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Everything posted by AUS-97HORN

  1. 90's Evil Bevo was a thing.... then they made Bevo more kid friendly.... fuck that bring back Evil Bevo
  2. now I know we are dealing with irrational non-engineering wimmens here, but hear me out.... how about you use that outlet that has the switch, but you duct tape that fucking thing in the on position with DONT sharpie'd on....
  3. yes, for me that just like Ghost of LL mainlining that aggy misery....
  4. Toledo increasing the beatdown. another TD scored, I think there is like 11 mins left in the 2nd
  5. Toledo seems like they are gonna boat race directional michigan 21-0 still 1st Q
  6. I have zero issue with the 50 year old song "come and get your love" good song, catchy tune.... but watching the Maction tonight, I swear on everything I own, that Chevy commercial playing that song is being played a minimum of every other commercial break, and there have been at least 2 back to backs.
  7. how about 15 years later.... still cant forgive Gideon
  8. vaguely remember hearing similar stories in the weeks after American Pie came out. just like scorching, blisteringly hot apple pie
  9. thats a play stupid games win stupid prizes story right there.... dont care if hes Ukr... getting a live fucking grenade as a present is up there.
  10. Ukrainian Wehmacht??? I mean... wow... first off they dont speak German, 2nd, they got steamrolled by the Germans, giving the rest of Russia time to prepare a defense and 3rd the wehrmacht name isnt even used by the German army now. Its the Bundeswehr
  11. more than anything else, while I realize the owner is filming this for the reactions and how they make him laugh, its absolutely rage-inducing to me. all these fucks literally leaning up/ sitting on the man's car that has an at least $10k paintjob (maybe more) -especially since more than half of them are wearing pants that have buttons or rivets in prime scratching position is fucking pissing me off just watching it. No issue with folks wanting to take a picture of the car, or a selfie with the car, but the sheer disrespect to just fucking group lean on the car is ragey
  12. its Aussie dollars.... which is "only" $325k "only" LOL
  13. God help me during Fall back... my 2 just refuse to understand that even though we (purposely) went to bed more than 90 mins later than normal both Sat and Sun night, its not fucking needing to wake up at the exact same time as we did the last 8 months. I know its the last time having to do this with Sadie, but damn she really didnt like me trying to sleep in.
  14. there is literally nothing the NCAA can do to Harbaugh that sticks. At worst they give him a show cause order for 10 years.... which just means that he cant coach in the NCAA for 10 years. By NFL rules he's in the clear, and some team will give him a 4 or 5 year contract.
  15. lol now THAT play was intentional grounding.... amazing the refs claimed that the guy who was 10 yards away was the target.... but 15 yards away (under no pressure), nope thats grounding
  16. How the fuck is overthrowing a receiver who STOPPED HIS ROUTE by 15 yards intentional grounding? I mean come on. Burrow wasnt under immediate pressure, and either he or his receiver were under the impression they were running a different route. we all know what intentional grounding looks like and that sure as fuck wasnt a QB under immediate pressure dumping the ball off
  17. not being an ass but at this point I honestly dont think Charlie could literally describe ANY point in his tenure. we all thought it was him being cute when he kept referring to players as #24 & #56 in all the press conferences and talking to reporters... Then we got the transcript of him having to testify in that Louisville couple's divorce and that showed he literally could not rememeber his then CURRENT address in Austin, not even his fucking zip code. I dont care how busy you are with coaching. you have to know your fucking zip code that you have been living at for ~18 months at that point. For probably 10+ years, everytime I use my credit card at a gas station I have to verify the charge by putting in my zip code. CTE could very well be a real thing for him.
  18. Joe burrow just became a fucking sucking his thumb meme....
  19. what, in the entire history of this man as a Head Coach, makes you think he could suddenly get better? his playcalling... when not in the redzone, is pretty damn good. its what makes him a great OC, and could make him a great HC... but the man has obvious tendancies that have manifested over the 115 games hes been a HC. #1 if hes behind at halftime, its pretty much over. If I remember correctly the largest halftime deficit he's overcome was 2 points, and I believe hes only won 2 games total when behind at half. #2 the man's teams blow leads, over and over again. They might win, but they turn a 3 score game into a 3 point game really often. #3 he believes that no matter what, if the analytics books say to go for it, he will, regardless of game situation. Which if he had an OLine like the Eagles, would make sense to do that.... but our OLine keeps getting worked, which means going for it is the alternative definition of insantity, keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. obviously tendancy #3 is the one that he can fucking change immediatley, but hes made that same stupid "go for it inside the redzone" decision upwards of 15 times, and our redzone scoring number is atrocious because of it.
  20. what the fuck is up with everyone saying the bolded part? are you the same fuck who said the same thing in the Houston game? "defense completely stuffing them, go for the jugular!" yeah, and in that game and this one, what happened.... the defense suddenly couldnt stop anything. and to be VERY honest, thats happened to Sark's defenses a LOT in the last 2 years, like the defense blows just as many leads as Herman's teams.... the difference is Sarks teams have managed to win in the end in most of them. you take the points early, and maybe you dont have to freak out about not having them later. our glaring hole on defense is the secondary... none of our DB's and safeties have any fucking clue how to defend a high arcing ball coming to them. the slant route is worth 15 yards against us everytime and the only time we get INTs is when the opposing QB badly throws a ball.
  21. its been 20 years, but ou got proper fucked in 06 vs Oregon. onside kick. first off, Oregon touched the ball before 10 yards, 2nd off, ou literally recovered the onside kick, and the player with the ball went to go celebrate and none of the refs saw him with the ball.... refs rule it Oregon ball..... with literally NO FUCKING BALL IN THE SCRUM. they review it, and still cant fucking get it right. I still laughed my ass off
  22. how the fuck was that sack of mizz by Georgia not a fucking targeting call? he led with his helmet and landed helmet first on the fucking qbs helmet
  23. not going to be the guy that makes fun of posts like this because I personally said almost the same thing a few posts before you. but you cant keep fucking sunshine pumping everytime sark makes an idiotic decision that everyone knows was an idiotic decision. its ok to be positive, but talking down to everyone posting a negative slant gets old quick....
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