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Posts posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. 1 minute ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    This seems like a win for Virginia.  What's the problem?

    It's about like when Eastern Washington or California's Central Valley want to leave.  By all means, go.  They're the poorest parts of their states.  Good luck with that.

    It’s EV manipulation.  Make red states bigger, blue states smaller. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Mole said:

    It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

    It is easier to fit through the eye of a needle, because you are nothing but pink mist, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Trump's +14 is definitely an Alabama poll. 

    Then again, maybe they do like Jones. They'll just like his crook GOP opponent more.

    one thing i've been turning over in my head is that the SEC part of the country has more of a bunker mentality than the rest of the US, which ties to the unfailing loyalty to whatever is 'theirs,' despite it crumbling all around them.  don't really know.  still trying to think through it.  but anyway, maybe now jones is one of 'theirs', so he gets defending.  he's sort of like diamond and silk or something to them, needed to be held up as 'one of the good ones' to show that they are not narrow minded.

  4. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6674139-Hobbs-en-banc.html


    9th Circuit finds violations in Arizona of the VRA in a breezy 400 page opinion, including violation of not just discriminatory impact, but discriminatory intent.  good job, republicans.


    interesting facts in there:  in 2012, 33,000 votes, more than 5% of all votes, were tossed.


    A cool bit of evidence from the opinion.  So, in Arizona, they will toss your vote entirely if you vote in the wrong precinct.  That is, even though everyone can vote for the same President and Senator regardless of where in the state they live, if they show up at the wrong voting precinct, you vote with a provisional ballot so that you'll feel like you voted, and they (eventually) toss it in the trash.

    The facts show that white neighborhoods tend to keep the same voting precincts, while minority neighborhoods keep getting theirs moved around.


    A group of 44 voters who were officially registered to vote in precinct 222, showed up on election day at the Desert Star School, the polling location for precinct 173.  It is easy to understand how they might have made this mistake.  Polling place 173 is the local elementary school, and the only polling place in the vicinity.  It is within easy walking distance, and is the polling place for most of the neighbors and other parents at the school yet due to a bizarre placement of the polling place at the southern border of precinct 222, these voters were required to travel 15 minutes by care (according to google maps) to vote in polling location 222, passing four other polling places along the way.

    it amazes me how clever these people get at figuring out how to suppress votes.  

    • Like 3
  5. 1 minute ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    But he also said that the president believes his reelection is good for the country so, naturally, extorting a foreign leader into smearing his political rival is, in his mind, good for the country. 

    i would like to know where that line of reasoning ends.

    my reelection is good for the country . . . so my campaign will be publicly funded.

    my reelection is good for the country . . . so i've decided not to hand over power in 2021.

    my reelection is good for the country . . . so i've decimated (original meaning) the registered democratic population in swing states.

    of course, it doesn't have to be "my reelection."  The logic seemingly extends to whatever he believes is good for the country.

    1 minute ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Bold move, going with the Costanza defense.

    Image result for it's not a lie if you believe it gif


    also true.  there isn't any way to test trump really believed it.  there is no objective components.  and we certainly can't, say, have thorough examination on the topic.


    so i believe the real answer is, every president begins each term with the phrase "everything i'm doing the next four years are things that i think are in the best interest of the country."  Seems to be impeachment proof at that point.

  6. 10 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    It is quite sad really - they don't realize their dreams have already been divided up, financialized, and are no longer available to them. They are left holding the rope as the wealth concentrates in tiny citadels around the world. The ones that realize it become bitter. At that small point in time, most can be reached. But elite lackeys are cruel, so they harden, put on their protective shell, and withdraw into anger.

    This type of behavior (below) by the media and talking heads is extremely unhelpful and unhealthy for this nation. This drives these Americans to Trump. 


    That is a former McCain Republican on the right. 


    i'll convince them by being right, not by being nice.

  7. 8 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Friendo and Sporto were both solid nominees. 

    Actually, the whole cast of no country for old men was awesome all the way down to the Gaelic wife or whatever she is that they cast as a West Texas gal, and the old man Tommy Lee Jones commiserates with at the end of the movie about the passage of time.

    • Like 1
  8. Ones I think that I don’t always see on these sorts of lists. 

    Christoph Waltz in the Bond movie. 
    Channing Tatum in Hateful 8.  
    Eli Roth as the Bear Jew. 
    John C Reilly in Gangs of NY.  Cameron Diaz too. 
    The guy who played Desh in the Bourne movie was about as boring as you could play a super assassin. 




    9 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:


    there is a ton of writing about what it takes to be an impeachable offense.  if that tweet is a true reflection of starr's argument, he's off the rails.  it also occurs to me that a trial judge can shut down argument that is contrary to the law.  seems like roberts has that option here, no?



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