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Posts posted by Lidig8r

  1. 3 hours ago, Ace000087 said:

    From an Iowa State fans perspective... this would be a great scenario if the Big12 dissolves. 

    ISU, KU to the B1G.
    KSU, TCU to SEC
    WVU to the ACC
    OU, oSu, UT, TT to the PAC16
    Baylor to the AAC

    Or.. Big12 survives and expands with some combination of UA, ASU, BYU, CU, CSU or UU. I just can't see this conference adding a city or directional school. 

    That person is literally too stupid to insult.

  2. 5 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    Let me see if I can properly diagram that last remark:

    Fuck you, Ted Cruz,  you shit-cunt, Trump bootlicker.

    Does that necessarily imply that Ted Cruz in fact, has a vagina that is filled with fecal matter?

    Also, does Trump even wear boots? Isn't that a prerequisite to being a boot licker?

    • Like 1
  3. I think HurtLocker is on to something.

    Who knows what television will be like in 10 years? Streaming and other internet based viewing options could very well make cable obsolete. The traditional over the air networks are likely to take a beating as well. With viewership and subscriptions to the ESPiNs of the world already dropping, television contracts in the future could be reduced dollar wise to reflect that reality.

    The Big 12 model of 10 teams could be, in the long run, the ideal structure as revenue is split amongst fewer universities and schools are allowed to enter into individual Tier 3 contracts.

    • Like 1
  4. Yes, for all the bitching about the writing, there is no doubt that the writing this season, and the last few, does not equal the writing when the shows were based on the books.

    But, bitching about the writing and this season is like those people on the football board who bitch about all of the college football bowl games. It's still college football. And it signifies that the long 9 month hiatus with no college football is about to begin. At least it's football.

    At least its Game of Thrones. After Sunday night, it is no more. Fuck it. Imma gonna enjoy it.

    • Like 5
  5. 1 hour ago, Mojo Hand said:

    I agree that must be the writer's rationale, but it doesn't actually make sense.   She instilled a fuckton of fear by the time they surrendered, which is why they surrendered.   She just took back everything that had been taken from her family, and then destroys it all, including the castle her ancestors built?    It doesn't make sense and isn't in keeping with a character who has always cared about women and children.   And just saying "well she went mad and took it too far" seems like a cop out to me.   She never seemed all that crazy before now to me.  Ruthless to enemies, sure.  But that isn't the same as what she did street by street.   Hell, she roasted plenty of her own troops and almost killed Arya. 

    Insanity has no logic. You could see parts of the insanity in Dany as early as Season One. Watching passively as her douchebag brother is given a golden crown. Having the young dragons fry the Wizard. Allowing the Dothraki to sack Qarth. Roasting the leadership of the Dothraki so she could take it over. Crucifying the masters in Mereen. Roasting Lord Tarly and Dickhead.. err. Dickon. Her madness grows as her power grows.

    Cold blooded killing, no remorse. Using fire just as the Mad King did to kill.

    Now... Jorah Mormont who betrayed her, then salvaged himself and dying for her. Jon Snow snubbing her vagina. Varys betraying her and getting roasted. Missendei being whacked. Except for the balless wonder, Grey Worm, she has no one. And she knows her family line ends with her since Jon is a wimpdick and she believes she can't have kids. The last Targaryen. 

    Great, she will rule with only one dragon to keep her company, not loved by any, no discernible line of succession ... So it's "Fuck it... burn 'em all."  She is sitting on the dragon, looking out over what she had fought for her adult life... achieved it, then realized she has nothing. They could have had her love, snubbed that so now they will fear her. And the manifestation into Aerys the Mad King becomes complete. But she succeeds where he failed. And King's Landing is torched.

    • Like 1
  6. On 5/11/2019 at 11:10 AM, SwanderedTalent said:


    How many of you WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP remember the opponent for the 2005 and 2009 season openers? Are you sure you don't have them backwards? And was there anything special about those opponents whatsoever? 

