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Posts posted by HiggyBaby

  1. Thought it pretty decent. Didn't care for Glover's Lando voice. Like he just watched a couple colt 45 commercials and decided to wing it.

    Saw it last night and had the same thought. I will say I intentionally avoided this thread and anything about this movies before going in. About halfway through I saw Clint Howard and was like WTF is this a Ron Howard flick? Had no idea. Overall pretty enjoyable. Thought the soundtrack was great and use of music in the scenes was great. Was confused about Darth Maul too, considering we heard some “duel of fates” during the scene.
  2. Took in Kenny Chesney last night at ATT Stadium. The show itself was great. Less of his older straight country and more of his “beach pirate” stuff, which I’m not afraid to admit I dig. But the Deathstar continues to be a terrible venue. Acoustics were awful.


  3. Just caught up. Overall really enjoying , although the pacing can be slow at times.

    Did I miss something with J Edgar and his wife? End of season 3 he got shot and I thought that was the source of separation. But in this season she’s all like we’re divorced because you slept around and I don’t want to get back together. I feel like I missed an entire episode somewhere.
    Also agreed that the KTK storyline was a letdown in how it wrapped up.

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