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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. Oh no doubt. You will never see Rogan challenge even the battiest shit that squirts into his podcast.
  2. I feel like Jim Mora saying this: But...ideas? Don’t talk about ideas. You kiddin’ me? Ideas? I just wish most of them would learn what an opinion actually is. pssshhhh. Ideas
  3. Either that or he's on some shit. This stinks of a Jimmy Snuka-Nancy Argentino situation in an awful way.
  4. I mean it's certainly not due to intellectual considerations over policy differences between Trump and Clinton/Biden. It's mere tribal loyalty, and one would be fooling themselves if they think that those in Kingwood, Woodlands, Collin County, et al have a keener political sense than those in Sherman County. That's all a giant ruse now. Regardless of what any of those 74.2 million people's reasons were, They. Voted. For. Trump. Trump and Trumpism isn't a controversial subject. It's a clear and present evil, and a vote for it is a conscious endorsement of that evil. All this other shit that's being discussed about it are colors and lights, smoke and mirrors, bells and whistles, whatever your preferred phrase to describe what essentially amounts to shiny objects. Whenever I occasionally hear someone utter the phrase "intellectual Republicans," the first phrase that bounces back at me is a phrase that this fake chef kept saying to Gordon Ramsay on an episode of Kitchen Nightmares:
  5. Fucking this. They get far too caught up in this rhetoric about "reconciliation" whenever they take power. They're the party that in certain election cycles both wins the war AND sues for peace. It's fucking ridiculous. And for those who don't agree: Where was this rhetoric about unity and reconciliation when Trump was inaugurated? Where was this rhetoric about unity and reconciliation when the D's took back the House in 2018? Hell, where was this rhetoric about unity and reconciliation when the R's took the Senate in 2014? Well to the very last question, the answer's very interesting. The answer is that not only was that rhetoric absolutely absent from any mainstream discussion, what we did have was Mitch McConnell telling the whole world "make no mistake: Tonight is a repudiation of President Obama's policies" shortly after the election returns. And that was coming off 4 years of uninterrupted promises to "make Obama a one-term president." Now, republicans might say "oh but he was talking about policies!" Yeah, he certainly was. What he meant was "If President Obama does a Clintonian backflip, if he’s willing to meet us halfway on some of the biggest issues, it’s not inappropriate for us to do business with him...I don’t want the president to fail; I want him to change. So, we’ll see. The next move is going to be up to him." Translation, be like 2nd term Clinton, which was virtually indistinguishable from Reagan/Bush, or else. Be almost literally exactly like us, or else. That's not the rhetoric of a party that's even nominally in favor of "unity and reconciliation." That's an ultimatum, which is the exact antithesis of unity and reconciliation. The Democrats shouldn't be interested in reaching out to Republicans. They should be interested in destroying them. There are factions of the Democratic Party that are interested in that, but that coalition is very small. The establishment wing of the Democratic Party is a roster of filthy compromisers. I've said this before, but they are a party that would rather have one of their own lose a general election to a Republican (even a Trump) than have them primaried by a Bernie or an AOC. That's a problem. As long as their biggest donors are putting their money behind that preference rather than the latter, this vicious cycle will continue, and we all will continue to suffer for it. One lesson we as voters should learn is this: unity and bipartisanship are not the same thing. Unity means that we are striving as a whole to achieve a common purpose regardless of political affiliation. Bipartisanship means two very similar factions of essentially the same party want to meet in the middle on some wedge issues that are usually used to create artificial divisions.
  6. Given the source, one would be a fool to assume this.
  7. Tallest building in Plains, GA
  8. It’s in multiple parts: 1. As I’ve mentioned before, he is of that uber-corporate capitalist mentality that is only able to look at things in the short term. Long term thinking? That’s for pansy pinko liberal socialist communist Democrats. Real Americans only think about today...tomorrow...and the fiscal quarter. Not even really the fiscal year. That’s for fags. Could be corporate fags, but fags nonetheless. Anyways, the thought of various shutdowns made guys like this so squeamish, so Trump resorted to his greatest asset: the ability to, with a straight face, look at a clearly existing problem dead in the eye and say “you are fake news.” 2. He’s also aware of one thing: he attracts the conspiracy nuts like cat nip attracts little Fluffy. The more he pushed his horseshit, the more they loved it. And how did they know they could love it? Well it’s easy. See, he brought in that panel of scientists (Birx, Fauci, et al) several months ago so that they could be the face of the scientific community. If they said anything that was at odds with what Trump was saying, that would just stoke the already existing flames in the burning desire in their urine to hate science for the mere sake of it. It’s an attraction of the most unsavory people that we have, many of whom overlap: the super religious, the conspiracy nuts (flat earthers among others), the severely undereducated, the obviously uneducated, etc. This is his base. I mean seriously, this man pushed the idea of injecting bleach on national television in the presence of Dr. Birx, the media, members of his cabinet, et al. It was one of the most cringeworthy moments in the history of that room; far surpassing Alexander Haig’s “I’m in charge, here.” Drinking bleach is a colloquial phrase that’s associated with very stupid people. You hear someone say something very stupid, and you reply “did you drink bleach as a child?” This asshole literally tried to advance direct injection of same as a means to fight Covid? In a sane country, the electoral count would have been 538-0. Here? Election Night went 4 extra days and this maniac only fell 38 EC votes short of fucking re-election. TL;DR version: his perverse conception of what an “economy” actually is and a totally cynical view of his voting base in an election year.
