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  1. seems appropriate.. mid 90 garage punk band from Chicago, think Supersuckers, Didjits
  2. When, god forbid, you pine for 2015 Donald Trump.
  3. What's crazy about the west coast of New Zealand is you will be standing in a lush, near rain forest a mere mile from the ocean and then look east and see a glacier. ....and the sheer scale of Milford Sound and Doubtful Sound just can't be captured in photos. hope you are having a good time - the best destination/travel experience of my life.
  4. there should be one on bank robber movies. That would might be even harder to narrow down to a Top 5. 3 came to mind from the last 20 years, Heat The Town Hell or High Water but obviously there are some classics that go further back. Bonnie & Clyde Dog Day Afternoon
  5. https://www.politico.com/interactives/2025/trump-executive-orders-project-2025/ 37 ways Project 2025 has shown up in Trump’s executive orders
  6. meh, not necessarily. you know.. fuck it.
  7. Got all set up to watch it and then Netflix tells me i need to pay for it? i thought i already paid for Netflix!! Motherfuckers! (i am old enough to remember, when we were told: purchase cable, there are no commercials!! Getting slowly fleeced stands the test of time)
  8. the Kinks - "You Really Got Me" is a glaring omission.
  9. it's like being read to him for the first time.. nodding, yeah, ok, i'll sign that. It's like he is a judge on Chopped listening to the contestant describe what they have made before he tries it.
  10. And you know.. we would have been ok with that. Literally, no one was blaming him for the accident. It wasn't the first thing that came to my mind. Trump's fault! But then, the narcissist he is, he has to open his mouth like a petulant child and defensively blame his usual roster of Biden, DEI, wokeism, etc. It's so unnecessary and makes him look small and weak. but, you know, he is a moron.
  11. they have found away to say : "something bad happened? must have been a black guy." and while we are discussing air safety..... as the airline industry has become more diverse, air safety has improved. Let's look at the 70s and 80s from AI : In the 1970s, there were about 6 fatal airliner accidents for every million commercial flights. In 1972, 2,373 people died in 72 hull-loss accidents, making it the worst year on record for aviation. 1985 was also one of the deadliest years in aviation history. i guaran-damn-tee white men were ruling the roost during that period. Let's look at the last 40 years.. https://www.cliffordlaw.com/aviation-accidents-and-incidents/ 1982 - 3593 aviation crashes 1585 fatal injuries 1992 - 2355 aviation crashes 1273 fatal injuries 2002 - 2020 aviation crashes 1386 fatal injuries 2012 - 1861 aviation crashes 1007 fatal injuries 2023 - 1451 aviation crashes 280 fatal injuries notice a trend. things were "not good" as they say during the "golden age of white men"
  12. he is literally the biggest piece of shit i have ever been a witness to.
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