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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. That is certainly what RU propaganda would like spread.
  2. Russia has been exposed as a paper tiger and there will be consequences.
  3. Well, they don't have to worry about a bunch of Chechnya mercenaries turning on them as Ukraine killed the poor bastards.
  4. Agreeing to the meeting and Big Balls personally being there are two different things.
  5. Brass ovaries. She's birthed 7 kids so definitely brass ovaries
  6. So, just how many RU aircraft were taken out in the opening night that RU planes aren't flying, much less dominating, the sky above Ukraine?
  7. So, about those point and click operator proof weapons. This is video of an NLAW being used. Armor is pretty much obsolete and we're going back to trenches. https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t2nes0/ukrainian_antitank_weapon_vs_russian_tank/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
  8. Occupation to cut off all supplies and starve the local population out. Means RU troops are taking huge losses and time is the better choice than force.
  9. All of Europe, including the former Bloc, are telling Moscow they'd rather be dead than Red.
  10. Doesn't also mean RU warships can only return to base but will not be able to leave the Black Sea?
  11. I'll buy that guy a pack of smokes any time. Surprised he can walk with balls that big.
  12. The Ghost is real in the Santa way. We all make it happen. You are the Ghost and I am the Ghost.
  13. Have you not noticed the complete ineptness of the Russian military against modern tech? NATO can teabag RU at will. RU is reportedly asking for peace talks 72 hours into getting pants.
  14. I've been thinking my tourist dollars will be spent there soon.
  15. Just put it out on the curb. It will be gone in a couple of hours.
  16. Something to note is RU isn't putting out any film for RU success.
  17. I'm interested in how long adherence to turning phones off lasts.
  18. This goes to the Russian riot police column getting destroyed earlier today from arriving in theater with no support. I'm guessing no one told them new shit's come to light and the schedule has 'a few' changes.
  19. Political theater giving up that that they never controlled.
  20. Those were Russian nukes on Ukraine soil that Ukraine never controlled.
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