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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by softlynow

  1. If you don't try him as an adult, that's what happens.
  2. So a 16 year old rapes and murders a couple girls and is released from TJJD on his 19th birthday with no criminal conviction on his record? Not sure you have the votes for that particular reform.
  3. You need to clarify this a bit more. In Texas juveniles can be transferred to criminal court (to be tried as an adult) at age 14 for capital murders and certain other first degree offenses, and at age 15 for other felonies. 17 is our age of criminal majority. Each state has differing ages for both juveniles that can be transferred and outright majority, some allowing transfer as low as 10 years old.
  4. The problems with that are 1) Dems should ALWAYS be the party that believes in governing justly, and tries to follow that belief and 2) liberals in red state big cities dump tons of money into Dem campaigns. The latter point is the important one, really. Obama didn't make campaign stops in Houston because of principle, he came here for the money. Everyone expects something for their contributions. Red state liberals expect favorable policies will include themselves, while Trumplicans only expect liberal tears, which is why a GOP presidents can punish blue states. Getting the shaft is still getting what they want.
  5. I don't see how saying it's tough to break in to the business, and that maybe folks who want to should look to examples of those who've done it is justification. It's simply not the conversation that some in the replies wanted to have. Lance, on the other hand, is justifying:
  6. That's just an example of people talking past each other. Jane tweet an opportunity, supplements the tweet with her experience and pointing out this is 'how it's done.' Commenters point out that 'how it's done' shuts out people without some level of 3rd party financial support. Jane doesn't get that point, but commenters don't get that she's not justifying the system.
  7. That’s what you get when a party becomes entirely about weaponizing greed and petty grievance.
  8. If we had a functional mob, we wouldn't need laws to get justice. Texans aren't what they talk themselves up to be. Everything's bigger but our balls, apparently. We repeatedly take it dry and ask for more. By the time the next national abortion/gay rights/trans rights/immigration/gun rights/police brutality story takes over the news all the anger and willingness to hold Texas Pubs accountable will be gone. The Capitol should be surrounded by angry people demanding heads on pikes.
  9. Anything but simple majority rules in the Senate is silly. The filibuster wasn't in the Senate's original rules, and only came about because Aaron Burr was a moron. The Senate already protects minority interests by constitutional design. Either make the Senate more democratic in makeup, or in function. The former requires amendment, the latter apparently requires heaping largesse on West Virginia and Arizona. WV definitely needs federal help, Arizona not so much, but Dems need to figure out the cost of getting rid of this stupid rule.
  10. The lesson is when you realize something is rotten, move on. I've been a Texan fan, but had not read or heard anything about Easterby. Now that I have, and learned about the prosperity theology beliefs of the McNair's, the dysfunction and incompetence of the Texan administration makes sense. They've been taken in by a philosophy that is, in reality, simply meant to enable grifters, and they've now promoted one to Executive Vice President of Football Operations. A fucking conman preacher. Jerry Jones shouldn't be mentioned in a conversation with these clowns. He's 100x the owner that Cal is. If I had Texans gear, I'd be donating it in short order. Edit to add: Hell, he fucking looks like a conman pederast:
  11. Major bi-partisan legislation was routine in every presidency up until the black guy took office. I don't fault Dems for not understanding that the first black president would make a third of the country completely lose their minds. I will fault them going forward if they don't use the tools at their disposal now to counter the GOPs madness.
  12. Yeah, that’s right, just write your confession to any and all federal crimes you’ve committed in the space provided, what’s the worst that could happen?
  13. Yep. I took his summer intensive Ancient Greek class, and recall a negative op-Ed about Mack Brown Texas Football that summer (2001). I don’t remember the topic, but he was plainly anti-athletics. No doubt he finds an opening for his bitching at least once a year.
  14. Are you doing a team party/gathering at season’s end? If so, reverse roast. Hand out awards like most delusional parent and worst behaved parent. Or go the opposite way and claim you sent tape to various recruiting services. “It’s never too early to start thinking ‘next Lebron!’”
  15. Have fun with the parents. Go Norman Dale and require 4 passes every possession, practices without a ball, bench a couple and play with 4 to end a game, hire an alcoholic to be your assistant, get thrown out and let the alcoholic finish the game. I’m only half kidding. My way to say “fuck ‘em” would be to finish the year my way, and not let them know they bugged me. Any way, good luck. You’re a brave one for doing it, a better parent than any of those others.
  16. 1. No more than one missed XP all year. 2. Zero games kicking off both halves. 3. Take the RZ FG most of the time in first halves. 4. Bijan with 15+ touches a game. 5. Wiley with 5+targets a game. 6. A 100% stop rate on 3rd and 17+. 7. Proof that from time to time winning is actually sort of easy. 8. Zero staff members tied to the Briles rape regime. 9. Zero Sark dirty 6th sightings. 10. McConaughey buy-in. 11. Olds complaining about something new at DKR next year. I’m not exempting myself from this. 12. Pain.
  17. Holy shit I had repressed that clusterfuck. It was the blocked extra point of coaching hires.
  18. I don’t think it’s a given that we pack the place for the Ragin Cajuns, Rice or either Kansas. Seats will also be empty to see Tech if that game is late in the year and they’re garbage again. A Herman led ‘21 squad will be an easy ticket to get, especially so given our home schedule.
  19. Y'all really want to set us up to get rejected by a 2nd former Buckeyes coach?
  20. They’re content to remain in Ohio. I’m sure their shitty views don’t stop there.
  21. Fair considering the uneven way the summer was handled. Easy pitch to overcome that: Tom Herman had the primary input there, as you would once you sign *right* *here*.
  22. The universe is 13.5 billion years old, and our solar system is 4.6 billion years old. Homo Sapiens is thought to have been around for 300,000 years. Agriculture has been a thing for 12,000 years and sports for 3,000. In that context I guess 5 days is “very soon.” See you Sunday.
  23. So they're OK stealing from Star Trek for an operation name and for the design of the flag for the new armed services branch, but we're stuck with SPACE FORCE as it's name? This administration is the worst.
  24. She wouldn't reach the question because there aren't 50 Dem votes for M4A. On healthcare, it has almost always been true that you will get no GOP compromise. Your missing the part where a Dem majority necessarily means that there are red state Dems. Call them anything you want, they're not likely to back many progressive bills. This is correct. Work needs to be done on the people's attitudes to get us to the point that progressive candidates in swing districts actually have a fighting chance. We just had confirmation that this isn't true. The fight continues, and I hope (though do not expect) for a better strategy to emerge soon. That typed, while we may be on a tangent, this is a thread about governing after the 2020 election. With a couple races left, in which Dems are not the favorites let alone progressive policies, it's obvious that progressive steps will not be taken by the incoming government. It's time to consider the best way for that government to actually improve the lives of its constituents. And a final aside: M4A has an enormous hurdle to clear in that even quite liberal people would be hesitant to see their own health insurance torpedoed for the uncertainty of what universal Medicare would become.
  25. Just need 50 + Harris for either filibuster reform or reconciliation. Manchin is a no-go on filibuster reform, so, file that away for later Congresses. Considering the VP is the gatekeeper for what gets through reconciliation, if Biden's plan can get 50, I'm sure his VP would allow it. I'm not sure whether it'll happen, should the Georgia races produce a couple of miracles, but the chances are higher than the zero that is M4A in this Congress.
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