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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by softlynow

  1. I feel a bit better not because of independents but because turnout on the Dem side is going to be 2008 levels or better. That alone will do it. Independents are morons, and don’t seem swayed by left-right anyway. The additional gravy, especially in Arizona and maybe a couple other states (Georgia, Texas, SC Senate race?) is defecting Pubs, not necessarily Indys.
  2. McConnell said what he said because he knows he’s got the votes OR he thinks losing the vote helps in November. Maybe both. Collins, Murkowski and Romney aren’t necessary. Hell, you could let another vote nay or abstain if Manchin votes yea like he did for Justice Beer! This one is likely done.
  3. Lloyd and Harry singing Mockingbird would work, too
  4. Is that possible? I'm just asking. John Fucking Marshall was appointed by lame duck John Adams. Yes, it’s possible.
  5. Dude, there is no bottom. Sad Pence gif.
  6. I want to watch them suffer. After those things go through in the first 100 days, the whole state goes back to its rightful owners.
  7. Don’t stop there. One Dakota. WyMontIdaho. MissArKansOklahoma. Whittle red Amerika down to the 16 or Senators the deserve. 11 new ACLU lawyers on the SC. Make all NASCAR races have right turns. Make SEC! teams play 9 game conference schedules and disallow FCS matchups. Kaepernick statues at every mile marker on every interstate in former confederate states. Require all southern schools to play New York, New York on the PA after the pledge. Free firearms to NAACP members. Replace God Bless America with WAP during the seventh inning stretch. Tax churches at the top marginal rate to fund planned parenthood and transgender surgeries for anyone who wants them. Ban the DH. Death penalty for driving slowly in the left lane. Trains. Lots and lots of trains.
  8. Until 2021, which will see the inauguration of Trump for his second term as the last President of the United States.
  9. Looks like the tree of liberty needs some fresh manure.
  10. The Forest Service's website notes 1 project in California that operated from July 2017 and June 2018 and dealt with 500 acres of land.
  11. This has been a good week. I hope there really is more coming. Each scandal occupies us for about 3 days. Stack ‘em up all the way to Nov. 4 for good measure.
  12. I’m aware. This story fading from the news is beneficial to Dotard, because we all know it’s true. You do, too, which is why you immediately refused to answer a simple question.
  13. If he promises no class on Fridays, no weekend homework and Ice Cream for lunch, I’m in.
  14. At least the British print version used to have tits. I could understand that. This ... why spend every evening getting told to fear shit and told to buy shit that won’t make you thinner or longer?
  15. I wasn’t around then, but I heard about it later.
  16. Correct. And the best time to actually reach the barely-informed voter is within 60 days of the election. Defeating Trump is the only way to save lives he’d otherwise destroy. I would expect more and more of these revelations because now is when they could really move the needle, whether that’s changing a few minds, or convincing a few to actually vote for a change.
  17. I’m not for outright making shit up. If someone mistakenly slams Dotard a bit like this, correct it and move on. Skip the fucking lecture. Spare me the sanctimonious shit. These people would have any amount of “other” in chains if that got them a .5% capital gains tax cut. So THIS video doesn’t show he’s got serious mental decline. Oh no, the horror. He deserves this treatment and we have democracy to save. But you do have a point. Dems are supposed to be the party that loses out of principle. We should sing kumbaya, call for disbanding the military, lose resoundingly, and watch the west crumble with a clear conscience.
  18. Why? Is it because the Dotard Party is so honorable, their campaigns stick to truth and positivity, and our elections are decided by which side avoids the cheap shots?
  19. I thought he was groverat. But you make a good point.
  20. Agree not to ignore, and that he brings a unique perspective and interpretation. But you’re overselling it. He spends far too much time picking a fight, and derailing a thread without actually backing up his points. He’s bizarro Escriva/Laphroaig/LonghornLaw.
  21. Do some criminal defense. You'll stop asking that question in about 6 months. The answer is: a lot.
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