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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. 4 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    Or, you know, someone associated with the economy.  I mean, I guess they are competent.  But do you realize how fucking stupid it is to have the HHS director discussing this?

    It's like having Ben Carson discussing border issues.

    You mean like putting Rick Perry in charge of the Energy Department? And I could name like a hundred other appointments that are fucking stupid.  By the way I agree it is crazy to have the HHS director talking about the economy.  Just send Kudlow out there to tell everyone its great.

  2. 11 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Trump is so science-averse that he doesn't even know the limited action he took was basically step 1 on a long list of things that needed to be done in order to somewhat mitigate this thing.  And, to be honest, he skipped step 0, which was "don't disassemble our national and international disease response teams".

    I honestly believe he thinks shutting down travel from certain regions should be sufficient.  His ignorance combined with his ego makes it impossible for him to get even remotely educated on any of this.  Throw in his base instinct, which is to protect his election chances, and we are so proper fucked (as many have said, many times).

    The bigger problem is the 60 million Americans that believe everything he says.  They will be out there with their “cold”, going to work and spreading the virus and doing it because their leader said it is no big deal.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, clapclapclap said:

    It's the Daily Mail, so may or may not be true:


    What it's REALLY like to catch coronavirus: First British victim, 25, describes how 'worst disease he ever had' left him sweating, shivering, and struggling to breathe as his eyes burned and bones ached

    Connor Reed, 25, an expat teacher from North Wales, lives and works in Wuhan

    In November, he became the first British man to catch the deadly coronavirus  

    Here he explains how he beat the illness that is sweeping across the globe


    24 days to recover, but the idiot didn't take the medicine prescribed.

    Also, ded:



    OK, the being only 25 and struggling to breathe part scares the shit out of me.  I may have to wear a hazmat suit on my plane to Philly next week.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Well, there's a Detroit News poll out that says that Bernie is down 20 points among voters who have already cast early ballots in Michigan.  And that was before the party coalesced around Biden over the past 72 hours.

    I mean--I'm with you.  Michigan is important.  Bernie won it four years ago.  And I think he's going to demonstrate next week just how much of his vote in 2016 was an anti-Hillary vote.

    As to Arizona and Florida, I don't know what would lead you to think that states with high retiree populations would be favorable for Sanders.  The Hispanic community will help him in Arizona, no doubt.  But the Cubans in Florida are going to kill him--those Castro comments were disastrous.  

    Unfortunately most of those Cubans vote Republican anyway so it won't hurt Sanders.  That being said, Sanders will most likely lose FL to Biden.  I am guessing MI and PA will go Biden also and many of the states that are left will go Biden meaning Bernie, whether right or wrong, won't be getting the nomination.  

  5. 30 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Top 1% income is $420k+ (nice). It's EXTREMELY common for that group to seek rents (either literally via property or "passive income" where other people do the actual labor). The Top 1% isn't average Joe workers.

    $420K doesn't last as easily as you think it does.  Between my Mercedes payments, mortgage, country club dues, etc... I struggle just like everybody else to make ends meet.

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  6. 1 minute ago, RPM said:

    Huge turnout everywhere. Let's see... you put an egomaniacal, half-wit, hate monger in charge of the country and watch him grift every penny he can while selling the office favor to the highest bidder and a shitload of people don't like it. Maybe that's what it took to get the people off their ass and vote.

    Sadly, how many people saw this same thing and said, “yeah that is the kind of President I have always wanted”. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    You forgot the option for "I am moderately concerned about the virus, but seriously concerned about the dumbass humans". 

    This right here.  My company just announced banning all non essential travel anywhere domestic or international.  Bunch of panicky bitches in my opinion.

  8. 1 hour ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    Seriously, quick show of hands: who right now on here has a decent cold or just got over one?


    (raises hand)



    seems like most of my coworkers and a lotta friends (i work in the operating room setting) are sick with something

    Still getting over Flu A from two weeks ago (got the cough still).  I get a flu shot every year and haven't had the flu in like 20 years but that shit a few weeks ago knocked my ass down.  I travel via plane around the country every week so god knows where I picked it up.

  9. 4 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Just continually doubling down on how stupid and useless the serfs are... wow.

    Yes, I have (and do) serve on boards. Corporate boards, school boards (public and private), church boards, non-profit boards...

    When workers have representation on boards, they don't just pull someone randomly out of a hat to sit in. Do you seriously think that's how it works? Jesus Christ.

    Oh, OK.  You serve on multiple corporate boards and spend your days posting on Surly all day long about how great Bernie Sanders is. At least act like a good troll and try and be believable. 

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  10. The entire debate is just brutal for the Democratic Party.  Instead of having topics like healthcare, climate change, etc... where each candidate discusses why their plans and views are the best for the country we just have everyone slinging shit at each other.  Except Bloomberg, who is just standing there letting everyone throw shit on him.  It does not inspire voters to vote for any of these clowns.

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