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Burnt Ends
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About SquishMitten


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    Lick me where I fart

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  1. How much profit you making here? And is there a discount code to reduce the price by however much they’re giving to you?
  2. Google says that image was from June 2023 But maybe this is the first time it’s been made public?
  3. It was a Back to The Future reference, bruh. Also, it didn't burn down. It was torn down and replaced by the current main building and Tower
  4. You answered your own question. Would you prefer to get him cheap or end up in a huge bidding war in 3 years?
  5. I’m not convinced it’s chicken. Looks more like plate of pig fetuses
  6. Says it right in the caption, but it was the Main Building. Due to a mysterious event on November 12, 1955 at 10:04 PM, it was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. The Tower was then built in its place. I’m not usually one to call out “username,” but c’mon
  7. What kind of mouth-breathing wind bag doesn’t have a favorable opinion of bagpipes?!?
  8. I think the most impressive part of the whole thing is that he managed to dismount EXACTLY where they hoped he would. You can see they add a few yards of something as a CYA, but he landed dead center on the crossing. Solid math to start and end at exactly the same spot ETA: I see I wasn’t the only one to notice this. Guess it was kinda the point
  9. I only moved about 15 minutes from home. My mother came to my apartment once and quickly decided she wasn't ever making that mistake again. You can set boundaries regardless of distance.
  10. I think the only possibility he gets away with using a nuke is if it’s on his own soil. He could hit college station and have plausible deniability that he confused it for Russia
  11. 247 is still the best at that as far as I can tell, but I prefer On3 for actual recruit rankings/news. Can’t wait til they get all the extra bells and whistles like 247
  12. Kinda surprised nobody out there hasn’t just started doing edits right after Fawcett posts his. Send them to the kids or just tag the players in them when posting. The guys aren’t just going to ignore awesome content with their names/faces on it. Eventually people will start contacting that person. As long as they can keep secrets, they’ll get a good bit of business before long
  13. His momma calls it 14-0, imma call it 14-0
  14. Well, they've lost much of their naval fleet to a country without a navy. Don't have to think very hard to imagine how it would hold up against ours.
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