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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. Reminded me of the John Mulaney bit, There's a Horse Loose in the Hospital “I’m gonna run towards the baby incubators and smash ’em with my hooves. I’ve got nice hooves and a long tail, I’m a horse!”..........Ah That’s what I thought you’d say, you dumb fucking horse.
  2. The only thing that does him in is the final count after the election. Don't waste any energy on anything else besides getting as many people to vote for Biden.
  3. If there's no election I'm pretty certain the Senate would lose its ® majority. Additionally, I think governors have the power to appoint Representatives so I would assume CA would appoint Pelosi back to her spot. Though I could be wrong as I'm many years removed from my high school civics class.
  4. +Rep all day on this. Hearing Obama today felt like coming up from a deep snorkel dive with your lungs straining for that last bit of oxygen before you break the surface then breathing in deeply. Going to sit the kids down tonight and have them watch the various eulogies as it's a true moment in history.
  5. I was going to go with strangle him with his own seatbelt, but yours works as well.
  6. The last couple of paragraphs from the last letter penned by Congressman John Lewis By John Lewis Mr. Lewis, the civil rights leader who died on July 17, wrote this essay shortly before his death, to be published upon the day of his funeral. "Though I may not be here with you, I urge you to answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for what you truly believe. In my life I have done all I can to demonstrate that the way of peace, the way of love and nonviolence is the more excellent way. Now it is your turn to let freedom ring. When historians pick up their pens to write the story of the 21st century, let them say that it was your generation who laid down the heavy burdens of hate at last and that peace finally triumphed over violence, aggression and war. So I say to you, walk with the wind, brothers and sisters, and let the spirit of peace and the power of everlasting love be your guide."
  7. The spin will be fantastic when we find out he was on a full HCQ regimen and yet he still passed away.
  8. So what are the odds on Trump attending Cain's funeral?
  9. Who gets the Rona next? No mask dude or chin mask dude?
  10. FFS Ed if you're going to complain about non-Trump shit on the Trump thread, don't have your next post be about non-Trump shit.
  11. So like everything he's done in life, he basically just put his name on it.
  12. Aprapo, after being diagnosed he decided to head straight for the Congressional gym.
  13. He really is doubling down on "making America great segregated again".
  14. I guess we call this karma. He tries to ban Democrats or at least force a name change, and their damn democratic hoax comes back to bite him in the ass.
  15. He's so weak. We all know he's got Putin's spunk across his chin, the least he can do is sit up straight when he's getting his man card pulled in an interview.
  16. Well he did have that run of walking up and grabbing women by the pussy. Though as I type this I definitely don't call that a winning strategy, but I'm assuming that's how he met each of his three wives. I'll keep brainstorming.
  17. Sounds like he needs to be set up with the spirit in the sky....... Never been a sinner I never sinned I got a friend in Jesus So you know that when I die He's gonna set me up with The spirit in the sky
  18. Well there's the facts and then there's Bill Barr's "facts" as he sees them and distributes them.
  19. Spent a week down in Galveston after the 4th. Ate and drank well. Caught some blues crabs and a 15 lb shark that fried and grilled up nicely.
  20. Dr. Stella Immaniel's ministry has some great videos. Here's a sampling: - Prayer Against the Strongman - Deliverance From Family Line Witchcraft (already linked) - Deliverance from Spirit Husband's and Wives (part 2) - Week three! Prayer Against Witchcraft - Prayer Against Familiar Spirit - Deliverance from Marine spirits I would say that Paula White, Trump's current spiritual advisor should look out, but come on. He's not dropping this for Dr. Stella.
  21. I don't even think this doctor needs Hydroxychloroquine, just the power of the spirit and Fire Power Ministries.
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