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Posts posted by Lidig8r

  1. K-State is a myth based on luck. They avoided the 5 best Texas teams between 2000 - 2010. They did not play us in 2001 when we ended the season ranked 5th in the nation, and they missed a grown ass man Vince Young in 2004 and 2005.  They also missed the grown ass man teams of Colt in 2008 and 2009.  All would have undoubtedly been BIG L's for the pussy .... cats. Fuck 'em and Feed 'em Fish Heads!

    Texas    31

    Purple Vaginas Too Stupid to Go to a Real University 14

  2. 46 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    Whether he knew or not. Whether he knew it all or not, does not matter much. At best, Urby ran a poor organization. IMHO, and I'm not saying this is what I want, this is not fireable. Yet.

    And that's my beef with McMurphy. By holding stuff out and releasing it for maximum drama, that is NOT journalism. It's sensationalism. Sadly that's kinda irrelevant, as this is all our own creation.

    At some point Mcmurphy will run out of new bombshells. He may already have. Or maybe not. Even Surly Texas does not know. The University has to decide if they wanna wait on his whim, or go now with whatever their decision is.

    How wonderfully cute.

    The logical reasons McMurphy is holding back information was already set forth on the previous page. You chose not to respond and instead... you stand there, your necklace of bucknuts in one hand, your shriveled up johnson in the other as the faded ohio state jersey and jorts begin to unravel at the seams as years of ding dongs and Red Cream Soda expand your waistline.

    If Urban was a 60% winning coach, you would be leading the parade to run him out of town on a rail.

    Instead, like the feckless, inbred, red polyester wearing hillbillies from ou, you attempt to stand in place waving your arms repeatedly saying, "There is nothing to see here. Move along."

    Go grab your ou brethren, go burn a couch, drink some Schoenling's Little King's cream ale and throw beer cans at opposing team's fans.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Parliament said:


    Theses screenshots may be out of order on Tapa. As titilating as the new revelations are, they won't affect Urby. And McMurphy had gotten away from good journalism. What started out as a good cause is now just hack journalism. If you have relevant facts, post them all now. Dripping them out so as to embarrass others and build your own brand is the wrong way to do it. Sorry that isn't a popular take for Shaggybevo.

    All that said, we're gonna need the mother of all mea culpa's from Urby, Smith and Dyke. Pretty sure we won't get it.

    No, this is exactly how you do it. First, it has already been established that both Urban and Smith are liars. Smith publicly states he never did any violence to her. 30 minutes later, McMurphy releases text exchanges indicating Smith apologized for choking his ex-wife. Oops.

    Urban lied at least 9 times to the media at the Big 10 Media day.

    These facts are not in dispute.

    Three days before Bucknuts is going to conclude its investigation, the information regarding the sex toys and public disclosure of his johnson are disclosed. The timing was perfect. During the investigation, Bucknuts undoubtedly asked Smith if there was any other incriminating or embarrassing incidents. Smith, being the liar he is, no doubt denied anything else. Right before the investigation is set to close, the new information is released. Not only is his credibility hit again with the general public, but this information release was targeted at the investigative committee.

    Now, any logical person believes that McMurphy has more damning information. Why release it now?  Wait until Bucknuts suspends Urban for the first half of one game, then drop the bomb shell. That forces ohio state (the ou of the Big 10) to reevaluate and potentially gets outside pressure ramped out.

    McMurphy is playing the long game. Bucknuts is not.

    • Like 8
  4. 3 hours ago, Beau Vine said:




    As I understand it, the federal court in the state of Maryland is still obligated to apply the substantive law of the State of Maryland. Federal procedural law would apply but the state substantive law would also apply.

    They could try to dig up a constitutional or civil rights violation to get around the damages cap and sovereign immunity...but that is a long row to hoe and been attempted (mostly unsuccessfully) many times.

  5. 1 hour ago, C-Man said:

    Gotta say it's refreshing to see how the Maryland president is handling this as opposed to the leadership at Penn State, Michigan State, Baylor and now, presumably, Ohio State. They'll pay a hefty, multi-million dollar settlement. And the incident will be over.

    Keep in mind, since the University of Maryland is a state operated entity, sovereign immunity is going to remove most of the financial damage. I have not exhaustively researched it, but for acts of negligence committed by state employees, sovereign immunity is waived but only up to a cap of $200,000.00.

    Non-economic damages (with a survivor action added) are capped at around $2 million.

    I am too lazy to check to see if the non-economic cap applies to the state, but if the specific immunity number of $200K is applicable and everything else is excluded... that could easily explain why they are willing to fall on the sword.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, BlueGreySky said:


    And those USF unis are garbage. Remember Hypercolor? The color-changing t-shirts from the 90s? Yeah, they should do that too.

    Wouldn't expect anything less from the moron who bedazzled the most iconic logo in college football.

    Fuck him.

    • Like 1
  7. 23 hours ago, Machinator said:

    Current and former players also described several incidents where staff members targeted players because of weight issues. Sources said a former offensive lineman whom the staff deemed overweight was forced to watch workouts while eating candy bars as a form of humiliation. Another former Terrapins player said his inability to gain weight resulted in members of the strength and conditioning staff sitting with him at meals to make sure he ate.

