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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. I never saw the movie, and as it was I would have far preferred it to be
  2. We were better under Mora's first few years.
  3. More fun exploring Hoboken than where the Declaration of Independence was signed? I'll take it under advisement.
  4. @PittsburghTiger since your from around that general area, what is the thought about staying in Philly instead of NYC? Is it that much further by train? He's done NYC a few times and so have I, but never Philly. I'm a history goon, so wondering if that makes logistical sense.
  5. We've been saying this for decades, but it doesn't come to fruition. Chip set this program back with his utter disdain for recruiting. Foster is inheriting a very depleted roster. And now we have to compete in the NIL arena with other B!G schools. That is where we will fall short. The real BMD's at UCLA don't donate to athletics. They donate to the medical school/hospital, or to academia. The basketball program is doing fairly well in the NIL space. But football is way behind. If we were to have success on the field, the fans would flock back, and the money would follow, but it needs to happen the other way around. Success will come after the NIL flows in, not the other way around.
  6. They are the Dodgers they are always out of it come October Pretty much the way I was feeling. actually like this pickup.
  7. I was waiting for him to say he finally beat Medicare. Wow that was rough. But at least he's out there recruiting at twice the clip Chipster was.
  8. Based on circumstances, it makes sense.
  9. We’ll do others over the years. This season it just makes sense.
  10. My boy and I have always done one Bruin roadie (except for the last 2 years), and with him being in Boston at Northeastern, was thinking we could start it back up now that we’re in the B1G. Rutgers is the closest to Boston that we play. PennSt is supposed to be a nightmare travel wise. So thinking of staying in NYC and training it to Rutgers. But also debating Philly. Anyone ever go and have suggestions?
  11. We need our pitching staff back. And get Mookie back, we’re back:in this. But we need our arms back. If we get half of our arms back and Mookie, we’re back in this.
  12. But the zombies are lost anyway. But who cares? What I need to hear from her is what is she going to DO? She can’t be only “ she’s not Trump.” Biden was that. She has to be FOR something. If she’s just the alternative to Trump, that’s not enough to win. Get him on the debate stage. That’s my opinion.
  13. This play by the R’s that she was in on his incapacity hopefully falls on deaf ears. It’s not like he’s some dementia addled old man wandering the neighborhood in his underwear. He is simply acknowledging that the path forward for the party, and the defeat of Trump, is not with him at the helm. Should be an easy point to quash.
  14. Is he a flex player who can play other positions? No one keeps an exclusive 1B on the bench, and few teams need a 1B starter.
  15. Under the canopy but out of the stands
  16. When Austin Barnes gets in on the HR action, you know things are going well
  17. Leaving in a few for the game. Let’s get the sweep!
  18. So how easily is the existing war chest, which I understand is in the neighborhood of $300 mill, transferred to a new candidate?
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