  9. Not to mention that we can unequivocally assert that the bottom line of the BLM protests were aimed at achieving a moral and noble goal. The terrorism that occurred at the capitol was aimed at overthrowing the elected government of the US and replacing it with an illegitimate, fascist, totalitarian dictator. There is nothing good about what those people were trying to achieve even if you completely ignore all the terroristy stuff that they did to accomplish it. I've seen a lot of dishonesty in my day, and I can say with 100% certainty that the assertion that what happened several months ago in any way compares to what happened 7 days ago is a Bob Beamoning of the bullshit meter.
  10. Hell they won’t even bother impeaching Biden even if the worst things they say are true about his son and that Joe participated in the worst fucking way. They sure as shit do not want President Harris, and they would have precisely 0 people in the line of succession from their own party.
  11. “Josh Hawley - a man whose soul is dipped in dogshit” Objection: assumes facts not in evidence
  12. Hell he told more lies that week than Carter did in his entire life.
  13. You presume he possesses testicles and a heart. Very...presumptuous of you.
  14. That, just like the images from the capitol, will be bells that can never be unrung. The democrats will have the easiest pitch of all time in 2022 and 2024: “They admitted that they were lying, yet they continued lying anyways. Vote for [insert Republican candidate name] and this is in your future.”
  15. Yes and fuck him and fuck everyone who ever pos repped him for that. Those are useless individuals who were, and still are, incapable of contributing anything worth a shit to society.
  16. There’s actually footage of Lin Wood on a call with Matze about the whole situation
  17. Beat me to it. I think the electors have to sign like 5-6 different documents certifying their votes, which would be easily accessible by Pence and the Congress. What they attempted is analogous to if some aggy stole one of the UT footballs on the final drive of the 2011 game and their fans claimed the game was over since that particular ball couldn’t be used by the team. Such is the mind of the citizens of The Fairy Land of Make Believe and Pretend.
  18. His understanding of what the 1st Amendment says is as accurate as it would be if I said “the 2nd Amendment gives me the right to shoot Josh Hawley in the face.” Except that’s not his actual understanding. He knows that, which means he knows he’s lying.
  19. I don't think it really even matters because all section 4 really says about it is "Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President." Notice it does not say "8 of the 15." Just a majority. I suppose the number would have to be established to know what a "majority" would actually be, but as I understand it, there could theoretically be 3 eligible voters in that scenario and 2 no votes would suffice to remove. That having been said, I agree with what a lot of people have said about the 25th: not a very good idea at this point. Better off impeaching.
  20. They’re not even going to flip 10% of that. Recounts, at best, result in about 200-400 votes changing, and it’s not always to the loser’s favor.
  21. Sat on the 37 yard line on the press box side, opposite of the EZ in which Vince scored the winner. Sitting to our left was Jeff Madden’s wife, to our right were David Pino’s parents. My dad scored the tickets from a BMD client of his. In addition, he also provided transportation and lodging. By “transportation,” I mean in this motherfucker’s Gulfstream 3 aircraft, and by “lodging,” I mean he booked a 2-room suite at the goddamn Sheraton Delfina in Santa Monica. Mind you, this event took place about 3.5 weeks after HP broke its 48-year dry spell by prison raping Marshall 59-0 in the state championship game. The whole season was a magical ride. And if you don’t think I wrote a 30-odd page paper entitled “124-Day War of the Roses” to encapsulate the two seasons, you’d be dead fucking wrong about that.
  22. Sure but it was never going to be a shutout or anything remotely close to it. What they’re talking about is a not insignificant mitigation of R turnout. Couple that with the reported impressive early turnout, which again favors the D’s, I wouldn’t at all be shocked if Warnock and Ossoff swept this thing. As I said before, this is like the moment the 1992 AFC Wildcard game went into the OT coin toss. I don’t need to remind anyone who here is playing the role of Houston and who is playing the role of Buffalo.
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