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Posts posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. Misses:




    Both roles.  Will Farrell is too silly to take any of the action seriously or care about the plot.  Marky Mark isn't funny enough to make me think it's a comedy. 

    Going too far on either side of that spectrum end up making it a poor man's Bad Boys, with kinda funny but mostly action Will Smith and mostly funny and kinda action Martin Lawrence.  Seems like both leads have to kinda pitch in on both parts of "action comedy."  Maybe it's just a bad script though.


  2. 1 hour ago, JustBecause said:

    I’ll play your game.  Yes I have a BS and MS in Engineering from Texas.  Your pithy comments aside I notice that if you (Including all your cohorts on this website) don’t agree with someone’s view point you call them names and neg them.   Which is fine but I would think it would be boring yelling inside this echo chamber  all the time. 

    playing the game I assume you are a Texas grad but  that really doesn’t matter either way to me. 

    Good for you.  Obviously very smart.  

    Now apply those brains to go and pick up any scholarly writings on “treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors”and see if a violation of a criminal statute (hint — those were passed after they wrote that in the constitution) is needed. 

    have the fortitude to say “I’m smarter than hannity. I don’t need him to tell me what is true.  I can learn it myself.”


    1 hour ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    I'm curious, though. (not trolling). Given the rancor surrounding her from the GOP et al, were she in office for the past three years she would have had no House, no Senate but the economy continuing the climb it started prior to the election. Would the midterms have been as successful? How would things stand now w/respect to people's views given the economy? Would there have been an impeachment w/respect to the Bidens coming from the GOP and trying to tie it to her?

    That would be successive Democratic presidents which is somewhat rare. If this was discussed elsewhere, I'm happy to go off and read about it in another topic so as not to derail.

    Agree with TwiceHorn, but wanted to chime in that I'd give up the 2018 blue wave for hillary over trump 100 times out of 100.  trump is an existential crises to the jeffersonian experiment.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 hours ago, JustBecause said:

    Curious, since what I said is indisputable. 

    Are you a UT grad?  I am honestly curious about retards that have achieved things in life.  How they must have compartmentalized things in their brain or something like that.  Something that allowed you to do well enough in school to get a pretty respected degree, but remain completely unaware about even the basics of something impeachment, which was front page news with in depth stories everywhere.  If I've incorrectly assumed you are a college grad and you are just retarded in all aspects of life, I apologize.

    • Like 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, TXSG8R said:

    Hillary would certainly have an agenda, but she would play within the rules.  I guess that makes her deep state.  

    All Presidents have egos.  All want glory.  But every other one in our history -- let's go back to WWII, since that is the history we all know the best -- has sought there glory through the reflected glow of "look what I built."  They tried to make some aspect of the country the best it can be, knowing that they in turn get to stroke off on their greatness when everyone attributes it to them.  Trump is unique in his quest just for praise, money, and watching people grovel.  There is no attempt at reflected glow.  

  6. 1 hour ago, JustBecause said:

    Probably has more legal standing than the impeachment debacle.  Since there is an actual law being violated. 

    biggest reason i don't call myself a republican any more?  everyone associated with them spends all their time demonstrating that they don't know what the hell they are talking about.

    • Like 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    Again, what exactly can Trump/the GOP actually do?

    Romney is a multi-millionaire senator who presides over a seat that hasn’t belonged to a democrat since January of 1977.

    Trump, as well as the GOP, literally has nothing to threaten him with. He’s rich and the Mormons fucking love him. This is a guy who carried Utah in the 2012 election with a percentage that rivaled Reagan’s in 1984.

    In the Senate midterm election, facing the so called Blue Wave, he still managed to capture nearly 2/3rds of the vote. The only way that Mitt Romney loses that seat is if he retires or dies. He’s not getting voted out and he won’t face expulsion either. And even if they could manage to get him out, he’s not going to be suffering. Again, the guy’s net worth is somewhere in the $200 million range, and he cares about that more than he does being a senator.

    The only thing rich fucks like that care about is their legacy since there’s nothing else to really worry about. He wouldn’t want to be known as the deciding vote, and in that alternate reality, he would be. 

    I appreciate your willingness to concede the pettiness and vindictiveness of that party, but let’s not kid ourselves into believing that this was some brave act of heroism. It wasn’t. If he was as principled as you’re making him out to be, he would announce today that he’s switching parties. Watch him do exactly not that. Watch him, instead, take to Twitter how fucking great he thinks Rush Limbaugh is...


    oh wait, he already did that.

    this is all aggressively dumb

  8. 2 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    In an empty gesture guaranteed to do nothing but generate headlines. Sorry for the cynicism, but it’s easy to make a good speech when you know the outcome isn’t in doubt

    it has huge implications of blowback on him.  it is in no way an empty gesture.

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