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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Sbbruin

  1. And glad to hear everyone is at the least on the mend.  Have my second set of scans in a month.  Doing good except the immunotherapy induced colitis has been a bit debilitating.  In fact I need to head over to the shart thread for to get my 2024 mark on the board.

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  2. On 12/12/2023 at 10:54 AM, Not that Bob said:

    Even more than the cancer the catheter was my greatest worry...sort of. Anyway, it was my worst nightmare. I'll have to say that it wasn't *that* bad. Pretty low bar from my "worst nightmare", but still not *that* bad.  

    After a minor hemorrhoidectomy (which I got from chemo induced constipation) a year ago, I went home and couldn’t pee.  Ended up back at the City of Hope ER and had to get the catheter.  Had to have that fucker for a week.  Lots of fun emptying out your pee bag several times a day.  Do not ever want that again.

  3. I was prescribed restoril, which I will take tonight for the first time.  Supposed to be pretty powerful, so I need to be careful.  No booze for sure.  But I need it.  My sleep has been terrible.

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  4. On 12/26/2023 at 4:34 PM, fattyflattie said:

    2.625 here and feels like I really fucked up not leveling up a few levels at the time.  Oh, well. Maybe next time we get decades of free money I’ll remember that lesson.   

    Yeah, I took my 4% 30 year to a 2.75% 15 year.  Only paying about $200 more/month but LOVE seeing that principal shed away each month.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Hermanator said:

    They need to call it even. If one team holds call it. When the other team holds call it. Don't overlook shit. It's not difficult yet they routinely fuck it up almost every game. With the fucking billions of dollars in thai sport at the CFB and NFL levels the refs should be highly paid full time employees whose only job is to train and prepare year round to get it 99.99 percent right when it matters. 

    Entirely unrealistic to think at full speed they’ll get 99.9% right.   Damn if 80% right isn’t what continues.

  6. 4 hours ago, pearlandhorn said:

    I was wrong. From this point forward, I’ll call whiny, know it all SIL the moocher SIL and the druggie SIL Druggie SIL.

    Moocher SIL just tried to give my border collie CBD because she “needs to chill”. Hey bitch, she’s a border collie. She has no chill.

    Moocher SIL and old sugar daddy are in fact here for some reason. Druggist SIL is already half a bottle of Evan Williams deep. 

    Looking forward to hearing about what treasures you receive at the gift exchange.

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  7. 2 hours ago, pearlandhorn said:

    Here we go.

    Wife and son came up to Tyler on Friday. I had the work late Friday and came up yesterday. Drug addled SIL was up here on Wednesday at my in laws. We get a call Tuesday morning that she has invited a guy (51) to Christmas that no one in the family has met. SIL and him met on a cruise 3 weeks ago. My wife finds out yesterday that she is moving in with him after they get back from another cruise next week. Oh, he lives in NC. This’ll get interesting. I haven’t been over there yet. This SIL hasn’t spoken to my wife since my wife found her blitzed out of her mind at the end of the summer. Won’t return calls, texts, nothing. Yet, acts like nothing is wrong at all at my in laws. She’s heavily on the booze and drank so much Friday night that she got sick. She’s communicating with the ex husband, other BF (with the girlfriend), and this new guy from NC. If I didn’t mention it before, she’s still sleeping with her ex, involved with a yard maintenance guy and his girlfriend (threesome style), and this new guy. The new guy is completely oblivious and naive about everything. About 3 weeks ago, she stopped communicating with everyone and my FIL drove to Huntsville to ex husbands apartment and found both of them naked, dressed up in Magic the Gathering makeup, playing a fucking game. They were both fucked up beyond belief. I wouldn’t mind ex husband showing up tomorrow just for the lulz. 

    Other SIL flies in and gets here at midnight tonight. Because who would want to be sleeping at midnight on Christmas Eve? My FIL is picking her up from the airport. Her 65 year old sugar daddy (former Microsoft programmer or something) is driving from ATL to Dallas then to Tyler to pick her up this next Thursday. At least I don’t have to see that douche. I don’t blame him one bit for shoving her on a plane. Driving 12 plus hours with that would make me want to jump out of the car at 75 mph. Can’t wait to get parenting advice from someone who doesn’t have kids!

    Oh, my parents toilet and shower has overflowed. Drain is clogged and we have to call an emergency plumber. 

    I’ll update with more drama as it occurs. Christmas is making up for a lackluster thanksgiving already.

    Leave it to @pearlandhorn to get things turnt up.  Excellent.

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