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Certifiably Surly
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About SquishMitten


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    Lick me where I fart

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  1. Believe it was also the premise of a Seinfeld episode
  2. FWIW, Taaffe was the only player on the team that gave his gloves away after the spring game. Or at least he was the only one who did it as he was exiting to the tunnel
  3. Jesus. That twitter page is just blatant racism. The comments would make texags posters blush
  4. This one is really stumping me unless you just suck at judging length. I can't think of anything other than some species of brownsnake.
  5. The one with the name tag that says Nick Brooks? No idea. Could be anybody
  6. You had a sleepover where all the kids were in bed by 11? That's a big fucking win right there
  7. Honestly, it wouldn’t be the worst thing for us if certain countries didn’t have so much invested here. That is at least part of what gives them more power and influence than they should have
  8. Are you of the belief both of these countries are exactly equal and have the same leverage to push back against policies we try to place upon them? Like, I can scold my child if they’re acting up at the grocery store, but I’m not going to tell Conor McGregor to stop eating grapes in the produce section
  9. Same boat as a lot of y'all. Down 8% but net up 10%. Gonna be that way for a while...
  10. Yeah, when I first saw it, I was thinking he’d get a manslaughter or attempted murder charge at a minimum. Absolutely no justification for firing at the thief like that. If someone down range had died, he and the car thief would be on the hook for charges as well
  11. Taking all the history out of it (I know, I know) and looking at it like a street fight, I see it kinda like this: First punch: Israel attacked something that should’ve been off limits, but took out several high ranking targets. Exactly what they intended to accomplish. Second: Iran shit the bed in response. Who knows what their actual intention was here. Third: Israel just chuckles, waives their hand dismissively, and walks away. How would you score that match?
  12. Damn. That’d be a nice souvenier
  13. Wonder if something like that would totally screw with their mechanics? Kinda like how some guys come out of the home run derby having issues getting back to normal
  14. How bout this. What if we fully committed our military into Ukraine? Do you know how fast we would have all those support systems in place? Do you know how fast we would have air supremacy? How fast we would break through those mine fields and defensive lines? The answer to all of those questions is “really fucking fast.” Unless you believe the US military couldn’t beat this garage Russian army, stop claiming that we gave them everything they needed.
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