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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by CHIEF

  1. I make one based off of the Jamaican episode of Bizarre Foods. Scotch Bonnets and Serranos with sliced onions. I make it in a pint rum bottle and give it to friends. You drink 3/4's of the rum, then add sugar, allspice, cloves, and garlic. I boil white vinegar and fill it to the top after adding the other ingredients to the bottle. You shake it up to dissolve the sugar, then, let it sit for a few weeks. Sweet, hot as fuck, and has a numbing effect. Great flavor, and pretty in the bottle for about a month. Makes for killer beans and cornbread.


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  2. Just wanted to pick your brains on what you think will happen to the US dollar.

    Can the US economy pay unemployment benefits on 30 million individuals? What do you think happens to unemployment benefits? 

    If the US keeps stimulating the economy with trillions, do we experience hyper inflation (Weimar Republic), stagnation, deflation?

    Does the US dollar maintain its position as the the World's reserve currency?

    If the US government temporarily suspended all loan and utility payments, and all anyone would owe until economic situation were better is life sustaining (food, toiletries, fuel for work) would we be in a better economic situation than just printing more money?

    What will happen to unsecured debt? Would it be better to just erase what is on the books and start over? 

    This is the worst thing to happen to our economy since the Great Depression. It's just in the beginning stages, and may end up worse. Sorry for all the questions, not expecting anyone to spend the time to answer them all. But...all we have is time.



  3. 47 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    This is the earliest I could find for medical masks.

    + $5.99 shipping
    Arrives: April 24 - May 15


    I also ordered this for the meantime:

     & FREE Returns 
    FREE delivery: April 15 - 16 Details


    Until then, DYI.

    My problem with all of the masks you can buy online, is that are made in China. I am assuming most of these masks have been made in the last few months, or, are being manufactured as we speak. I wouldn't trust the Chinese to not have CO-VID positive workers on the assembly line. It sure would suck to be virus free and end up getting it from a contaminated mask designed to protect you.


  4. 35 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    This isn’t easy, because of the sickness and death associated with it, but my wife and I were discussing our lifetimes the other day and I realized that it has really been one thing after another.  I was born in 1966, the height of the Vietnam war, newly integrated schools, gas lines and stagflation were my childhood.  My immediate adulthood was marked by the 1987 crash, S&L and bank failures, which actually benefited me at the time.  Got married mid-90s and had kids and started saving for retirement just in time for 9/11 and that financial crash.  Back our or feet, then 2008 happened.  In the interim we’ve effectively been at war since 1991.  Between 2012 and 2019 I lost five immediate family members.

    There has never been a “normal” in my lifetime.  Maybe that has helped me cope with this, I dunno.  I still think I have it pretty good comparatively speaking.


    Are you, me in a Parallel Universe?


  5. 33 minutes ago, Rougarou said:

    Put on a suit for an important Zoom meeting today. First time to wear anything remotely semi-formal or formal, been in basketball shorts and concert tee's for a month now.

    I dare youse guys to put on a suit and jump on a zoom meeting after a month of quarantine and not have a long and deep rethinking about how you've been snacking and eating during this time! I need to go for a run or something, but after my cold spaghetti and oreo lunch.

    I know what the CHIEF Clan is having for dinner.


  6. 8 minutes ago, Rougarou said:

    If wet markets re-open, we should wage war on them, multi-laterally. Jews China and their disgusting wet markets did this and they keep doing this crap. It would be one thing if their disgusting cultural practices were confined to themselves, but we have to pay for their barbarianism. 

    Shut them down, or we expel every Chinese National from every College and University, Tech firm,  and allow no flights to and from China. We only accept Chinese products we can not manufacture at this time, until we can, and then we don't accept those items anymore. We need to go full Monroe Doctrine on their asses.


    • Like 6
  7. My first cousin (we are pretty tight) is an ICU nurse at Dallas Methodist, as well as his wife. He was just put in the Coronavirus wing, double masked, double gloved, and face shield. He has 3 patients on ventilators. Been choked up and praying since I found out. I imagine his chances of catching it has to be almost 100%.

    On a brighter note, we have stalled out on new cases in Hood County. So far about 45 people have been tested, only three confirmed cases, all, last week, and they were all travel related. All are at home in quarantine. Everyone is being really reasonable on SIP and maintaining social distance. It's a lot easier in sparsely populated areas. If you have a place to bug out, I feel it would decrease the likelihood of getting infected.


