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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by softlynow

  1. Hard hitting journalism right there. Lloyd Christmas would be riveted. But I guess the average tv news viewer needs this shit spelled out.
  2. Y'all can argue it all you want, but nobody knows right now, whether Beto's move pays off. It was a gamble, to be sure. Sydney's thinking is the mainstream. The safe play. Schedule a rebuttal. Hope it gets press coverage, beyond the Tribune and some local tv affiliates. In most situations, Beto's scheduled PC gets little play. So in the coverage vein, this move worked. He is now solidly a part of this discussion. There's also a real possibility that this school shooting is one too many. At some point that day will come. Is this the shooting that changes minds? The smart money is that it is not, but the smart money often sticks with the aging champion well past his prime. For a campaign that most, including yours truly, gives little to no chance of winning, it was a fairly smart play. What does Beto have to lose if 18 children dead 5.5 months before an election doesn't move the needle with moderates? If it doesn't, he loses anyway.
  3. Republicans should simply be asked the following over and over and over: Do you actually want to prevent future school shootings? How would you do so? When can we expect that legislation? Until forced to answer the first question, Dems should assume, by their actions up to this point, that their answer is "no." And should be screaming that from the rooftops every got. damn. day. Republicans accept school shootings. Republicans accept school shootings. Republicans accept school shootings. Republicans accept school shootings. Republicans accept school shootings.
  4. True. It just got more likely that teachers will be required to carry.
  5. It still stunning to me that these people advertise their tiny dicks and their doubts about their own masculinity.
  6. The body of that website does detail that some other countries do have school shooting problems. Some of that text: European countries have had their share of school shootings, although not as frequently as in the United States or Canada. These include eight in Germany since 1913, one in Lithuania (1925), one in Sweden (1961), three since 1967 in the United Kingdom (none after the 1996 massacre), three in Finland since 1989, two in the Netherlands (1999 and 2004), one in Denmark (1994), one in Hungary (2009), two in France (2012 and 2017), one in Estonia (2014), Spain (2015), at least five in Russia since 2014 (including events in May and Seotember 2021), one in Crimea (2018), and one in Poland (2019, no deaths). Gun violence in Central American countries is extremely common. In Honduras, the homicide rate is many times the global average. Because of heavily armed gangs in Honduras, school shootings “are so common, they are subsumed quickly into the country's news cycle and barely register outside its borders.”. As such, the true number of school shootings in Honduras is unknown, but believed to be high. Mexico has experienced 17 reported school shootings since 2004. All of these incidents have resulted in zero to two deaths each. In each of the three shootings that had two deaths, one was the perpetrator. South Africa has experienced five school shootings since 1994, resulting in eight deaths in total. Excluding China, several Asian nations have experienced school shootings. These include one in Taiwan (1962), two in Israel (1974 and 2008), one in Yemen (1997), one in the Philippines (1999), one in Thailand (2003), one in Lebanon (2007), one in India (2007), one in Azerbaijan (2009), and one in Pakistan. The "Peshawar siege" in 2014 was a Taliban attack that killed 145 (plus the gunmen), making it the deadliest school shooting in Asia
  7. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country Top 3 US - 288 Mexico - 8 South Africa - 6
  8. No, there’s an urgent need to be armed or working on exiting this country.
  9. A bunch of these threads could simply folded into the American Fascist thread. The Center-Right has lost control of its radical flank, and all it will take is one election giving WH and Congressional control to the GOP for the American experiment to end badly. Big lies like this “theory” are the prelude to catastrophe.
  10. It's not totally clear you understood the post to which you're replying. Who would want to invest in an instrument that doesn't increase in value? Who would want to use an instrument as currency that does increase in value?
  11. Has the American electorate and electoral system been replaced by rational counterparts from a different universe yet? No? Prepare your anus for the fascist buttfucking.
  12. We went from Shining City on a Hill to banana republic in about 40 years.
  13. Certainly keeps them in the game despite how terrible they are at traditional warfare.
  14. Yep. "God wants us to end abortion tourism" is the next line, as if crossing state lines for medical care of an emotional nature and which is possibly necessary to save a woman's life was a fun vacation.
  15. You're asking about the rules that apply to the mega rich?
  16. He only sees the good in people, which is why he knows nothing about Portnoy and Rogan.
  17. He will emerge from this as the front-runner for the Republican nominee for President, and y'all know it. He knows silence now is a positive for him with his base.
  18. Or he just doesn’t believe in the no win scenario.
  19. 1. Decrease the number of constituents for each member of the House of Representatives to 30,000. 2. Require upfront pricing from all medical service providers, meaning all prices published on the internet and in a book/binder in the patient lobby. 3. Term limits - 6 for house reps, 2 for Senators.
  20. Same roster that built a huge lead against the league’s clear leader, and a sizable one against the next 2 couldn’t go 8-4 under better management? Sure. Moronic take.
  21. This roster is good enough to have gone 8-4. This debate will end on 9/17/22. When UTSA beats us one week after Bama throttles us by 50, the only question will be when we pull plug.
  22. Copy Editor's notes: 1. If you really want this to run, consider the edits made above. 2. You should really reconsider running this.
  23. Context you ignore - when Casey came in against Colorado, the offense produced at a demonstrably higher rate. You really suck at this. We’re surprised at the obviously dismal coaching failure. Personnel issues are, again and again, admitted by the non-Pollyanna crowd, but y’all conveniently keep harping on them like it’s a point of contention. 2021’s Game one results have been shown to be no more impressive than 2020’s. We’ve moved beyond that data point. Your argument continues to be that all is not lost because some tiny percentage of the time first year failures don’t portend overall tenure failure. You’ve added nothing to that since you started this nonsense.
  24. The failure of every Rutgers coach other than Greg Schiano and every Kansas coach other than Mangino is proof enough your first statement is wrong.
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