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Everything posted by AUS-97HORN

  1. well at least we used up 30 clock seconds there.
  2. oh my god... we didnt run UP THE MIDDLE and converted on 3rd and 1
  3. baxter has clear ground in front of him.... falls down
  4. lol at TCU# 7 giving the first down signal.
  5. well if coach says that then hes an old fogey who doesnt like fun. its the culture now to celebrate after every tackle.
  6. if he would just stop fucking calling virtually the SAME FUCKING PLAY on every 3rd and 1 he might have a chance.... as was said above....get some movement going before the run, let the RB run to the long side of the field to get that yard. stop going dead up on the middle on 3rd every team knows we are going to run up the middle and they put 9 in the fucking box to stop us
  7. I want us to win the fucking conference for the first time in 14 fucking years.
  8. honestly i think the number is close to 9 times we have gone for it on 4th inside the redzone and NOT made it. I would guess another 4-5 times where we went for it and made it.
  9. we all know it was going to happen... but hey going for the points is probably better
  10. welp we know we are going to run up the middle twice here right?
  11. i like how brooks falls for 2 yards... baxter tends to go down with contact.
  12. oh my god are we gonna get a d hold call??
  13. oooo come on.. 3rd an 13 we are nowhere near FG range either
  14. not a perfect throw but sanders should have caught that.
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