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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. 1 hour ago, washparkhorn said:

    Preferred candidate? Thanks!

    I am not locked into one yet.  I am a life long Democrat so I will vote for whomever goes against Trump.   As a life long Democrat Bernie would be my last choice since he isn’t even a member of the Democratic Party.  That being said even if he joined it I do not care for most of his ideas.  I lean more moderate than to the left I guess.  Right now I want someone that can win and my gut tells me that is Bloomberg if he adds a African American woman as VP  (someone like Stacy Abrams).  I think Bloomberg will do some stuff on gun control, the environment and bring normalcy back to being President.  Maybe even get the ACA back on track with some changes and a public option as a choice would be fine with me.  I don’t want Medicare 4 all, free college or any of that.  This country has so many morons I could be persuaded for free clown or barber college though.  Maybe clown barbers is what this country needs to help us heal.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Uhhh, I don't think that's how this works.  You're going to need a majority of delegates.

    Uhhh, I think if you harrass people on a message board all day long about how great your candidate is and then scream, Bernie, Bernie, Bernie then he gets the nomination.  Pretty sure I read that somewhere.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:


    Maybe it’s his wife’s money.  Also in case you didn’t notice,  Bernie ain’t exactly poor either.  They are all rich.  Who was the last poor person to be in the senate or house of reps?

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, JimmyJames said:

    Hasn’t a different troll already posted this bullshit story? 

    It was.  I also got it twice on my facebook feed.  Any way to find out if the trolls on this site actually attended UT or are from America?  I’m not just talking about the right wing trolls but there seem to be some Bernie trolls that must be paid by his campaign to post every positive about him and negative about every other candidate all fucking day long.  Also, where is Hugo?  Did he get shipped off to a gulag in Siberia or something.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    It still amazes me (I know, it shouldn’t) that the EXACT same people who thought a single conversation with Loretta Lynch I’m on the tarmac was scandalously improper and dangerously undermined the rule of law...but the POTUS treating the entire DOJ like his personal law firm, directing them who to take it easy on and such...is awesome and MAGA.

    I mean, the exact thing they told us was awful....they cheer a much worse version of.

    There are no rules anymore. Do whatever you want - that’s it, that’s the only rule that’s left.

    It’s scary now but the real scary part comes when he doesn’t just have the DOJ take it easy on his friends but when they start going after his enemies.  Not Trump just blustering but when Barr starts opening cases and jailing people who oppose Trump politically or otherwise like Bernie, Biden, Bezos, etc....then the real problems are upon us.

  6. 52 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Any of y'all who have wondered why I have said that Trump is a stone-cold lock for re-election....just go back through this thread as a snapshot of exactly why that's going to happen.

    We have enough people who are willing to watch the country burn on a pyre of their zero-compromise principles to tilt the whole thing Trump's way.  It only takes a few percentage points, and he's already got them.  

    Eight years of Trump, guaranteed.

    I think you mean 12 years and then Junior takes over.

  7. What is the fucking hurry about declaring the democratic nominee right now?  We have a process so let it play out.  Bernie won two small states (IA and NH).  I am pretty sure we don't want to base the nominee on these states or we could have ended up with a President Huckabee or President Santorum.  In a month we will have gone through a few more states and Super Tuesday and if Bernie is still winning all of those he has a good shot at the nomination.  We really do this ass backwards as a country and should implement something like noted in the post above what Bakari Sellers is pushing.  Have 4 diverse states every couple of weeks.  Throw some big ones in there like PA, MI, IL, FL along with NV, SC, NH, IA, and mix them up so we can get a good mix of what the country wants.

  8. 1 hour ago, HenryJames said:


    I’m confused.  Is he saying that Mike is a bad golfer and we should only vote for good golfers for President since that is a key skill to running this country?  I guess I would rather have John Daly as president over Trump so maybe this makes sense.

  9. 7 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:


    This is quite literally the argument used to support Hillary.

    Let's make sure to learn nothing.


    We get it.  You love Bernie and all you do is knock every other candidate.  I hate to break it to you but many people in this country do not believe in a socialist model of government.  Hillary didn't campaign in the upper Midwest and took it for granted and that (plus a strong Russian disinformation campaign) cost her the election.  It's like your a paid Russian troll who is trying to push that Bernie is the best choice just so he is the Dem nominee and gets destroyed by Trump in the general election.

  10. 1 minute ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Bloomberg is going to have an advantage of just being the new person on the stage. After a while you get tired of hearing candidates repeat the same thing over and over.


    His big advantage (not saying this is right) is that he comes across as not too old and senile (Biden), not a woman (Warren/Klobuchar), not a socialist (Bernie) and not gay (Buttigieg).  If people can get past the Jew thing (they won't) he could beat Trump.  Sadly, I think they all lose to Trump.  The Democrats just had to find a moderate that could win some of the states like MI, WI, PA, FL, AZ, NC.  I can't believe their stable of politicians throughout the country doesn't have someone that is a male, mid 50's somewhat charismatic and moderate.  I personally have no problem with any of the current Dem candidates being President and I will vote for whomever they put forth but too much of this country will have problems with a women President or a gay President or a Jewish President.  I know Obama won two terms but I think the racism in this country has been amped up to the point that it would be tough for a candidate that is black/Hispanic/Asian/middle eastern to win nationally in this climate.  They could have just nominated Tom Hanks and he would win in a landslide is my guess.  I hope I am wrong.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, henrygandorf said:

    sondlond also out.

    someone is tying up loose ends.

    I feel like I’m watching the end of The Godfather. “Today I settled all family business.  You have to answer for Ukraine Sondland. Vindman is gone, his brother is gone, Yovanovitch gone so don’t tell me your innocent”.

    • Like 3
  12. 10 hours ago, Burt said:

    He's not in the back of the bus.  Progress?

    I noticed he didn’t actually have a seat but was in the aisle as there were people taking up all the seats in that row.  I am guessing after the picture they told him to get off the plane.  Hopefully it wasn’t up in the air at the time.

  13. 1 hour ago, Horn80 said:

    Won’t surprise me if Chiefs win more in future and 49ers tank like the Rams did and don’t return for a long time.  Twist of fate has long term implications.

    They have next year and then Mahomes gets paid.  Let’s see what kind of talent KC can surround him with on both sides of the ball when his salary goes from 4 million a year to 40 million a year.  They may lose guys like Hill, Kelce and their D.  I think the 49ers have a better team built for the long run to compete.   Not saying they will win it all just be a good team for a while.

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