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Sgt Hulk

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Everything posted by Sgt Hulk

  1. So ewers to Denver Fucking Bo nix 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. Bears have a receiving core now
  3. Chicago loading up
  4. Penix gonna be 33 before his first start
  5. Bijan ask for a trade pleaseeee
  6. Bama O line. The same one we taped and shit all over?
  7. Who’s the first horn off the board? Murphy? Worthy?
  8. Not good Bob. Not good
  9. Great so the top 2 are gonna my hall of famers
  10. Caleb is surgical guys
  11. You seem dumb!!! put on your jorts and Barry sanders jersey and let’s go
  12. Watching the draft kickoff and cam newton doing his best impression of a Disney villain that kills kittens
  13. Can’t wait for Dallas to reach on a project lineman that had a 3rd round grade that never plays a single down As much as I would love to see Brooks go to Dallas I actually have too much respect for him and would like to see him actually win
  14. Mills is a factory worker lunch pail type that Wisconsin would go after. I’m sold
  15. He’s going there to ride the bench for a year?
  16. Point Damonic to the draft this weekend and get his room ready
  17. https://www.facebook.com/reel/439922341776684?fs=e&mibextid=0NULKw&fs=e&s=TIeQ9V pretty awesome for these kids. Haha
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