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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. Telling? Yes. The least bit surprising, given this thread’s embarrassing history over the past 9 months? No
  2. Well…yeah. I mean when a significant portion of the power system spends the better part of a half century singing the praises of how super duper star spangled awesome it is to be an anti-intellectual, you’re going to come away with people who think they can be informed without ever reading a relevant book about the topic.
  3. Oh no doubt. I would never own a chow. In fact I’d never own a dog whose breed (with a sufficient sample size) scored below an 80%.
  4. They score between 71-72% on the ATTS test. About the same as a chihuahua.
  5. Recently took Brea for a reunion with her best friend, Micah. Her parents still live in this apartment complex whereas we obviously do not.
  6. And this is where it begins. Fascism has precisely 0 intellectual foundation. It’s a stupid person’s idea of a smart thing to think. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, German working people were really saying that and the unwavering follow-up question they’d ask was “what happened to me?” They were legitimately seeking answers to that question and nobody in the power system would give answers. Adolf Hitler was pretty much the only person in any position of prominence to give answers to those questions… They were batshit insane, morally and intellectually bankrupt answers, but they were nonetheless answers and that’s why the kind of people @Beantown Express 2.0 is describing end up following this bullshit. When you have honest hardworking people go on the decline, they’re going to wonder why and they’re gonna follow the person supplying them with the answers, even if those answers are complete loony bin material…and even if said material is being supplied by people who couldn’t be bothered to give a shit about any of them. That’s exactly why working class people support this useless loser.
  7. Not sure if this is the right board for this, but… https://golfweek.usatoday.com/2024/07/01/popstroke-mini-golf-tiger-woods-texas/
  8. Those probably would be the only three they could name…and they would still be wrong
  9. I’ve seen so many people contend that the “Ten Commandments is a historical document,” and yet they can’t even for the life of them tell you what they are.
  10. You think you’re making good points. It’s fucking hilarious
  11. Stephen Miller is incapable of achieving an erection, which is why he’s so angry all the time.
  12. The DT board would figure him as an instant Heisman front-runner The football board would watch him throw six interceptions on the first six possessions and they’d blame the defensive game plan
  13. The “eclipse.” Their latest hoax, ok? The sun went down early and it was night time, then the sun realized it went down too early then it came back up, ok? That’s all that happened. The fake news media keeps saying that the moon got in front of the sun. Yeah right, like the moon ever comes out during the day time. Sad! *uses a sharpie to show where the moon “really was” at the time of the eclipse* See? The moon was there, ok? This was just a hoax created by Deep State NASA to sell cheap glasses that don’t even make them a profit!
  14. Oh there’s a way to stop it. Question is will enough of us have the stomach for it.
  15. Since we’re here talking about cognitive decline, you should know that the FCC is going to mandate the use of closed captions every time Trump speaks by that point.
  16. Not only that but think about all the US Presidents who were voted out after one term. The more recent ones like Bush, Carter, Ford et al didn’t return for a rematch in the following election, but if they had, would any of you suspect that 91% of their former cabinet would refuse to endorse them? I would have voted for Clinton against Bush if Bush decided to take a second crack at him in 1996, but it would have required a traumatic injury to the brain for me to predict that Cheney, Powell, Quayle, Baker, Brady, Dole, et al would refuse to endorse him and that he only received support from Bob Barr and three of the obscure chucklefucks no one remembered.
  17. There’s nothing wonderful about Roberts County or whatever county that went for Abbot in the last go-around to the tune of 90%. Those counties tend to have fewer than 1,000 residents, are located in the middle of nowhere, are socially homogeneous, not to mention backwards politically. That’s just the life of living in a fucking bubble. I’ve done it before. It is an overrated experience. You don’t know what that even means. That’s just another buzzword that you’re parroting. That’s not the cherished, positive thing that you think it is. Yes they’re very much in favor of an amendment that they know neither what it says nor what it actually means. Again, not the positive and cherished thing that you think it is. That’s just another buzzword you do not understand. You were challenged by @immamac very specifically “I want you to seriously explain your position. What is it that you believe in and vote for. It cannot include "bad shit about Democrats" or "what the other side is gonna do if we don't win" What, in very specific terms are you seeking with your vote and hope that all Republicans on every ballot win” and this was the most comprehensive answer you could muster: a buzzword that you do not understand. Another buzzword you know absolutely nothing about. Yeah, everything.
  18. You already know the answer: Republicans aren’t about policy. They’re not about governing. Their voters certainly can’t be bothered to care about such things. If they did, they wouldn’t be republicans. Poe is a paradigmatic example of what it is to be a Republican voter. These are not serious people that have thoughtful policy positions. These are ignorant people who wear a hat (literally) and cheer for a team. You’re seeing it in Poe’s posts when he speaks of “we/they.” That’s what all this shit is to them: a sport in which you cheer for a team. If you could put any of them on a debate stage even against a mediocre talent like Bill Maher, they’d get thrown under said stage, laughed out of the room, tail tucked between the legs, thumb in the mouth, tears coming out of both eyes and begging for the comfort of their mother’s bosom while lying in fetal position. All it amounts to is a pitiful indictment of the American education system that we have this many motherfuckers more infected with Dunning Kruger than Nicky Crane was with AIDS. Of course they don’t consider that. Hell, I personally know people who believe in that feculent “the 2020 election was stolen from Trump” effluvia and point to that exact issue that leads them to believe it: that Trump made marginal gains on the black vote, and therefore (according to their own feeble logic) he had to have made marginal gains in all communities.
  19. The joke was “how do you circumcise a southern Baptist?” The punchline is “kick his sister in the jaw.”
  20. Thread title needs to be changed, and for obvious reasons. This has never been just about abortion. It’s always been about reproductive rights in general. It’s comfortable, I suppose, to think of it as “well the right has evolved but abortion is still a red line…” but no, it’s not. The right is still the same shameless, hypocritical, morally bankrupt, intellectually primitive, superstitious and irrational lot that it’s always been. Since this thread was started, states have moved to ban IVF, to defund (or essentially defund) Planned Parenthood even though they’d already banned the A-word two years previous, the Republicans in the US Senate blocked a bill that would guarantee access to contraceptives as a protected right, a sitting Supreme Court Justice wrote in an (absolutely ghoulishly and piss-poorly argued) opinion that he wants to overturn the prohibitions on sodomy laws, etc. This is plainly not about abortion. It never really was. It’s about sex and reproductive freedom, argued abysmally by puritanical religious assholes who view sex as exclusively a husband’s privilege/wife’s obligation, to be performed in missionary position and for the explicit purpose of producing offspring. They’re lying through their teeth when they tell you otherwise, and you’d be a fool to believe them.
  21. They wouldn’t be the first federal judges that wanted to do that.
  22. (214) 526-3243 It's a place called Perky Poodle and it's located on West Mockingbird at the Lemmon intersection (shopping center where Fuzzy's Tacos and LA Fitness is also located).
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