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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RamjetFDO

  1. Davies cool as a cucumber. GOAL WREXHAM!!! 3-nil in the 35th.
  2. Thank yewwwwwwwwwwwwwww....
  3. Super Paul Mullin with a nice header ... GOAL WREXHAM!! 2-nil in the 12th. Home crowd is definitely into it. .
  4. Mullin-to-Palmer ... GOAL WREXHAM! Nifty little backheel goal makes it 1-nil in the 9th. .
  5. ESPN brought the "good cameras" for this match. Seeing a lot of surprisingly empty seats for a match of this magnitude (and publicity).
  6. RamjetFDO

    MLS 2022

    Loonies with the opening goal in the 53rd.
  7. RamjetFDO

    MLS 2022

    Pretty boring first 1/4 of the match in Freeeeeesco.
  8. In every photoshop, Bert is there.
  9. RamjetFDO

    Austin FC

    You have to watch and@ztejas has to have a catheter installed so he's pissing for 90 minutes straight.
  10. RamjetFDO

    Austin FC

    Stuver. Beast mode.
  11. RamjetFDO

    Austin FC

    Just looked it up on the MLS site: "However, no additional substitutions (a sixth substitute) will be added for extra time periods."
  12. RamjetFDO

    Austin FC

    All subs made for both teams... is there one additional sub given in extra time?
  13. RamjetFDO

    Austin FC

    Verde!! X2! MVP!! We don't deserve the equalizer... but I'll fucking take it.
  14. RamjetFDO

    Austin FC

    "Ideas in short supply for Austin..." Troof.
  15. RamjetFDO

    Austin FC

    Quit smiling you dumbass Argie... Jesus.
  16. RamjetFDO

    Austin FC

    I thought I had yours, too... meant to multi-quote all 3. Sorted.
  17. RamjetFDO

    Austin FC

    7 appearances. 0 goals. 0 assists.
  18. RamjetFDO

    Austin FC

    Nice extension save Stu.
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