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Posts posted by Lidig8r

  1. On 1/14/2019 at 12:19 PM, sushihorn said:

    DBU goes back at least 40 years to Collin's dad - Johnnie Johnson who was a consensus AA and NFL HOFer.  Maybe some of you can remember stuff from before that.  Texas produced AA and Thorpe finalists seemingly every year under Mack.  The bad years from 2010-2016 give LSU an edge recently but they are way behind in overall program history.

    This is a pretty good list of 54 DBs (with some listed who should not be on there)


  2. Our president needs to focus on academic issues and increasing the international reputation of the University of Texas as a global leader in research and education.

    The president of aggy needs to focus on improving relationships with barnyard animals and lobbying representatives in Austin to lessen the criminal sanctions for lascivious acts perpetrated against creatures with four legs.

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  3. 24 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

    There are going to be some tales people bring here that are so resoundingly earth shattering that it takes a bit of time for the dust to settle. I think Lid will share when he's ready. Or not. He's had a hard road too. All I can do is keep the door open and let y'all come and go as you feel compelled. 

    I think he's giving Another some space. He'll be back I think. 


    Oh, I definitely check in on this thread on a semi-regular basis.  I was open about my struggles on the Shag before here and can give updates.

    One of the things I have told others who have opened up to me with their struggles and who routinely say, "I know my issues cannot compare to yours, but ..." is that you cannot compare levels of grief. Grief is as individual as the person suffering.

    I reading Another's soul-baring post, I was caught up in the newness and raw power of it. I felt that it needed room and space to be reviewed, not diminished in any way and have the collective help one can get from this thread be directed toward him.

    My issue was just the usual roller coaster of emotions that comes into our lives.

    I know that the permanence that is the reality of the death of a loved one is a concept that is so incredibly difficult to grasp. It grips you in different ways, at different times. I hope that Another continues on a good path with his eyes, heart and soul open... embrace those kids every chance you get. And be the Storm.

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  4. To get things back on topic... just thank God Coach Potato is gone and is now USF's problem. No take backs of course.

    The rotting stench he left on our proud program is just about completely dissipated.

    Much like the second ex-Mrs. Lid.

    Onward and upward Gentlemen.

  5. On 12/27/2018 at 2:52 AM, MaybeACoordinator said:

    You are misunderstanding me. I am not taking shots at Herman. I am taking shots at the program, which I fear is becoming like that at Tennessee. I fear that we lose by a couple of scores to Georgia ...

    No matter if we don't make a bowl next year or not. He's a smart guy and a good coach who is learning on the job, but the reality of this year and my prediction for next year are not pretty. Yeah it's true that we match up schematically pretty well with the Dawgs, but what I saw from the athletically scared the Bejesus out of me. Their OL is so athletic and well-coached, and Fromm can just sit back there most times, even against Bama's D.  

    We have a good coach. We are overmatched in this bowl game. 

    Were we overmatched? Listening to the pundits on ESPN with a multi-billion dollar contract with the SEC ... yes.

    They athletically scared the bejesus out of you? Again, ESPN hype and playing only one OOC team with a pulse will do that.

    We do have a good coach. And good coaching resulted in the win against a team perceived to be superior to ours. The game was nowhere near as close as the score. Their weaknesses were identified and attacked. 

    It is nice to have a coaching staff capable of that instead of a coaching staff still trying to learn to spell ... weakness.

    In the unlikely event that Potato is still with USF with they come marching in to Austin in 2020, the beat down will be absolutely epic.

  6. Gentlemen ... Gentlemen ... a little respect.

    The vaunted 2018 edition of Alabama football just joined a very unique and exclusive club. In fact, that club only has two other members ... The 2003 edition of the Oklahoma Sooners and the USC Condoms of 2005.

    That club? The greatest college football team in the history of God not to win the national championship.


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  7. Move that ou - Washington State Rose Bowl down a number of notches. Washington State was nothing special at all and only got the Rose Bowl bid because the Orange took USC.

    Game did not even sell out.

    Oh.. and as a not so interesting aside.. two of the three co-Grand Marshals of the Rose Parade that year were .... Bill Cosby and ... Fred Rogers, from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.

