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Posts posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. 1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

    And what is your actual, practical suggestion for how he should have handled that situation?


    literally my first post on it:  if Bernie would have taken a few steps forward and said "Folks, I'm going to get up here and speak in 10 minutes, but please give these people your time until then.  We've got great things [something something upbeat]!"

  2. 9 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    What's the right course of action there, Internet tough guys?

    If you can’t handle a pep rally, it doesn’t inspire confidence.  

    If you want actual suggestions, start with taking the one unifying voice there and have him step to the mic and ask for unity and to listen to message. But that’s probably just my inner tough guy talking. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

    Maybe one of the law dogs will chime in, but I think that there is a fairly substantive difference between issuing a dissenting opinion that the majority is wrong as a matter of interpretation of the law versus an objection that the majority is politically biased. But either way, you claimed that normalizing the view that the court was unable to operate correctly because of political bias was dangerous. That's pretty much exactly what Sotomayer did, and is the basis for certain views on SCOTUS reforms. If it's dangerous, it's dangerous.  Whether it is Trump or Butti or Sotomayer. 

    i'd suggest you read the dissent.  it is explicitly in terms of the law.  she compares the threshold for showing imminent harm varies based on the appellant, and suggests that the standards are not applied consistently.

  4. 9 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    the thing isaw was that she retweeted some anti-trump tweet. is that the limit?

    a good excuse for me to express my biggest beef with political commentary these days.


    what you are trying to do is establish a test, and then apply the test to the facts.  that isn't allowed in today's analysis.  all that matters is if you can analogize to something someone of the other political party did.


    in non-snarky terms:  this is my biggest beef of the last 12 months or so.  so much undisciplined thought.  should trump be impeached?  well, if you'll remember, president [x] also asked country [y] for [z], and he wasn't impeached.  therefore, no.  it's never:  well, it says we should if he committed treason, bribery, HC&M. did he commit any of those?

    • Like 1
  5. 16 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    Yeah I don't see the point in even thinking about Trump. I don't get it.

    #Resistance Twitter is responsible for the most painful shit.



    cringe.  i asked my 80 year old mom what she thought about trump and she z-snapped and said "bubby didn't raise no dummy. sista sista gonna clap clap dat 2 ton sunagun on da run." ended with another z snap and a hair toss as she walked away.  everyone clapped.

  6. Also, lulz at those "propositions" we were voting on.  I voted on the first few, but one too many "should people have access to clean water or should we poison everyone" and "do you support banning jabbing ice picks through puppies eyes" that I just skipped them.

    • Like 1
  7. On 2/21/2020 at 3:35 PM, Brisketexan said:

    Dude....there are a LOT of races that matter down-ballot where you can vote for the strongest candidate who will be running against Trumpist Republicans.  Texas Supreme Court nominations matter, a lot.  Same with local congressional races, and the Senate race.  If you want to defeat Trumpism, you don't just do it by cheering on the QB -- you gotta draft good OL, LBs, CBs, etc.  The full roster matters.  Beat Trumpists everywhere.  Beat them at fucking dog-catcher.

    Fine assholes.  Yo vote’.  My ballot was hilarious as I did the review. I realized it was almost all women.  

  8. 2 hours ago, Nole-4-Life said:

    The Hustle was a very shitty remake of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Almost to the letter. They just substituted Ann Hathaway and Rebel Wilson for Michael Caine and Steve Martin.

    And it didn't work. At all.

    lulz.  never knew they made this.  gosh, i wonder which one was cast as the sophisticated thief and which was the uncultured oaf?

  9. 21 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    and how did indy know that they would be safe if they didn't look?

    it's a little more direct two films later:


    the penitent man is humble before the lord. a humble man kneels.  KNEEL!


    his humility (averting his eyes) saved him.

  10. 4 hours ago, Gap03 said:

    Gotta think that's a function of a lot of D voters out there still trying to figure out which presidential candidate they're going to vote for.  All the "hurr durr" voters in Van Zandt aren't doing a lot of soul-searching before they vote - they probably printed out their EmpowerTexans endorsements and headed straight to the polls to show their undying love for the orange god.


    3 hours ago, Larry T. Spider said:

    This. I was still weighing my options until a few days ago. Still plan to vote early but wanted to see how a few things shook out in the presidential primary first.

    There is also a D group, of which I am a part, that doesn't care who the nominee is this year.  I'm 100% certain to be a voter in November and am pretty uninterested in the primaries.

    • Like 1
  11. 31 minutes ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    Raiders is obviously a brilliant movie & suspending belief is a requirement but easily done because it's such a fantastic ride, but the one fuck up that gets harder & harder for me to swallow each time is the Well of the Souls and its location.

    The Germans are digging all over the desert & cant find it. They dont have the complete medallion that Indy uses in the map room to locate the exact point. Indy and Sallah dig on the outskirts of the site unnoticed by Belloq and the nazis. But when they're discovered & trapped underground by Belloq they escape through the snake walls then quickly climb to the surface & push aside a huge stone to reveal...they're 50 yards from a German airstrip. WTF?

    Yeah, well of the souls confused me even as a kid, just watching Indy take a whole group of guys to work within sight of the Nazis and no one said anything. 

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