 18 like most of the rest of the world. If you're old enough to sign your life over, you're old enough to legally down a shot of whiskey in my book.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Same thing that a LEO apparently needs it to protect them from, maybe?

    Reading comprehension is not that hard, nor is refraining from building a strawmen into that quote. 

    Meh. I wasn't responding to you, cunt. I quoted you by accident. Fixed.

  10. 13 minutes ago, udaydanceparty said:

    Well we elected Hitler right?  Don't you think we should be able to defend ourselves from Trump/Hitler?

    Protect you from what? The US military? Good luck.

    You know damn well the only weapon you have that matters is your vote. You're not fighting anyone off.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I also wouldn’t be opposed to raising the age limit to 21 on all firearm sales.

    I understand my proposals are only nominal measures to reduce deaths from gun violence but I think they’re worth cost, all things considered.

    I agree. There are a lot of small things we could do to mitigate violence, but it's just impossible to have the conversation because all you get in return is FUCKING LIBRUL HITLER 2ND AMENDMENT YOU WANNA TAKE ALL OUR GUNS. Like you, I own multiple guns (mostly bolt-action hunting rifles but I do have a Glock and a couple shotguns as well) and still advocate some form of gun control. It's crazy how black and white people try and make the issue when it's anything but.

    It's easy to look at all these school shootings and see what weapons are used to perpetrate them. There's no reason I should be able to go to Academy.com and order a semi-automatic "sporting rifle" with a 30 round capacity that shoots 5.56 NATO rounds. That doesn't make sense to me. Who besides a soldier or LEA needs something like that?

  12. Lmao, "this kid being mean is driving people to join the NRA" is the new "you calling me racist is turning me into a racist".


    What a crock of shit. It's amazing how a child is bringing you all to your knees. Chicken shits.

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