    2005, I believe it was Louisiana Lafayette. We wore those kick ass throw backs that game! That game sticks out because of the unis. That and we crushed their asses.

    2009... another directional Lousyanna school?

  7. On 5/8/2019 at 10:11 PM, ImGolfn said:

    Its been about 3 1/2 months since i posted here and well here i am.  Its May and it should be Sammie's 17th birthday coming up.  I feel myself shrinking back into my shell.  Outwardly I'm doing a great job of acting the part of doing ok, inwardly I'm a mess.  There's what feels like 5000 thoughts in my head every second and i cant focus on any of them. Inside i feel like I'm shaking and cant relax, i sleep but i dont rest.  Dont think i can open up to my wife because theresa lot on her/our plate.  One of her twins drowned their car in last weeks storms and its totaled but the payment is short of the payoff and of course they need a car but its not in the finances.  Last time i traded out of my car to get them this one and that didnt last a year.   The female twin i fear is approaching Sammie level depression.  Seems like nothing makes her happy.  Im happy at work i guess but also feel anxiety because i feel like i dont totally belong. I feel like im there because they know I'm dependable and reliable.   In 4 years there aside from Sammie's death, I've never missed a day sick, hell I've never even been late for work.  Maybe its because I'm at least 10 years older than everyone else there but i just feel awkward there as much as i try to fit in. I've had some very weird, very vivid dreams ... none of them pleasant.  I'm fighting but there are times I'm tired of fighting.  I cant end life myself but i wish sometimes someone would end it for me if that makes sense. But i am still kicking right now.

    I recommend you do talk to your wife about this. Yes, a lot on her plate. But, financial issues, car issues are transient problems. They come, then go, come back again... we deal with them. But, depression, grief... those are issues that could drown us.

    • Like 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, texaslong said:

    ESPN has become an extension of the SEC. Most of their radio shows on ESPNU are hosted by SEC personalities. I’ve noticed that the crew that hosts SEC today some days also hosts ESPNU College football daily. The fact that they have Peter Burns pulling double duty some days sickens me. When he’s on the SEC today he trashed every other conference. It’s just not a good look for ESPN. 

    ESPN has a contract with the SEC through I believe 2024. In addition, when ESPN started the SEC Network, unlike other conference networks, ESPN retained 100% ownership of the network and worked out a revenue split with the conference. After its first year, the SEC Network was valued around $4.8 billion.

    ESPN and the "mighty'" SEC are more closely married than siblings in Arkansas... and that is not changing any time soon.

    ESPN can pimp up the SEC through questionable polling, "friendly" announcers and refusing to disclose the warts that the "Conference of Alabama and the 13 Dwarves."  This results in higher rankings, the perception of more quality teams, which results in more eyeballs watching the game (If ratings were based on the number of teeth, the SEC would be the lowest rated conference) which results in higher commercial rates charged to corporations and sponsors.

  9. To update a bit and to show that reality sometimes is stranger than fiction.  After my daughter died in October 2016, I have gone on this "crusade" against all of the dysfunctionality in the eating disorder industry. And in one year, I have been able to work my way to the top, working behind the scenes, helping organize university and non-profit centers into a collaborative force and meeting politicians on a state and federal level.

    In the meantime, The Sequel, Ex-Mrs. Lid the Second, has found sobriety [allegedly], has a good job in the HR department of a large corporation, remarried and now ... I am representing her and her new husband in a lawsuit.

    I should never have married the Sequel to begin with.

    Sometimes you just have to get out of the way of Fate, Karma, Destiny or Whatever Moves the Universe, keep your eyes and heart open and your path finds you.

    Not much in the way of answers, but sometimes, it is what it is.

    I hope you find peace and serenity Buff.

    • Like 5
  10. 3 hours ago, Lurch said:





    Way to stay above it.



    The difference is that no, one individual poster was singled out.

    And that particular opinion has been set forth on this site, and the Shag beforehand, it is pretty much its own meme now.

    In any event, hope to see more intelligent conversation on this thread.

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