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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. hpslugga


    They’re tied. I shouldn’t have to tell you with whom.
  2. Would be a better idea if people like you could spend the time to properly educate those people. You take their bullshit away via government action and they’re just going to resent you even more than they already do. Their baseline is a distrust in the government, so let’s not feed that. It’s kinda like the recent phenomena of right wingers being invited to speak at colleges only to have their invites rescinded when popular pressure forced it. It’s fucking stupid. Keep the invites, let them speak and inform them “you’re going to have to defend your views in a Q&A forum. This is not a monologue; this is a dialogue.” I promise you, the Ann Coulters, Ben Shapiros and Milos of the world cannot hold their own in such forum. They whither and die like a bad fart in the wind when their incredibly ignorant views get put under a microscope and exposed as the massive intellectual frauds that they are. Now, you may not change Ann Coulter’s mind, but you’ll damn sure take the shine off her to the point where she’s less likely to infect people with her prepubescent nonsense. The same is true with this social media garbage. Just expose it. In fact that’s even easier because you’re doing it on a device with the internet. Just keep posting the real facts of the issue and their audience shrinks to the point where it’s easy to just label the very few people remaining as cult members, quacks, nut bags, et al. Again, you won’t change everyone’s mind but if you’re good at persuasive engagement, you’ll at least get the good swimmers out of the pool and only the weaklings will be left to drown while no one gives a shit.
  3. They’re gonna say that no matter what. It’s kinda like what Pete Buttigieg said about the socialism issue. He said that they can’t worry about those charges because frankly, whatever policy they choose, the republicans will call it socialism. Here, they’re going to allege “deep state conspiracy” against anything and anyone that isn’t actively facilitating the overturn of the election, and then they’ll pat themselves on the back like that BBQ Beer Freedom guy did.
  4. Someone needs to teach that piece of shit what evidence actually is.
  5. I’m telling you, he’s fucking trolling and grifting at the same time. That’s the one talent that he has: believably lying.
  6. Ok, that’s like saying that a benefit to getting decapitated is that you lose 8-10 pounds of body weight. Look, did the establishment suffer a massive exposure as a result of him? Yes. But come on. There are literally thousands of better ways to expose same without electing the absolute worst President in the republic’s history. The idea that voting for him because he was an outsider (which in itself was a bullshit item) was and still is analogous to eschewing Tide in favor of oatmeal and Coca Cola for your laundry because “they’re outsiders!!!” It was fucking stupid before one thought of it, it was stupid in real time, it’s stupid now, and it will always be considered stupid by any serious person.
  7. It’s a symptom of a greater illness from which republicans have suffered for the last 40 years: belief in pure frickin magic
  8. Honestly Trump really doesn't believe that he has any prayer at the WH whatsoever. He's just using his surrogates to incite the base, whom he's currently lobbying like crazy to fund all of this legal mumbo jumbo. That's also why, IMHO, he's incredibly thin on talent as far as attorneys are concerned: find cheap lawyers, take in as much in donations as possible, then throw the lawyers under the bus. I distinctly remember telling people in 2016 "just watch as he does a literal repeat of the USFL." This kind of shit is exactly what I was talking about.
  9. Interesting that asshole couched it in terms of what Fox News imagines it is, "Trump's presidency saved," and not what it really is: abusing the court system with a fucking clown show to achieve an authoritarian coup. These people are a fucking insult to the species.
  10. The idea that the impurity of the dnc even remotely compares to that of the gop is just straight up make believe and pretend. And it’s a completely pointless exercise because it’s self-serving, has no purpose other than to stroke the very fragile minds that come up with this shit, and it doesn’t yield a tangible relief the way that actual masturbation does. Are there a myriad of problems with the DNC as it relates to the responsiveness to the needs/wants of the population? Fuck yes. But that’s a fight that should be confined to the DNC representing the very farthest of the right wing and the progressives representing everyone to the left of that. The republicans are just deadweight. Our 2 “party” system is basically the final match at Medeival Times...except there’s only one warrior knight and he’s facing a fucking clown, and we’re being asked by the King’s squires (media) to believe that this is the best match we can have instead of the other warrior knights that were quickly ejected from the show in deference to the fucking clown.
  11. The week after? They’ll be asking why he’s dancing with his wife at the inaugural ball instead of curing Covid. That’ll be their new “terrorist fist jab”
  12. Yeah they promised blockbuster stuff, nothing happened, and they knew it wouldn’t. This wasn’t some sort of legal mismanagement, this was a dog and fucking pony show. If that OxyContin addicted fuckhead really thought there was actually something to what those liars were selling, he’s even dumber than I thought.
  13. Bubble screens are a metaphor for Trump’s legal strategy.
  14. Herschel Walker, the least of which. That guy is so painfully stupid that it’s very hard to describe.
  15. Thank you. Has the Trump team made any meaningful bills, or are they really just in there acting a fool as they’ve been portrayed in the media as doing so?
  16. Hell I’m not a lawyer and I know that’s how it works in the SC. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s my understanding that the only way they could introduce new evidence is if the grounds for appeal include within it a claim that their evidence was unlawfully blocked in the original trial. Again I could be wrong, but that did not happen here. Quite the opposite. They were explicitly told that they literally introduced no evidence to support their claims. They can’t just walk into any appeals court saying “well we didn’t have evidence before but now we do.” That just sounds more and more like Trump supporters pretending to know how things work and getting indignant because they cannot for the life of them understand why they do not work that way.
  17. Just stop it and admit that you’re just a fanboy of a political party that doesn’t really know anything useful. Do you really think this ghastly circus act is fooling anyone worth a shit?
  18. I liken it more to that 2008 CFB season when 1-11 Washington State defeated 0-11 Washington in double OT.
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