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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by smuggs

  1. 5 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    “And I have these little special stones and healing stones and protection stones and she has me wear a necklace and take these drops she makes, I say all these mantras,” Brady said. “And I stopped questioning her a long time ago. I just shut up and listen. And then I french kissed my son."



    • Haha 1
  2. 7 hours ago, woohorn said:

    If you are in pain now (abscess), the root canal will be an instant relief because it will relieve the pressure of the infection.

    This here. Mine was relief from a level of pain that had me wanting to lay across some railroad tracks. Had a slight dull toothache on a Thursday, woke up Friday morning  to a full-blown dumpster fire and couldn't get an appointment until Monday morning. By the time I got into the dentist chair I was close to tears and the second he deadened my jaw it was instantaneous relief. He could have pulled every tooth in my head and given me dentures at that point, I didn't give a shit.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    I am not here to defend what he did but first of all he has not been convicted of anything with this latest ... uh .. mistake...and second how many of you assholes have driven after having a few drinks and just not been pulled over? (yes a few drinks will get you a DWI arrest)

    My guess is most of you, me included.

    Does not mean he needs to go to fucking rehab. 

    I certainly do not condone what he did and think he is more of a dumb ass than a habitual drinking alcoholic.

    So quit throwing stones or you windows will be compromised.





    Well, he blew a .246 the first time around. Three fucking times the legal limit is a tad bit more than "a few drinks".

    So I guess we'll soon find out if he again had just "a few drinks" before getting a DWI for the second time in three years.

    Maybe he'll kill someone on his third go-round and then he'll meet your qualifications for alcoholism?

    • Like 1
  4. I run 285/75/18 Toyo RTs on my 2013 F150 with a level (stock rims). I get a tiny bit of rub at full lock in reverse, not a big deal at all.

    It's a ~34 3/4" x ~11 1/4" wide tire.



  5. ^^^ Pull it. Can't wait to take the kids there. City stuff, ocean stuff, mountain stuff all within minutes of each other. We lucked out and got 2 days of beautiful sunshine. Then got 2 days of drizzling rain, which was fucking awesome up along the misty trails around Squamish. Bring some rain jackets and waterproof hikers.

    • Like 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

    What would one do in Vancouver/Victoria over 3-4 days in April? Weather is cool as usual, but the price is right.



    Hotel Georgia

    Prohibition Bar (in the Georgia)

    Miku Sushi

    Grouse Grind

    Sea to Sky gondola in Squamish

    Shannon Falls

    Granville Market

    Capilano suspension bridge


    Went there in April last year for our 10 year anniversary. Kick ass trip...

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Bevo VIII said:

    How many of you plan to stay subscribed? To me it isn’t worth the subscription cost anymore.

    There's a shit ton of content on Sirius other than Howard. I haven't listened to terrestrial radio in 15 years and I'm never going back. 

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  8. 21 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    There is a little known technique for preventing these hot dog skirmishes -- look at the menu and see how much a hot dog costs.  If you think it costs too much, move along.

    Not surprised that internet badasses are defending that guy.  It would have been trivially easy to simply walk away, but I guess the 'roid rage took over.  Enjoy jail.


    If there is a "hidden relish fee" late in the hot dog transaction that I was not informed of upon the initial verbal terms of my hot dog sales agreement?

    You're goddamned right I am going to beat the shit out of multiple females who might question my stance regarding unscrupulous hot dog sales tactics.


  9. 14 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    I’d of rather had a hardbody or frontier than a fucking S10 or Colorado. 

    Former owner of both a 2001 S10 ZR2 and a 2003 Frontier, here to confirm the above statement is accurate.

    S10 was hands down the worst vehicle purchase that I have ever made.

  10. 4 hours ago, Bat Guano said:

    Maybe 'sucks' is too strong to apply to the Beatles, but they were not, objectively, as good as their reputation. 

    Says who?

    You and an infinitesimal amount of critics, industry insiders, fellow musicians and fans in the world ≠ overrated. 

    Pull your head out of your ass.






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