    I bet they could have had some interesting conversations.

    Further proof that ou's bowl record is in part built on luck and less than stellar opponents. Their only national championship in THIRTY-THREE (33) years came against an underwhelming Florida State team in Stoops 2nd year. Their BCS wins include over an over-rated Washington State team and an unranked UConn team.

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  8. 16 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    PETA calling for immediate retirement of both animals......


    This is nothing less than a formal declaration of war upon the University of Texas. "Nations and princes endowed with some pride are not generally willing to wage war without a previous declaration, for they wish by an open attack to render victory more honourable and glorious."

    Gentlemen... war has been declared!

  9. 14 minutes ago, Treefidy said:


    What the fuck is Austin Peay?

    It's what Stephen F. did to himself when he saw that Sam Houston entered the race to become the first President of Texas.

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  10. 4 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:


    1. According to S&P+, Charlie's last two teams were practically equal to Mack's last team, the 8-5 squad. All of them came in right around number 37. And that's where we are again this year under Herman. No, Bill Connelly doesn't put his finger on the scale because he's from Oklahoma and went to Mizzou. He really is a robot, and he just reports what his algorithm says. It's just an accurate, semi-scientific measurement of where our program has been the last few years. 

    2. You can't tell me that Mack left Charlie with more talent than Charlie left Herman with. Mack's last five recruiting classes were mostly trash, aside from a Kenny Vacarro here and a Malcom Brown there and what else? There was a lot of bad luck in there, too. I believe Jonathan Gray, David Ash and Malcolm Brown could have been good ones but they all went down to various injuries. But there were also a lot of overrated or plain bad takes. Charlie reversed that trend. We've started putting guys in the League again, and that is what you need if you want to continue to compete. 

    3. Herman has made his share of boneheaded in-game moves. Every coach does. I think the MENSA vs Coach Potato images shield him from this to some degree. 

    4. Can anyone explain why he was so keen to play Kyle Porter over Chris Warren III last year? If you are straight up in the business of winning football games that is not a good decision. Yeah yeah, Warren's big game was against one of Tech's sorriest defenses, but he had some other good games, and I think Porter would have a tough time breaking 50 yards against Our Lady of the Lake. Seriously, I think his career-long at UT is about 12 yards against some mullet squad in garbage time. And you have Warren on the bench. Ok cool. Hook 'em. And then Warren shreds in the NFL pre-season and he'll be back with the Raiders next year. Kyle Porter would have trouble getting invited to a training camp in fucking Italy or Ireland or some shit -- not even Canada. He was a late take in one of Charlie's classes and seems like a great kid but he is just not up to this level of competition. So why did Herman give him all those fucking carries? Anyone got an answer for that?



    Jesus, it's like arguing with my ex-wife. You not only do not address the legion of facts contradicting your vacuous opinions but deny their very existence. You consistently ignore all of the facts which counter your opinions, most of which have no merit, substance or factual basis supporting them.

    Like aggy ("oh.. since 1970, we are almost, nearly even with the sips and all you have to do is disregard the number of times we were on probation) you ignore anything and everything that does not support your point of view.

    And now, despite having a complete lack of credibility, you insist on shitting all over Herman in a vainglorious attempt to prove that Charlie Cuckold was not as bad as everyone knows he is.

    You shit on Mack Brown. You shit on Tom Herman. You shit on the University of Texas. Why? Now, make no mistake, no one is expecting you to just embrace everything about Mack and Herman. That is far too aggy-ish. But, when you are so blinded by your love for your hero, your idol, your boy toy, Coach Potato that you shit on the very University you claim to support for the sole purpose of trying to raise the stature of the worst coach in the history of our program, then you sirrah, are nothing but a reprobate at best.

    And I am sure I write for a number of people on here when I ask, "if Coach Potato were white, would your pathetic attempt at a defense of this coach be as strident? Would you be running down the University of Texas football program, as you are attempting to do, if Coach Potato were white?

    And yes.. damn straight, I played the race card front and center. Others may be too candy ass or politically correct to do so, but your constant pedantic ramblings can be interpreted as supporting a coach based on one criteria, and one criteria alone... his race.