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  8. Apparently, China has not learned its lesson. Wet markets are reopening. We need to ramp up manufacturing and production till we don't need anything from them anymore. That would take years probably. They need to be given the North Korea treatment, isolate, and embargo. We can't be losing thousands of lives and shutting down the economy every year or two.



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  9. 3 hours ago, BLKNSTY said:

    March 30, 2020 @9:57ET, WTI @$19.99

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That's "bodies in trees" bad. Ouch. Dad was a small operator in the 1980's when oil dropped from about $30/brl to single digits, wiped out everything we owned. It's a rough business, always boom or bust.


  10. Life has been pretty good at the CHIEF Compound. Our whole subdivision is surrounded by a bend in the Brazos River, only two ways in/out. We have our own grocery store, doctor's clinic, liquor store, deli, pharmacy, and bistro. Lots of SIP being taken seriously by the Olds. We have myself, Mrs. CHIEF, CHIEF Jr., my niece, her boyfriend , and 3 dogs cooped up in the house (that's the only bad). As of this week, everyone knows how to play "42", and my backyard looks like a WWI battlefield after the rains, and 12 hour Bocce Ball tournaments. If the lake clears up in the next couple of days, we are going to start fishing at the marina at night. It's big enough to be able to social distance while still fishing under the lights. Niece and CHIEF Jr. are taking their University classes on line for about 3 hours per day. I think we have left the subdivision about 4-5 times in the last 2-3 weeks. Avoiding our HEB for 3 weeks has been the hardest, and just going to the smaller, local grocery store.


  11. 1 hour ago, Dr Fear said:
    2 hours ago, Archer said:
    That’s what I was thinking on the SI. There are lots of old strippers holding BLM leases all over SENM. I think state of NM leases have a 60 day production cessation clause unless there are takeaway issues, maybe the refineries scaling back would fulfill that clause. 

    If I were negotiating leases right now, I would start putting in shut in clauses based on the price of oil.

    It would be easy to write, and after this crash, along with the virus issue, I would think Lessors would consider it.

    Something along the lines of " if, at any time, crude prices drop below a level to operate the lease wells at a "profit", including transportation, marketing, and other associated costs. The Lessor agrees to take $$$$ in fee simple, to allow a cease in production, and consider the wells as "shut-in". The Lessee agrees to maintain all equipment in a "ready for production" state, so that production can resume as soon as market price dictates.


  12. I was chased out of the business in 2014-15, and went into Real Estate. As a landman, however, I can't remember ever writing up a contract that didn't allow you to pay a shut-in fee to the Lessors. It usually wasn't very significant. The idea being that the cheapest storage was to just leave the reserves in the ground.I would assume most contracts give this ability to the Operators. Does anyone know of any producers that don't have this clause?



  13. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    Does anyone know of a database or resource that reports cases or testing numbers at county level?  Or something similar and more specific than state level?

    I'm using one a buddy sent me. You can click on the counties and it will give you the number of confirmed cases and deaths, but not the tested numbers.


    No confirmed cases for my county yet.


    • Like 1
  14. We are reaping the disadvantages of becoming a country that, now, has an economy based on services only. We have shipped all of our manufacturing overseas, so manufacturers can pay 20 cents an hour to make Nikes. China manufactures most of our medications, appliances, car parts, electronics, tools, toys, and disposable items. The American people made this deal with the Devil to obtain these items at cheaper prices. The general consensus is that these jobs are never coming back. Maybe this crisis will change this attitude. It's scary how much we depend on other countries to produce our necessities. Think about how many jobs would be created building manufacturing plants, and production of medicines and medical equipment alone.


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  15. 3 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    And an even larger number that would be like, ‘trump sucks but no need to overreact and elect a socialist’.  Not saying those people are right but there’s a LOT of them out there.  

    This is where I'm at. Always raised as a conservative Democrat. Was a fan of Amy K, but fuck socialism in it's ass. My great uncle that died in Korea would turn over in his grave. Gen Xers grew up during the Cold War when schools still had bombing drills, and paid our own way through college. 


  16. 10 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    That’ll pull more West Texas wool than a machine shear. 

    He already has his pickup line ready. When the wemenz ask what they are, "they are elephant, would you like to see the trunk?"


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