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Posts posted by SquishMitten

  1. 11 hours ago, statsman said:

    Before Ukraine, Wagner were pretty much experienced Russian troops, kind of their approximation of Blackwater (although they took on larger and more aggressive assignments than Blackwater). 
    In Ukraine, they augmented with poorly trained penal troops, used as cannon fodder, as described elsewhere. We’ve read other reports of conscripts being shipped to Wagner (rarely ethnic Russians from major cities). I’m guessing the cannon fodder is getting paid a whole lot less than the experienced Wagners. (And I’m guessing experienced Wagners make a lot more than regular Russian troops, and wouldn’t be surprised if that were a source of resentment). 
    With hard feeling between regular Russian troops and Wagner, rolling veteran Wagner troops into the Russian army may involve a big cut in pay, eating some shit, and being given the most dangerous assignments with minimal support. 
    That’s a shame. 

    They’re going to tear each other apart if they just get randomly integrated across many units. Neither side will have the slightest bit of trust in the other. 

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 3
  2. On 6/24/2023 at 8:02 AM, blacklab said:

    A few months before I got on the Baton Rouge they pulled into some shithole in the Caribbean. 2/3 of the crew were off the boat getting drunk when a storm approached that the captain decided he'd rather be under the ocean for rather than tied up to a shitty pier. So they ran around the island getting everyone, missed several and got ready to head out. Watch stations were determined in a "how much have you drank" draft. How much have you had? 3 beers? take AEA. 8 long island iced teas? go to bed. 7 beers? phone talker in maneuvering. 

    What happens to guys that didn’t get the memo? They eventually stumble back, realize they’ve been left behind, then promptly shit their pants thinking they’re in a world of trouble?

  3. 23 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    With what army?

    I made that post before I saw reporting that Wagner may actually get dissolved, or at least reorganized in some way. If he remains in control of some portion of it, then my point stands. Otherwise, I’m entirely wrong with regard to Pickles. Regardless, it stands for the next guy who can muster 20k troops and equipment. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. I wonder what doors this opens for us. Could we actually get away with taking out Pringles? Maybe wait until Putin is also dead. Then swoop in to secure all nuclear sites, send in UN peacekeepers all over the country and the ZPP…

    With Putin out of the picture, and no clear leader, would the Russians on the UNSC possibly go along with that? Seems they would have quite a bit of incentive to do so.

  5. 13 hours ago, SL Xpress said:

    I gotta admit, the level of layers necessary and the sheer amount of people who would have to keep their mouth shut for this to succeed as a staged event makes it unbelievable for me. 

    To be clear, I think it’s most likely the first option I stated (that it’s real), but I would disagree with your point here. The only people that would need to know it’s “staged” are Putin and Pringles.  It would take an enormous amount of dedication by Pickles, because he’s essentially falling on his sword and likely going to die, but it’s become apparent his guys will follow him. Shotgun and others (MOD, FSB, etc) don’t need to know it is a ploy. They clearly don’t like Prolapse, so their response would be expected to be genuine.

    Again, I think the odds of this are low, but it wouldn’t require more than a couple folks actually knowing the plan. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. I guess I see three possibilities for this right now:

    1) It’s legit, and Prigelpotomus has decided that they’re all either going to die on the defense from Russian shelling or they can go out making a stand against Russian MOD,

    2) It’s staged so that Russia can pull out of Ukraine, blaming it on civil unrest rather than defeat, or 

    3) It’s staged so that Russia can sabotage the ZPP and claim it was Wagner rather than state sponsored. 

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  7. 12 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    I have not kept up with this story at all.  How long were they scheduled to be down there, and how long were they actually down there when catastrophic failure occurred?

    Thanks in advance Surly...

    Do yourself a favor, and start from the beginning of the thread. I promise you won’t be disappointed, and you won’t care at all about the answers to these questions (but you will get them nevertheless).

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  8. When these stories first started coming out, the authors of the study predicted that other pods would start mimicking the first one that flipped/rammed a couple boats. Said Orca’s tend to go through trends they see from other pods, but they’ll eventually move on to something else. It’s like a TikTok trend amongst whales.

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  9. 11 hours ago, FORTY NINE TO ZERO said:

    Shit  didn’t realize modern houses could catch flame after lightning.  Isn’t the entire structure grounded now a days???

    I don’t know about that, but anybody on a rise like that should definitely have extra rods even if they theoretically come pre-grounded. We’ve had several houses hit and catch fire around us

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