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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by smuggs

  1. 13 hours ago, Vito Andolini said:

    ...and without a moment’s pause, Fred dropped Little Lupe’s, “Vagina pussy!”

    Ha, he pulled out "Vagina pussy!" just the other day during the news. First time I had heard it in years (on a live show). 

    Little Lupe is a goddamned treasure.

  2. He's incredible. There is nothing better than when Fred starts hitting the fart noises when the conversation turns to ass-related topics. If I could make a request it would be that he bring back the drops of people on the street trying to pronounce "Gary Dell'Abate" whenever Gary fucks up. 

    "Gary Dellabeeshu"

    "Grey Della-bob-bob-bookie"

    "Gary Dell-la-bahtaaaay"



  3. 6 hours ago, ztejas said:

    While I'm at it, need to tell you you're most likely a fucking dumbass. 

    Aliens is good. It's an above average 80s sci-fi/action. Probably on the level of Terminator 2. 

    It isn't an indispensable classic like its predecessor. 

    For one, the girl that plays "Newt" is god awful. I might have turned the damn film off if I had to hear her screech RIIIIIIPPPPLEEEEEEEY one more fucking time. No wonder that actress never did shit after that. 

    It's a fun action flick and great sequel. Nothing more. Not nearly as well-crafted or visceral as the original. Just like T2 is a fun sequel to a badass, groundbreaking action film. 


    Aliens is one of the greatest sequels of all time. It is absolutely an indispensable science fiction classic and indeed a badass groundbreaking action film. Cameron wrote Aliens while he was still working on Terminator. He didn't set out to rehash the suspense of the original - he created a new story where hypermasculinity, false supremacy and corporate greed in the face of war are squashed by the reality of a fucking brutally efficient enemy. And he superbly used the foundation and components of the original film to accomplish this.

    The special effects are phenomenal even to this day. Cameron's vision of a stark, militaristic space occupation still has an influence on the science fiction genre 33 years later.

    The cast is incredible. Henriksen, Paxton, Reiser, Biehn... and Sigourney. Cameron told the studio to fuck off when they didn't want her in the film. She is the OG ass-kicking female lead and she did it effortlessly because she is an incredible actress. Her nomination for Best Actress in '86 is a testament to the quality of this film.


    I agree with you -  Alien is my favorite of the two films. But to dismiss Aliens as nothing more than a fun 80's action flick is preposterous.

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  4. Why go so far as to kill Tony's entire crew and then stop? Tony didn't have anybody left. The sit down was to lull him into a false sense of security.

    Tony is a power hungry MF'er who is only going to come back and get at you when the time is right. You whack him, install the nincompoop Paulie as boss and now you easily have control over both families. Done deal.


  5. 6 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    This and The Thing really nailed the nowhere to run horror motif. 

    This. Follow up Alien with The Thing if you haven't seen it already. 

    And you're strangely attracted to Sigourney because she will take you to pound town after whipping your ass in a game of Trivial Pursuit. There's not a damn thing wrong with that.


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