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  11. 6 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Mack's delusion that he could get all he needed from within 300 miles of Austin is what got us to this position of mediocrity we are now in.  

    Statements like that take away what very little credibility you may have.

    What got us to a place of going from a national afterthought the last few years of Mack to being a national laughing stock was the felony-like incompetence of Charlie Not-At-All. How many offensive coordinators did he have at UT? 3 in 3 years? He didn't even know the offense Watson was running at the start of year 2. Defense ... his strong point? The worst in Texas football history which immediately improved upon Herman's arrival. Special teams? Even YOU can see how grossly incompetent he was in that phase of the game.

    His recruiting? We lack depth now because so many of his recruits simply didn't pan out.

    In game adjustments? He obviously did not know that that is not just acceptable, but expected during a game.

    We became a laughing stock because of that grossly incompetent fraud. And if Texas were not as concerned about being a national leader in everything we do, athletically, academically, etc., we should have taken the position that he was fired for cause and told him to go pound sand on the remainder of his contract.

    So, by all means, keep blaming Mack for where the program is 5 years after Mack left. Keep ignoring all of the facts indicating the level of gross neglect and incompetence demonstrated by Coach Potato. When the messenger, in this case, YOU, is so delusional and either unwilling or incapable of addressing and admitting the significance of the overwhelming body of evidence which contradicts his views, the message too, is lost and disregarded.

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  12. 6 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Everything that could have gone wrong for Charlie did go wrong, from losing his starting QB on down. Yeah, his record sucks and those were miserable years, but they would have been just as bad under Mack Brown, Darrell Royal or Vince Lombardi. 

    OH MY GOD... Please take Charlie Not-At-All Strong's cock out of your mouth! Can you still taste Jonathan Blue's wife's vagina on it?!

    Under Coach Potato, when we were behind at halftime, our record was... TWO wins and SEVENTEEN Losses.... 2 - 17.

    When we trailed going into the 4th quarter under Coach Potato, our record was TWO wins and SEVENTEEN Losses. ... 2 -17.

    That is coaching, failing to be able to make in-game adjustments, lack of condition and yes.. to a certain extent, lack of depth.

    But, was there one coach in the Big 12 who shook in their boots at the prospect of going up against Coach Potato? Stoops? Gundy? Patterson? Briles? Bro? Wizard?

    For you to even insinuate that the record would have been as bad with Mack or DKR or Lombardi demonstrates:  (1). You know nothing about football and coaching; (2). You are the worst troll possible; (3). Coach Potato's cock is rammed so far down your throat you cannot breathe, or (4). All of the above.

    Quit talking while you are behind.

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  13. So, if they are paid, do they become employees of the school? Presumably, they will be taxed on the direct pay. But then, does the fair market value of their room and board, tuition, books, etc. then become taxable events as well?

    As employees, would they have the right to unionize? If so, could they strike? If schools refuse to pay a certain amount, would they be susceptible to claims of conspiracy and collusion?

  14. 8 hours ago, Hurtlocker said:

    The collaboration is basically coop purchasing and shared library services.   The Big Ten is not funneling research dollars into schools nor negotiating for them as a group.

    I have an attorney colleague in Chicago who works with the Alliance.

    The only words in your post which are accurate appear to be, "The ... and ... The ... "

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  15. 1 hour ago, Valmy77 said:

    Well I guess if we are going to ruin our athletics and our traditions we might as well do it for a good cause.

    Yes, we have such great traditions with the likes of playing Kansas, Kansas State, Ioway State. Over 100 years of competitive balance. aggy self jizzing out the door to play cuckold to the SEC. Nebraska tucking tail and running in a cowardly fashion. Lots of tradition there.

    Yes, a division headlined with Texas, ou, Nebraska, Ioway, Wisconsin would be horrible with hundreds of millions of dollars in research, grant, grad student exchange programs, professors collaborating... Sounds like that really sucks.

  16. 1 hour ago, Thiefery said:


    Looking back on all this, maybe in a weird upside down alternate universe FUCB was right about having the power 5 negotiate a huge deal.  Then they can finally make divisions (or conferences) that actually make geographical sense.  I don't understand the whole AAU thing and research dollars, but we are talking athletics here.  Why doesn't AAU schools get the same amount of research funding regardless if it's in Austin, Ann Arbor or in the Silicon Valley?