    "They were trying to make me gain weight really, really fast," said the player, who left the program. "That involved me overeating a lot, sometimes eating until I threw up. They always had me come back for extra meals. Once, I was sitting down eating with a coach, and he basically made me sit there until I threw up. He said to eat until I threw up. I was doing what they asked me to do, trying to gain the weight, but at the time, I just couldn't gain the weight, and I guess they weren't understanding that."

    Dumbass trainers.

    That type of forced behavior, especially if repeated is textbook bulimia. Possible side effects?

    Severe electrolyte imbalance Chronic dehydration, which is not uncommon with bulimia,  can cause critical health issues. Low potassium levels in the blood can cause heart arrhythmia or cardiomyopathy.  Calcium levels are reduced which weakens the bones. Low magnesium levels could result in dizziness, fatigue, seizures, muscle cramps, irregular heartbeat.

    When your sodium level is off, cell can become dehydrated which could manifest itself in muscle cramps, headaches, seizures, intracranial hemorrhage and yes, death.

    If the ESPN story is remotely accurate on this issue and if it was used with other linemen, like Jordan McNair, they are increasing the likelihood of these tragedies.

    With the cause of death being listed as "heatstroke," most of the symptoms are the same as those caused by bulimia or binge eating. 

  8. 14 hours ago, MaxHorn said:

     He may own the Horns on a regular basis, but he's one of the truly good guys in college football and the sport will suffer when he's gone.

    At the same time, The Purple Wizard and K-State are lucky as hell they didn't play the 5 best Texas teams between 2000 - 2009.

    They missed us in 2001.

    They missed Vince in 2004 and 2005.

    They missed a mature Colt in 2008 and 2009. (Prince there in 2008)

    Hell, Colt tore up his shoulder in 2006 in the first quarter or there's a substantial likelihood we win that game.

    Yeah, it's great he has performed miracles at that God forsaken, shit hole of a school. Those miracles extended to missing some great Texas teams. And if that had happened, the perception as to the Horns would be very different,

    • Like 2
  9. "We have a given problem to solve. To refuse to deal with it at all merely amounts to dealing with it badly.  If we undertake the solution, there is, of course, always danger that we may not solve it aright; but to refuse to undertake the solution simply renders it certain that we cannot possibly solve it aright."  President Teddy Roosevelt

    And if you have not read his "The Strenuous Life" speech given in 1899, it should be must reading.

    • Like 1
  10. Urban employed some pretty dumb attorneys. Whoever drafted that nonsense needs to be taken out and horsewhipped.

    He is now placed himself in a firm position of, "I did report it." And there had better be proof.

    If he did, someone up the chain of command is going to have his head chopped off.

    If there is no tangible proof that he reported it, he just sealed his fate.

    • Like 1
  11. 13 hours ago, Machinator said:


    I recall a time ... oh so long ago... 1990... The Whatever It Takes team.  We had not played in black cleats all year until ... it was announced that we would wear them in our bowl game that year. We were ranked in the Top 5 going into the Cotton Bowl. We were Texas. We were back. We wore black cleats. And then... on a miserably cold day in Dallas ... The University of Miami.

    To this day, I still shudder a bit recalling the pain, the anguish from that day... and how jazzed the players were about fucking black fucking cleats.


    I am still suffering from Charlie Not-So Strong PTSD recalling that horrible day.

  12. 14 hours ago, ImGolfn said:

    Tomorrow makes 2 years exactly since my daughters suicide.   She was 14, would be 16 now.  Cheerleader, golfer, track star.  Tonight i am hanging by the thinnest of threads.  No focus, no balance, no direction.  The only thing keeping me here are promises made to her because i have right now zero desire to be here for myself.   I feel like quitting, cashing my own chips in.  So in turn that makes me feel weak.  Im tired.  I feel like i dont belong.  Here or anywhere.  Im tired of adulting.  Tired of feeling like im being judged every single day.  I want to just stop feeling.  Tonight im scared. 

    Stay strong my friend. The world is a more interesting place with you in it ... fighting, scratching. We don't know how we are called, or the direction our soul will take us. But, perhaps we need you here to continue to get out the message. And if even one person decides to continue to fight, to continue to live because they see that you are still here fighting your pain and grief... then, perhaps that is just a start. Thoughts are with you.

  13. One of you Intertrons geniuses need to come up with some "fake news articles" claiming to have inside information that Texas and the SEC have had preliminary discussions about Texas joining the SEC when the Big XII grant-of-rights contract expires ... but only on the condition that aggy is expelled.

    Those sheep humpin' bastards' heads would explode.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  14. On 7/10/2018 at 11:36 PM, ROFL BOX said:

    Truer words were never spoken. And it may have reached its tipping point similar to what happened to the subprime mortgage industry in 2017.  Here are two articles I wrote on it (caution to theTL/DR crowd... don't waste your time:



    I am going to DC at the end of August to meet with an executive director of the largest eating disorder organization in the US, a couple of lobbyists, a private equity person, a few more foundation owners and supposedly a Congressman.  Something has to be done about the shit show going on and if I can move the ball further down the field, how much would I suck if I didn't embrace that opportunity. My daughter, who is undoubtedly raising all sorts of hell with God in heaven right now, would come back down here and kick my ass if this opportunity was not pursued.

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