    It is not so much the AAU designation (60 universities in US and 2 in Canada), it is the collaboration available through the Big Ten Academic Alliance that should get a good, long look down in Austin. With $10 BILLION in research funding every year, each university in essence has access to $720 million in research funding each year. (Assuming it is spread evenly, which I believe is not, but is damned close). The shared programs, libraries, research projects are going to be a huge draw.

    It is certainly one thing to talk about road trips to the West Coast a few times a year, or how we would have to play Northwestern, Minnesota, Purdue, etc. (Yawn) if in the Big 10 ... but the academicians in Austin are going to be pushing hard for the Big 10.

    Video on Big 10 Academic Alliance

  17. 7 hours ago, Post Oak said:

    Big Ten Source: League targeting OU, Texas



    From Okie 247 so take it FWIW.  The B10 would be preferable to me.   

    This is probably just nonsense but I like thinking about it nevertheless. 

    The Big 10 Academic Alliance has $10 BILLION in grant funding for research. The money distributed to each institution on  an annual basis far exceeds any television conference revenue. Libraries are shared. You can attend another Big 10 university for one year of grad school and only pay the in-state fees. Access to other universities' professors.

    If this becomes a possibility, we better damn sure take a good, long hard look at this and if we turn it down because we want our 'foosball team" to play more attractive teams... that makes us no better than aggy.

    There's a lot more at play here fellas.

  18. 2 hours ago, Machinator said:


    If Graham Harrell was offered the OC job at UNC... and in the ACC, if they were able to bring in players to run that offense in that candy ass (except for Clumpson) conference where it would absolutely wreck shop... and he chose to stay at (C)UNT... fuck him and his dumb ass thinking.

    Implement the offense, Mack brings players in to fit the system, the program improves ... Mack retires in 3 years and he steps in as HC..

    And he stays in Denton where the STD rate amongst women is second only to Tech... then he is too stupid to insult.

  19. Dear Herbie:

    Facts you forgot to mention. Georgia is part of the SEC. ESPN has a $15 BILLION dollar contract with the SEC. ESPN pays your salary. The mightier the SEC appears to be, the more commercial revenue it can generate since it can brag about increased viewership. As revenue increases, you very well may have an incentive clause in your contract which allows you to be paid more depending on how well the network does on broadcasts.

    Fact No. 2 ... Let's review Georgia's non-conference games mmkay Punkin? Georgia's mighty non-conference opponents were ...Georgia Tech (we will give you that one because it is a "rivalry game"). But then ... The MIGHTY Governors of Austin Peay ... The Blue Raiders of MIddle Tennessee State ... and finally, That Traditional Powerhouse, the Minutemen of the University of Massachusetts.

    Until the SEC champeenship game, Georgia had to only play basically 9 games, since the 3 non-con games were an embarrassment.

    Their fate was decided on the field. The fate was decided by cowardly scheduling.


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  20. 12 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

         Please. We started the season losing to Maryland......at home.....again. We couldn't stop OSU. We couldn't stop WVU. We struggled down the stretch of seemingly every game we played. And don't get me started about the coaching in the title game that we backdoored into. This year was only a slight improvement over last year's 7-6. Even though we had a big upgrade in QB play over Shane. If you are happy with it then fine, but not me.

    You are almost too stupid to insult.

    So, who recruited the vast majority of those players who were being torched?

    So, who instilled the stench of losing on an unprecedented level never seen before in the UT football program?

    So, who, once we got behind at halftime or going into the 4th quarter, compiled a  record of 2 wins and 17 losses?

    As for Charlie Not-At-All Strong, he used the prior coach's players to win one fewer game than the year before. This year, as more of that former's coach's players start to leave the program, Not-At-All's team won 4 fewer games than when he first got there. His recruiting is underwhelming. The only place his special teams should be are in the Special Olympics.

    If you really think the stench of the Worst Football Coach in the History of our Proud and Historic Program is going to be magically washed away after 1 or 2 years, you obviously know as much about football as you do fornicating.

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